Associate in Science
(A.S.) Associate in Science — The Associate in Science degree is designed for students intending to transfer to a university in pursuit of their Bachelor's Degree in General Studies pathways including, but not limited to, Agriculture, Computer Technology, Engineering, Environmental and Health Sciences. These Coastal Alabama Community College pathways are comprised of four semesters each (some also include mandatory or optional summer sessions) in preparation for transfer to four-year university degree paths.
Students with the goal of transferring to a university within the state of Alabama will do so through the Alabama Transfers program, which is the state-wide transfer agreement between two-year and public, four-year institutions.
AS Degrees
General Studies
Agricultural Business and Economics Pathway
Business Administration Pathway
Education Pathway (Early Childhood & Elementary)
Electrical Engineering Pathway
General Studies - Early Childhood/Elementary Education Pathway (University of West Alabama)
General Studies - General Pathway
General Studies - Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Pathway
General Studies - Online Pathway
General Studies - Sports Management Pathway (United States Sports Academy)
Mechanical Engineering Pathway