Coastal Cares Grant
Did you know that you could receive up to $972 in tuition relief? The Coastal Cares Grant is available to eligible students for the Fall 2021 Semester.
Tuition Relief Program!
Coastal Alabama Community College is dedicating $8 million in CARES Act funds to help students continue their education through the Coastal Cares Grant program. All registered students are eligible for up to $972 of a tuition relief grant – while grant funds last!
The Coastal Cares Grants are available to all students for the Fall 2021 semester and includes dual enrollment students who meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Must be a legal U.S. resident
- Must be enrolled and registered for classes at Coastal Alabama Community College
- Must be enrolled in for-credit courses
To meet the deadlines to receive the Coastal Cares Grant, students should:
Apply for Admission by August 6
Complete online application. This will ensure the student receives his/her student e-mail address, which is required to complete the grant application. -
Register for Fall 2021 Classes by August 19
This will ensure students are enrolled and registered before the deadline. Schedule an appointment with an Advisor today! -
Apply for the Coastal Cares Grant through a short form by August 20
The form will be e-mailed to students after they register for fall classes. Students can elect to have the grant funds applied to their student account or to receive the funds directly.
Coastal Cares Grant
The Coastal Cares Grant pays any remaining balance after all other funds have been applied to student accounts. If a student has a scholarship or another form of financial aid paying for the classes, the student will receive a refund check totaling up to $972 4-6 weeks after the semester begins.
The grant is worth up to $972.
Students complete a short form that is sent to their student e-mail accounts after registering for fall classes to sign up for the grant opportunity.
Students can elect to have the grant funds applied to their student account or to receive the funds directly.
A link with the Coastal Cares Grant Application will be sent to a student's Coastal Alabama e-mail account after they register for fall classes. Complete the application to sign up for the grant opportunity. Students can elect to have the grant funds applied to their student account or to receive the funds directly.
The grant is only applicable for the Fall 2021 semester and only as funds remain available.
Grant funds are only guaranteed if funds remain available and if eligible students meet the deadlines listed above. Any funds granted after that date are contingent upon availability.