Transfer to Coastal
Welcome to Coastal!
As prior college enrollee, we’re grateful for the wealth of experience and fresh perspective you bring to Coastal Alabama Community College. We’re proud to welcome you to the next step in your education and look forward to helping you be your best self!
How to Apply
In order to apply for admission to Coastal Alabama Community College, you must:
Apply for Admission
Complete online application, including the creation of your User Name and Password. -
Consider Living on Campus
Interested in living on Campus? We offer housing in Brewton and Bay Minette. -
Submit Transcripts
Submit all official college transcripts from previously attended institutions, and your official high school transcript to the Registrar's office. -
Apply for Financial Aid
If desired, apply for financial aid. There are a wide variety of scholarships and financial aid opportunities available. -
Connect with your Coastal Advisor
Meet with your advisor and select your course load. -
New Student Orientation
New Student Orientation are great opportunities to get ahead! -
Begin Your Degree Program
Register for classes and receive your schedule! -
Pay Tuition and Fees
Pay tuition and fees – don't forget to check into dorms and meal tickets! -
Purchase Books and Supplies
Take your schedule of classes to the bookstore and personnel will assist you. Some scholarships and financial aid do not cover the cost of books. -
Get Parking Decal
Don't start the first day of class with a parking fine stuck to your windshield! Be sure to register for a parking decal. -
Drop/Add classes
Students can adjust their schedules during the first week of classes. -
Start Classes
Start classes and have a great semester!
Transfer Student Policies
Admission of Transfer Students:
Alabama Transfers is a computerized articulation and transfer planning system designed to inform students who attend Alabama community colleges about degree requirements, course equivalents, and other transfer information pertaining to specific majors at each state funded four-year institution. Alabama Transfers is an efficient and effective way of providing students, counselors, and educators with accurate information upon which transfer decisions can be made. Alabama Transfers is the information link between the state’s public two-year and four-year institutions. The Alabama Transfers database, if used properly, can prevent the loss of course credit hours, can provide direction for the scheduling of course work, and can ease the transition from one institution to another. Students who are interested in receiving a “Transfer Guide & Contract” should contact the Student Development Office or visit our website. Any student applicants who have previously attended another regionally accredited postsecondary institution will be considered transfer students and will be required to furnish official transcripts of all work attempted at all said institutions. the College may also require of transfer students those documents required of first-time college students. Transfer students who meet requirements for admission to courses creditable toward an Associate Degree shall be classified as “Degree-Eligible” students. Transfer students who do not meet these requirements shall be classified as “Non-Degree-Eligible” students.
Admission Appeals:
Applicants who have been suspended from another institution for academic or disciplinary reasons will not be considered for admission except upon appeal to the Admissions Committee. All requests, stating the reason why applicants want to be considered for admission to the College, must be submitted in written form. The correspondence, along with a copy of the applicant’s transcript from the institution placing the applicant on suspension, should be addressed to the Admission Committee, c/o Dean of Student Development at the College’s address. All written requests must be received in the above referenced office by the first day of class of the term applicants are seeking to enroll, in order to be considered for admission to the College for said term.
Unconditional Admission of Transfer Students:
- For Unconditional Admission, transfer students must have submitted to the College an application for admission and official transcripts from all regionally accredited postsecondary institutions attended and any other documents required for first time college students.
- Students who attend another postsecondary institution and who wish to earn credits for transfer to that parent institution may be admitted to the College as transient students. Students must submit an application for admission and an official letter from the institution they have been attending which certifies that the credits they earn at the College will be accepted as a part of their academic program. Such students are not required to file transcripts of their previously earned credits at other postsecondary institutions.
- Applicants who have completed the Baccalaureate Degree will be required to submit only the transcript from the institution granting the Baccalaureate Degree.
Conditional Admission of Transfer Students:
Transfer students who do not have on file official transcripts from all postsecondary institutions attended and any additional documents required by the institution may be granted Conditional Admission. No transfer students shall be allowed to enroll for a second semester unless all required admissions records have been received by the College prior to registration for the second semester.
If all required admissions records have not been received by the College prior to issuance of first-semester grades, the grades will be reported on the transcript, but the transcript will read CONTINUED ENROLLMENT DENIED PENDING RECEIPT OF ADMISSIONS RECORDS. This notation will be removed from the transcript only upon receipt of all required admissions records.
Initial Academic Status of Transfer Students:
- Transfer students whose cumulative grade point average at the transfer institution(s) is 2.0 or above on a 4.0 scale will be admitted on Clear academic status.
- Transfer students whose cumulative GPA at the transfer institution(s) is less than 2.0 on a 4.0 scale will be admitted only on Academic Probation. The transcript will read ADMITTED ON ACADEMIC PROBATION.
- Applicants who have been academically suspended from another regionally accredited postsecondary institution may be admitted as transfer students only after following the appeal process established at the institution for “native” students who have been academically suspended. If transfer students are admitted upon appeal, they will enter the institution on Academic Probation. Their transcript will read ADMITTED UPON APPEAL–ACADEMIC PROBATION.
General Principles for Transfer of Credit
- Courses completed at other regionally accredited postsecondary institutions with a passing grade (D or higher, without being on probation or suspension) will be accepted for transfer as potentially creditable toward graduation requirements. Transfer students admitted on academic probation will have only course grades of “C” or better accepted for transfer.
- Awarding of transfer credit to fulfill graduation requirements will be based on applicability of the credits to the requirements of the degree sought.
- Credit may be extended based on a comprehensive evaluation of demonstrated and documented competencies and previous formal training.