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No, you can take classes on any campus where your program is available - including online courses. 
The Barnes & Noble on the Bay Minette Campus is open Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Go to the Barnes & Noble website, click on Textbooks, and select your class section.  You can choose rent or payment options.  You must use your A number when purchasing textbooks in the checkout.  If you are using financial aid of any kind (scholarship, financial aid, pell grant, etc.), select that payment option at checkout. 
The system processes overnight to update available financial aid.  When the Business Office removes any student who has not paid or does not have financial aid loaded, the system may not have recognized your pending financial aid.  For assistance, call the Business Office at 251-580-2217.
Yes, we have a tuition deferment plan available for full term classes.  Contact the Business Office at 251-580-2217 for more information.
Refunds will be made no later than September 17 for full term and term 1 courses for Fall 2020. 
TBA means To Be Announced.  This is often seen on hybrid courses where the instructors will communicate directly with the student for any sessions that may meet on campus. 
T stands for Tuesday and R stands for Thursday.  So this class would meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 
R stands for Thursday.
Hybrid courses may have on-campus sessions.  Web courses are strictly online. 
We have two residence halls on the Bay Minette Campus and one on the Brewton Campus.
Monday, August 31 is the last day to drop/add classes for full term and term I courses for Fall 2020.  If you missed this deadline, we still have term II courses available, which begin October 19, 2020.
Refer to the Area of Concentration (i.e. Music or Culinary Arts) to see the classes you need to take.  All Areas of Concentration can be found in the Catalog by clicking "Degrees" at the top toolbar. 
Yes, our officers are APOST certified and can make arrests.
Yes, you will sign a liability waiver, and an officer will attempt to unlock your vehicle.

Coastal Alabama participates in all federal financial aid programs including, Pell grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Federal Work Study and the Direct Federal Student Loan Program. In addition, there is state funding from the Alabama Student Assistance Program, as well as WIOA, Veteran’s Educational Benefits, and the College’s local scholarships and tuition waivers. 

To apply for both federal, state and institutional financial aid programs, students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at Learn more here

President's List
Timothy Alkema
Taylor Allen
Brynne Anderson
Landon Andry
Lydia Armistead
Sarah Arnold
Abigail Atchison
Matthew Baggett
Terry Baldwin
Da'lijiah Ball
Alexandria Barber
Hannah Barham
Megan Barham
Frank Barraza
Caitlyn Baugh
Kira Berona
Jennifer Bienes
Dalton Blake
Brooke Boak
Mallory Boutwell
Samara Bowen
Serah Bradford
Jalen Bradley
Matthew Brooks
Bethany Brown
Brittany Brown
Justin Brunson
Edlyn Burch
Bayley Burgess
Kamryn Byrd
Stephanie Byrd
Micah Calhoun
Major Carr
Mark Carroll
Catherine Casey
Mallory Casey
Brooke Charlton
Samuel Christensen
Charles Clary
Madison Cogswell
Daisy Cole
Clenton Collins
Nicole Cooper
Daisy Cordle
Cheyenne Cranmore
Michael Crawford
Kendal Crocker
Allyson Cumlander
Camryn Davis
Carly Davis
Mattie Dayton
James Dehoff
Jaylin Dixon
Ethan Driskell
Quintin Dupper
Christopher Dupuy
Madisyn Eddins
Jarmon Eldridge
Ashton Fell
Zachary Ford
Victoria Foster
Ben Fountain
Juliana Fredriksen
Myriah Gable
Liam Gallagher
Samuel Gambino
Harsh Gandhi
Annette Garcia
Joseph German
Camille Germann
Mckenna Gibson
Tommy Gibson
Trevor Gibson
Kyiah Graham
Sha'Morria Grant
Jalin Greene
Travis Greene
Raquel Greer
Isabella Guida
Catherine Guidroz
EmmaLea Hale
Alysha Hanson
Madison Harkins
Rachael Harper
Larry Harrell
Bailey Harris
Sarah Harris
Brendalyn Harrison
Ryleigh Harrison
Elizabeth Harvell
Taylor Head
Sarah Heckman
Alexander Henn
Charles Henson
Isabella Heronime
Tate Hess
Regan Hickman
Madison Hill
Rebecca Hinton
Robert Hodges
Logan Holbrook
Camilla Hoover
Grace House
Arianna Howard
Kendarius Howard
Latrey Howard
Madison Howell
Hayden Howton
Treveon Huerta
Elin Huff
Jonathan Ikner
Austin Jackson
Asya James
Beverly Jennings
Ayanah Johnson
Gabriel Johnson
Lillie Johnson
Lilyan Johnson
Olivia Kauffman
Sailor Kirkland
Brianna Knoll
Lori Knowles
Madison Kollek
Zachary Koons
Nicholas Krupinski
Natalie Ladnier
Leangilo Laffitte
Alison Lance
David Landis
Jacorie Landrum
Chase Law
Peyton Lee
Gary Lindsay
Anna Lintz
Kayce Logan
Kelly Long
Caleb Lovitt
Alexius Lucas

