Consumer Information
Availability of Employee for Dissemination Purposes
In accordance with federal regulations set forth by The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, below is a list of consumer information that must be disclosed by the College. Each topic listed gives a brief description of the information that must be disclosed and explains how it may be obtained. If you need assistance obtaining information listed, or if you would like a paper copy, contact the Marketing & Communications Office (MARCO) at 251-580-2195.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The College annually informs students of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. This Act, with which the institution fully complies, was designed to protect the privacy of education records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their education records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. Also, students have the right to file complaints with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Office (FERPA) concerning alleged failures by the institution to comply with the Act.
In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, students under the age of 21 who commit a violation of drug and alcohol policies and laws will have such violation(s) reported to their parents/guardians.
Local policy explains in detail the procedures to be used by the institution for compliance with the provisions of the Act. Copies of the policy are also available to students in the Registrar’s Office. The policy can also be found in the College Catalog.
For further information regarding FERPA and students' rights, click here.
Contact one of the following offices for questions concerning the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act: 251-580-2227, 251-809-1591, 251-575-8252.
I. Consumer information for the website
Academic Year - For the purpose of awarding financial aid, Coastal Alabama defines an academic year as consisting of 24 semester credit hours, and 30 weeks of instructional time. The academic year consists of fall and spring semesters. Summer Sessions are treated as a trailer for all aid purposes.
College Navigator Website - Powered by the National Center for Education Statistics, this website shows information about Coastal Alabama including enrollment data, athletic information, safety and security statistics and more. The College offers activities, programs, and services that promote academic support, leadership, and social and cultural experiences. An outline of student activities is included in the College Catalog and Student Handbook.
Textbook Information - For directions on how to access the Course Schedule online, click here.
Gainful Employment Information
Code of Conduct for Education Loans
Preferred Lender Arrangements - Coastal Alabama does not have preferred lender arrangements.
II. Information available to the public
Transfer of Credit Policies and Articulation Agreements
Teacher Preparation Program Report - The College does not participate in Teacher Preparation Programs.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program - The College discloses information on standards of conduct and disciplinary sanctions for violations, legal sanctions regarding unlawful use, possession or distribution of alcoholic beverages and illicit drugs, health risks of drug and alcohol use and abuse in the College Catalog & Student Handbook, and where to get assistance on page 30 of the . Additionally, the College lists the details of the Security, Safety, and Alcohol/Drug Education Program and the topics included in those presentations in the College Catalog & Student Handbook. For those seeking treatment, the list of facilities available are also found on page 31 of the 2021 Annual Fire Safety & Security Report.
Annual Fire Safety & Security Report - Originally known as the Campus Safety Act, the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act requires colleges and universities to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. For more information on the Clery Act and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), please read more in the College's Fire Safety & Security Report.
2021 Annual Fire Safety & Security Report
Copies of the Reports are available in large type upon request. Also, the Reports will be read to any person making the request.
Intercollegiate Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support Data - Interested individuals may view this information by going to the Department of Education Equity in Athletics website or by reviewing the Equity in Athletics Report below. Click City and search Bay Minette (Sun Chiefs), Brewton (Warhawks) or Monroeville (Eagles). Lastly, graduation information can be found in the most current Athletic Graduation Survey.
2023 Equity in Athletics Report
III. Information available to current students and their families
Preferred Lender Lists - Coastal Alabama does not have preferred lender lists.
IV. Information available to current and prospective students
Contact Information for Assistance in Obtaining Institutional or Financial Aid Information - To learn about Coastal Alabama, call the Admissions Office at 251-580-2111 or 1-800-381-3722 or via e-mail at For Financial Aid inquiries, call 25-580-2151, 1-800-381-3722 or e-mail
Student Financial Aid Information
Facilities and Services Available to Students with Disabilities - Students with special needs can call the number below to schedule an appointment with the ADA Coordinator at 251-580-2185 or 251-580-2109.
Price of Attendance - Access the Net Price Calculator, the Estimated Cost of Attendance and the Tuition & Fees chart to determine the price of attendance.
Refund Policy, Requirements for Withdrawal and Return of Title IV, HEA Financial Aid
Academic Program
- Instructional Labs
- Faculty - Faculty and their credentials are listed in the Directory section of the (pages 347-365 of the 2020-2021 edition).