Disbursement means that all eligible financial aid funds have been applied to your account as a payment for student charges (tuition, fees, books, and on-campus housing). A refund is created when the aid disbursed is more than the charges on your account.

Yes, your financial aid may be refunded if all eligibility requirements are met.

Refund disbursement begins 2 weeks after attendance verification is completed for each term within a semester. First-time, first year undergraduate borrowers will not receive a loan disbursement until 30 calendar days after the student’s program of study begins.

You need to check your OneACCS student portal and make sure you are unconditionally admitted to the College.  Financial Aid will not show up unless you are unconditionally admitted and meeting SAP requirements.

You can check your OneACCS student portal for all financial aid requirements.

Financial aid is packaged based on a student being enrolled full-time (12 or more credit hours required for your degree program). If you enroll in less than 12 hours, your cost-of-attendance and financial aid package must be adjusted accordingly.

Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) are for dependent students. These loans are the parents’ responsibility to repay not the student. Students who are eligible may borrow up to the cost of attendance minus any financial aid. Repayment period begins within 60 days of full receipt of the loan. A student must complete the FAFSA. Parents apply for the Plus loan at A parent will have to have a credit check and should click on the “Complete Plus Request” link.

Yes. Student and parent borrowers may reduce or cancel their approved loans by completing the student and/or parent right to cancel loan form at this link.

You can view your entire financial aid history by logging into your FSA (Federal Student Aid) account. This is where you completed the FAFSA.

SAP is the minimum GPA and completion rates required to remain eligible for financial aid.  Please see Maintaining Eligibility for detailed information.

You can log into your OneACCS student portal. You will also receive an email to check the portal when your FAFSA is received.

Check our website for current hours, as they may change due to current circumstances. Our Café is open the same hours as the bookstore. 

The Department of Education requests that the Financial Aid Office verify the information provided on the FAFSA.  If selected for verification, you will need to provide additional information to the Financial Aid Office. You will need to monitor your OneACCS student portal for information.

Yes, we can.  Please visit the Professional Judgement information on the website for detailed information or contact the Financial Aid Office at 251-580-2151.

You can view your financial aid offer at any time via your OneACCS student portal. An email will be sent to your college email account and will provide instructions on accessing the financial aid package through the student portal.

Subsidized loans are need-based loans available to students enrolled at least half-time in an eligible program. The government pays the interest on behalf of the student as long as students are enrolled at least half-time in a degree-seeking program and for six months after enrollment ceases. Once payments begin, interest must begin. Payment is deferred if the student returns to school.

Unsubsidized loans are non-need-based loans available to students enrolled at least half-time in an eligible program. The government does not pay the interest to lenders on behalf of the borrowers. Repayment of the interest is the student’s responsibility from the date the loan is disbursed and may be paid or capitalized (added) to the principal balance of the loan. Repayment of principal does not begin until six months after the student drops below half-time or withdrawals completely from school. Payment is deferred if the student returns to school.

Student Support Services is funded by the U.S. Department of Education. It is designed to provide supportive services to educationally disadvantaged and disabled participants to enhance their skills and increase their retention and graduation rates from college. Participants in the Student Support Services Program should have educational potential and be willing to attend counseling and tutoring sessions.

All participants must be currently enrolled at the College. Prospective participants in the Student Support Services Program must complete an application. Verification of low-income status is mandatory. This may be done through the Financial Aid Office or by submission of the family’s most recent income tax return form.

The purpose of the Student Support Services Program is to increase the retention and graduation rates of the Student Support Services’ participants who require supportive services in order to complete their education at the College. In order to fulfill this purpose, the following requirements must be met: 1. Each student must attend counseling sessions bi-monthly. 2. Each student (who needs tutoring) must attend at least one one-hour tutoring session per week. 3. Each student must attend the seminars and workshops sponsored by the Student Support Services Program.

In general, a residency form showing which state you live in and a photo ID.  We also require your official high school transcript, GED documentation, and/or official transcripts from all other colleges you have attended. You can see which documents you are missing by logging into your OneACCS account.  If you have questions, e-mail

The residency form is for tuition verification and is located on the Admissions page.

Your student number is also known as your A-Number.  This number was sent to you when you applied and were accepted for admission.  As a reminder, check your student e-mail account even before you start classes.  This is the way the College will communicate with you on matters such as Financial Aid. If you do not know your A number or student e-mail address, contact

Yes, you can view the tuition costs on the Tuition page.  While we are a public school, we operate differently than a K-12 school.  All colleges in Alabama charge some type of tuition and fees.  Our tuition is set by the Alabama Community College System Board of Trustees.

You can log in to your OneACCS account to pay for your classes.  We use TouchNet for this service. 

When you log in to your OneACCS account, you will have a $0 balance in your TouchNet account.

College students, regardless of age, are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).  FERPA waivers may be different for various offices, such as Records, Financial Aid and Student Services.  Students may grant their parents to have access to their financial screen in TouchNet, which is found in the student's OneACCS account under the Finance tab. 

Refunds are sent as a direct deposit if you paid for your classes with a bank account in TouchNet, which is found in your OneACCS account.  If you did not pay with a bank account, you will be issued a paper check.  If you would prefer the direct deposit, you will need to add a bank account in TouchNet before Friday, September 4.  Or, if you would like to have your refund as a direct deposit for future semesters, you can set up your account in TouchNet.  The directions to set up a direct deposit for refunds is below: Login to your OneACCS account with your student e-mail and password.  There are two options to login, but one of them uses your student e-mail and password.  Click on "Student Account" Click on "TouchNet Bills + Payments" Click "Refunds" in the top toolbar Select the option to "Setup a new account"

The login for Canvas is your student e-mail for the username and your e-mail password for the password.  If this is not working, please contact the HelpDesk at 251-580-4900 or send an e-mail to from your Coastal Alabama e-mail address.  The 24/7 Canvas support hotline cannot assist with login issues.   

You may have an unpaid balance.  If you do not have financial aid, you must pay your bill or make payment arrangements with the Business Office.  Check your balance by logging into your OneACCS account.

Check your "courses" tab in Canvas, and then look at your "All Courses" list.  Check the "All Courses" list to see if the course is scheduled to start during a different term (for example, some classes are Term 2 classes that do not start until October 19).  If you are still not able to locate the class, send an e-mail to the HelpDesk at from your Coastal Alabama e-mail address.  

Login to your OneACCS account.  Click on Registration.  Click Add or Drop Classes. 

Housing applications for fall open in the spring each year.  Students must apply early as we generally have a waiting list.  Read more frequently asked questions pertaining to housing on the Housing page!

Textbooks must be ordered from the Bookstore.  The Library does not sell textbooks.  Go to the Barnes & Noble website, click on Textbooks, and select your class section.  You can choose rent or payment options.  You must use your A number when purchasing textbooks in the checkout.  If you are using financial aid of any kind (scholarship, financial aid, pell grant, etc.), select that payment option at checkout.

The Coastal Cares Grant pays any remaining balance after all other funds have been applied to student accounts.  If a student has a scholarship or another form of financial aid paying for the classes, the student will receive a refund check totaling up to $972 4-6 weeks after the semester begins. 

You can locate numbers for each office on the Contact page.

E-mail and provide the following information: Name, Student A-Number, Home Campus, Area of Concentration/Degree, Mailing Address, legal photo ID (i.e. Driver's License) and a photo to be used for your ID.  The photo must be on a plain, light-colored background.  No sunglasses, hats, masks, etc.