Transfer of Credit Policies and Articulation Agreements
Institutional and Program Accreditation, Approval, or Licensure
Copyright Infringement Policies and Sanctions
Retention Rate - Completion and Retention figures can be found on the College Navigator website. To access these rates, go to the National Center for Education Statistics's College Navigator website. Type Coastal Alabama Community College in the search bar to the left, and click "Show Results." Then, drop down the Retention and Graduation Rates tab. Students may also request a copy of the report by contacting the Registrar at 251-580-2227. Information regarding demographics for student athletes must be provided to potential student-athletes, their parents, high school coaches, and guidance counselors when an athletically related student aid offer is made. For information, contact the Athletic Directors (Wayne Larker – Bay Minette Sun Chiefs, David Jones – Brewton Warhawks, Daniel Head – Monroeville Eagles). The Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act Survey is available by going to the Department of Education Equity in Athletics website. Click City and search Bay Minette (Sun Chiefs), Brewton (Warhawks) or Monroeville (Eagles).
Completion/Graduation and Transfer-out Rates - Coastal Alabama Community College maintains annual information regarding graduation, transfer-out and retention rates for first-time full-time entering freshmen. While many students enter the College with varying educational goals, the College is required to disclose information for first-time full-time entering freshmen who are certificate or degree-seeking undergraduates and have completed their programs within 150% of the normal time for graduation. Graduation, transfer-out and retention rates are reported to the Department of Education through the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Data regarding the College's graduation, transfer-out, and retention rates are given at the National Center for Education Statistics' College Navigator website. To access these rates, go to the National Center for Education Statistics' College Navigator website. Type Coastal Alabama Community College in the search bar to the left, and click "Show Results." Then, drop down the Retention and Graduation Rates tab. Students may also request a copy of the report by contacting the Registrar at 251-580-2227.
Placement in Employment - Students wishing to review available job listings in the College’s service area may visit the Career Development Centers.
Types of Graduate and Professional Education in Which the Institution’s Graduates Enroll - The College does not offer Graduate programs.
Intercollegiate Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support Data - Interested individuals may view this information by going to the Department of Education Equity in Athletics website or by reviewing the Equity in Athletics Report below. Click City and search Bay Minette, Brewton or Monroeville. Graduation information can be found in the most current Athletic Graduation Survey.
V. Information available to prospective students
Job Placement Rates - The College does not measure or track job placement rates.
VI. Information provided to current and prospective students and their families
Preferred Lender Arrangements - Coastal Alabama does not have preferred lender arrangements.
Preferred Lender Arrangements Annual Report - Coastal Alabama does not have preferred lender arrangements.
VII. Information provided to current students
Notice of Availability of Institutional and Financial Aid Information - Coastal Alabama provides annual written notices in the financial aid award letter that advises the student of where to locate Financial Aid information. Additionally, the College notifies students of Consumer Information within the same letter, which is sent each January. Click here to view the Financial Aid Annual Notice to students.
Financial Aid Annual Notice - Coastal Alabama provides written notices in the financial aid award letter that advises the student that a conviction for any offense, during a period of enrollment for which the student is receiving Title IV funds, under any federal or state law involving the possession or sale of illegal drugs will result in the loss of eligibility for any Title IV, HEA grant, or work-study assistance. The period of ineligibility for federal student aid funds depends on whether the student has previous offenses. Periods of ineligibility may range from one year from date of conviction to an indefinite period as determined by a federal or state judge. Students must also complete a qualified drug rehabilitation program. Drug law violations are also found in the College Catalog and Student Handbook. Drug testing of student athletes is found in the College Catalog and Student Handbook.
Privacy of Student Records – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program - The College discloses information on standards of conduct and disciplinary sanctions for violations, legal sanctions regarding unlawful use, possession or distribution of alcoholic beverages and illicit drugs, health risks of drug and alcohol use and abuse in the College Catalog & Student Handbook, and where to get assistance on page 30 of the College Catalog & Student Handbook. Additionally, the College lists the details of the Security, Safety, and Alcohol/Drug Education Program and the topics included in those presentations in the College Catalog & Student Handbook. For those seeking treatment, the list of facilities available are also found on page 31 of the 2021 Annual Fire Safety & Security Report.
Annual Fire Safety & Security Report - Originally known as the Campus Safety Act, the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act requires colleges and universities to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. For more information on the Clery Act and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), please read more in the College's Fire Safety & Security Report.
2021 Annual Fire Safety & Security Report
Copies of the Reports are available in large type upon request. Also, the Reports will be read to any person making the request.
Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications
Information for Crime Victims About Disciplinary Hearings - Coastal Alabama publishes information regarding judicial procedures and appeal procedures in the College Catalog and Student Handbook. Regarding Sexual Assault, the College publishes the victims' bill of rights, along with other information pertaining to the handling of such cases. This policy is found on the College's Sexual Assault Policy page.
Voter Registration
VIII. Information provided to employees
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program - The College discloses information on standards of conduct and disciplinary sanctions for violations, legal sanctions regarding unlawful use, possession or distribution of alcoholic beverages and illicit drugs, health risks of drug and alcohol use and abuse in the College Catalog & Student Handbook, and where to get assistance on page 30 of the . Additionally, the College lists the details of the Security, Safety, and Alcohol/Drug Education Program and the topics included in those presentations in the College Catalog & Student Handbook. For those seeking treatment, the list of facilities available are also found on page 30 of the .
Annual Fire Safety & Security Report - Originally known as the Campus Safety Act, the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act requires colleges and universities to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. For more information on the Clery Act and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), please read more in the 2021 Annual Fire Safety & Security Report.
2021 Annual Fire Safety & Security Report
Copies of the Reports are available in large type upon request. Also, the Reports will be read to any person making the request.
Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications
Code of Conduct for Education Loans
IX. Information provided to prospective students
Notice of Fire Safety & Security Report - Originally known as the Campus Safety Act, the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act requires colleges and universities to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. For more information on the Clery Act and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), please click here. The College publishes all Annual Fire and Safety Reports on the college's webpage. Copies of the Reports are available in large type upon request. Also, the Reports will be read to any person making the request. The College publishes new data annually. Students receive the Fire Safety & Security information annually through freshmen orientation classes and through electronic versions of the College Catalog and Student Handbook. The information is also found on the Safety webpage, which is displayed prominently on the homepage.
Notice of Intercollegiate Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support Data - Interested individuals may view this information by going to the Department of Education Equity in Athletics website ;or by reviewing the Equity in Athletics Report below. Click City and search Bay Minette (Sun Chiefs), Brewton (Warhawks) or Monroeville (Eagles). Graduation information can be found in the most current Athletic Graduation Survey.
X. Information for prospective employees
Annual Fire Safety & Security Report - Originally known as the Campus Safety Act, the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act requires colleges and universities to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. For more information on the Clery Act and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), please read more in the 2021 Annual Fire Safety & Security Report.
2021 Annual Fire Safety & Security Report
Copies of the Reports are available in large type upon request. Also, the Reports will be read to any person making the request.
The College publishes new data annually. Safety & Security information is posted for prospective employees on the Employment webpage.
Academic Program
- Educational Program by Campus
- Instructional Labs
- Faculty - Faculty and their credentials are listed in the Directory section of the College Catalog and Student Handbook.
XI. Information provided to prospective student-athletes and the student's parents, guidance counselor, and coach
Completion/Graduation and Transfer-out Rates for Students Receiving Athletically Related Student Aid - Information regarding student demographics for athletes must be provided to potential student-athletes, their parents, high school coaches, and guidance counselors when an athletically-related student aid offer is made. Interested individuals may also view equity in athletics information& by going to the Department of Education Equity in Athletics website or by reviewing the Equity in Athletics Report below. Click City and search Bay Minette (Sun Chiefs), Brewton (Warhawks) or Eagles (Monroeville). Graduation information can be found in the most current Athletic Graduation Survey. Lastly, information on Athletics can be found on the College Navigator website. Type Coastal Alabama Community College in the search bar, click Show Results, then expand the tab for Varsity Athletic Teams. Contact Athletics at the numbers below for more information and copies of the reports:
- Sun Chiefs (Bay Minette) - 251-580-2103
- Eagles (Monroeville) - 251-575-8259
- Warhawks (Brewton) - 251-580-2103
XII. Information provided to College Bookstores
Textbook Information - For directions on how to access the Course Schedule online.
XIII. Information provided to borrowers or prospective borrowers of education loans
- State Grant Assistance
- Student Loan Information Published by Department of Education
- National Student Loan Data System
- Entrance Counseling for Student Borrowers
- Exit Counseling for Student Borrowers
- Private Education Loan Disclosures (Including Self-Certification Form)
Student Right-to-Know Act
The Student Right-to-Know Act, passed by Congress in 1990, requires institutions eligible for Title IV funding, under the Higher Education Act of 1965, to calculate completion or graduation rates of certificate- or degree-seeking, full-time students entering that institution, and to disclose these rates to current and prospective students. Every institution that participates in any Title IV program and is attended by students receiving athletically-related student aid is required to disclose graduation/completion rates of all students, as well as students receiving athletically-related student aid by race/ethnicity, gender and by sport, and the average completion or graduation rate for the four most recent years, to parents, coaches, and potential student-athletes. To read more about the Student Right-to-Know Act, please visit the National Center for Education Statistics.
Information on Coastal Alabama can be found on the College Navigator website. Type the College's name in the search bar, and click "Show Results." Drop down the appropriate tab to see information on retention, varsity athletics, and more.
Distance Education & Online Learning
Coastal Alabama Community College provides distance education opportunities to students. The College does not offer correspondence courses. See the list below.
Distance Education Master Course List
The complete Distance Education policy, along with the role of faculty in regards to interaction with students in online courses, can be found in the College Catalog & Student Handbook.
Cares Act Grant Awards
CARES Act Grant Awards
On April 9, 2020, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced that $6.28 billion (50% of the CARES Act funding) will be distributed to higher educational institutions to provide direct emergency cash grants to college students whose lives and educations have been disrupted by the coronavirus outbreak. These funds are available through the CARES Act signed into law by President Donald J. Trump in March 2020.
Each College’s allocation was derived by a formula prescribed in the CARES Act that is weighted significantly by the number of full-time students who are Pell-eligible but also takes into consideration the total population of the school and the number of students who were not enrolled full-time online before the coronavirus outbreak. The Department of Education (DOE) utilized the most recent data available from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) and Federal Student Aid (FSA) for this calculation.
Coastal Alabama Community College signed the Certification Agreement to participate in the Cares Act.
Coastal Alabama Community Colleges awarded:
Total Student Awards | $2,218,881.00 |
502 Housing Grants Awarded | $469,595.00 |
4148 Eligible Student Grants Awarded | $1,749,286.00 |
Cares Act Grant eligible recipients had to meet the following guidelines per federal requirements as of March 16, 2020:
- Be enrolled in at least one (1) brick and mortar class.
- Be eligible to complete a FAFSA
- Have a valid Social Security Number
- Males must be registered with Selective Service
- Students must have a High School Diploma or GED
- Students must be degree-seeking
Coastal Alabama Community College is issuing two (2) separate awards.
1. The first award is for eligible housing students. Awards were calculated based on days that duplicated expenses were possibly incurred as a result of having paid College room and board and having to live elsewhere due to a mandatory shut down of College campuses per health orders.
The chart below outlines refund calculations for Room and Board depending on eligible students’ expenses based on housing assignment: (Grant awards were rounded up)
Bay Minette Dorm | Brewton Dorm | |||||
Thompson | Sun Chief | Cafeteria | Lake View Housing | |||
Total Days | 121 | 121 | 84 | 121 | 121 | 121 |
Rate | $1,500.00 | $1,700.00 | $1,200.00 | $1,500.00 | $1,000.00 | $965.00 |
Cost per Day | $12.40 | $14.05 | $14.29 | $12.40 | $8.26 | $7.98 |
Refund Days | 45 | 45 | 33 | 45 | 45 | 45 |
Refund Days | $557.85 | $632.23 | $471.43 | $557.85 | $371.90 | $358.88 |
Housing Options | Actual Housing Grant Awards |
Sun Chief (Room/Meals) | $1,105.00 |
Thompson Hall (Room/Meals) | $1,030.00 |
Lake View Housing (Room $1500) | $560.00 |
Lake View Housing (Room $1000) | $375.00 |
Lake View Housing (Room $965) | $360.00 |
2. The second Care Act award is for eligible students. The award rate was calculated by taking eligible students total credit hours and dividing them into the remaining College award amount, after the deduction of room and board, this resulted in an eligible calculated credit hour rate of $35.50.
Eligible Credit Hours | 49,263 |
Cares Stimulus Funds | $1,749,286.00 |
Credit Hour Values | $35.50 |
Below is the credit hour award table based on the credit hours of enrollment for each eligible student:
Credit Hours | CARE Award |
1 | $35.50 |
2 | $71.00 |
3 | $106.50 |
4 | $142.00 |
5 | $177.50 |
6 | $213.00 |
7 | $248.50 |
8 | $284.00 |
9 | $319.00 |
10 | $355.00 |
11 | $390.50 |
12 | $426.00 |
13 | $461.00 |
14 | $497.00 |
15 | $532.00 |
16 | $568.00 |
17 | $603.00 |
18 | $639.00 |
19 | $674.50 |
20 | $710.00 |
21 | $745.50 |
22 | $781.00 |
2021 Funds: CRRSAA (formerly referenced as HEERF II) Grant
Students that receive this notification link have been awarded a 2021 Funds: CRRSAA (formerly referenced as HEERF II) Grant.
Under the Act the following criteria were set:
Eligibility for CRRSAA Student awards: a) The Federal government has excluded DACA students from direct student awards under CRRSAA. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the college to determine citizenship status as normal college practices dictate.
b) The requirement that students be Title IV eligible to receive student awards has been removed; this includes non-degree seeking and non-credit students. It is the college’s option to include these students in their CRRSAA Student award calculations. However, if these students are included, then the selection criteria must be inclusive for all non-degree seeking and non-credit students.
Student Eligibility: What type of criteria (if any outside non-citizens) should we use to exclude students from receiving CARES student funds? a) Priority should be given to students who have financial need; the college must document how the student’s needs are prioritized.
Unlike HEERF I, enrolled students do not have to be Title IV-eligible students to receive CRRSAA funds. That is, the June 17, 2020 Interim Final Rule and Title IV general student eligibility criteria under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA) [20 USC 1091(a)] do not apply when awarding CRRSAA funds.
c) However, the U.S. Department of Education's (ED's) current interpretation is that undocumented, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), and international students are not eligible for CRRSAA funds under 8 USC 1611(a) of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (1996 welfare reform law), which prohibits these students from receiving federal public benefits. As a condition of the Certification and Agreement for student CRRSAA grants, the school “must comply with the provisions of all applicable acts, regulations, and assurances….” This includes the welfare reform law.
d) If and how a school determines the citizenship of a student when awarding CRRSAA student grant funds is at the discretion of the school. Potential institutional considerations may range from: 1) the school feels that it needs to confirm the citizenship of each recipient by requiring them to complete the FAFSA and go through the SSA and DHS citizenship matches; to 2) the school assumes that students are citizens unless the school knows differently; to 3) the school asks students to self-certify their citizenship status.
Coastal Alabama Community College excluded students that, in additional to the criteria set about were dual enrolled high school students, transient from another institution, in which they would be eligible for an award or incarcerated.
Coastal Awards were granted as the following awards:
At disbursement time:
- Full-time and 3 quarter time students were awarded $550.
- Students that met “need” based eligibility were granted an additional $100 for a total of $650
- Half-time and less than half-time were awarded $275.
- Students that met “need” based on eligibility were granted an additional $100 for a total of $375.
- Coastal disbursed $2,259,000 to 4291 students on March 2, 2021.
- Coastal HEERF II student award was $2,218,881
- The College is supporting the additional $39,314 from its institutional share of the HEERF II funds.
American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (HEERF III)
Coastal Community College was awarded funds from the ARP to disburse to eligible students.
Eligibility for Student awards: The requirement excluding DACA students from direct student awards under CRRSAA has been removed. The final rule on student eligibility for HEERF state that all students who are or were enrolled in an institution of higher education during the COVID-19 national emergency are eligible for emergency financial aid grants from the HEERF, regardless of whether they completed a FAFSA or are eligible for Title IV. That includes citizens, permanent residents, refugees, asylum seekers, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) recipients, other DREAMers and similar undocumented students. By that definition, it would also include dual enrollment students.
Coastal awarded grants to students who applied through an online application. 5749 enrolled students applied and were awarded grants in the amount of $972 each for a total of $5,588,028.
If you have any questions, please contact the Financial Aid Office at or 251-580-2151.
Additional Disclosed Information
- Nondiscrimination Policy
- Campus Facilities
- Constitution Day
- Financial Aid General Information for Students
- Leave of Absence Policy
- Misrepresentation Policy
- Missing Person Policy
- Refund Policy
- Financial Aid Fraud Policy
- Withdrawal Procedures
- Marketing Materials
Other Helpful Links
- Alabama Community College System
- Alabama State Data Center
- National Center for Educational Statistics