You can read the Navigator to learn all about registering for classes!  This manual is meant to help students each semester with deadlines, requirements, etc.  Also, the DIVE New Student Orientation is required of all new students understand what's ahead for them and what services the College provides. To complete a DIVE course: Log into Canvas, and complete the DIVE New Student Orientation Course.  If you are having problems accessing your Canvas account, contact the HelpDesk at or at 251-580-4900.  You must use your student e-mail account when contacting the HelpDesk via e-mail. Canvas uses the same username and password as your Coastal Alabama student email. You MUST complete the quiz at the end and score at least 80% to register for classes.

Yes, all employees and students should have a current parking decal clearly displayed.

The link to get your decal is on the Safety page.

If it is an emergency, dial 911 first.  College Police can be contacted at 251-580-2222.  Find other office's contact information on the Contact page

To apply for State VA benefits, contact the Veterans Service Office in the county where you live. Contact information is available via an interactive map.  To apply for Federal VA benefits, go to to apply. For additional help contact the VA SCO.

Ms. Michelle Webb is the VA SCO for Coastal Alabama.  You can reach her at 251-580-2292 or by email at

We encourage you to continue your studies in your current high school, but if you believe you must leave, you will be eligible to enroll in adult education only if you meet the following conditions:

A. You are at least 17 years of age or older, and you are not enrolled in any public, private or home school.

B. If you are 17 years of age, you must show proof that your parent or guardian has approved your withdrawal from such school. This is normally done in writing on an official withdrawal form.

We are in Memorial Hall on the Bay Minette campus.

A. Option 1 Eligibility Requirements:

  • Participant must have earned all required credits to graduate from an Alabama public high school
  • Participant will have failed one or more parts of the Alabama High School Graduation Exam
  • Participant must be at least 19 years of age

B. Option 2 Eligibility Requirements:

  • Participant must have earned at least 10 graduation credits from the last Alabama public high school attended
  • Participant must be at least 19 years of age
  • Participant must assess on the TABE (Test for Adult Basic Education), scoring in the High Intermediate Level (grade equivalency of 6.0 or higher; or for TABE 11 & 12 – scale scores of at least 536 in Reading, 537 in Math, and 547 in Language.)

What grade did you complete in school? How long ago? How committed are you to attend classes regularly? How quickly do you learn? Appraisal and assessment tests will be administered to determine your starting level. • If your scores on the assessment test are at the GED level, then you will be able to take a Practice GED test covering the five subjects. Staff will examine those results to see if you are ready to take the test, or need reinforcement in a subject.

Transcripts can be order through the link provided:

If you are taking more than one course, you can drop all but one through your OneACCS account. If you are only taking one course, or wish to withdraw from all courses, then you will need to fill out the withdrawal form. More information regarding withdrawals can be found at

Please fill out the online Enrollment Verification form.

Applying for graduation is easy! Simply click on the link below to complete the Online Graduation Application.


Graduation Files
Name File Type
Graduation Application
BEFORE accessing the Coastal Alabama 2024-2025 Graduation Application, please note:
  • You will be REQUIRED to upload a copy of your Degree Works plan that reflects your current progress towards the degree for which you are seeking. If you are not familiar with using Degree Works, please schedule an appointment with your advisor.
  • For students who attended Coastal before 2020 and/or for those students who do not have a Degree Works account, you are inactive and will need to request your transcript and order your transcript to have it sent directly to you. 
  • If you are not a current student and do not have a Dynamic Forms account, you MUST create one using your name and email address.

The FSA ID is created at It is a unique username and password used to log into the Federal Student Aid website and used to sign a FAFSA. The FSA ID identifies you as someone who has the right to access your own personal information on the Federal Student Aid website. Each person may have only one FSA ID. It is attached to the social security number, birthdate, email, and phone number of the owner. Each FSA ID user must have a unique e-mail address.

If the course(s) has not started yet, you can just go back into your OneACCS account and reregister for the class. If classes have already begun, please reach out to the Instructional Services department at

If we are still in the reinstatement period of the course, you will need to speak with your instructor who will contact the Instructional Services department on your behalf.

Yes, this is called transient status. You will need to get with your advisor and discuss which courses to take then submit the provided form to the registrar’s office for approval. Once you have completed the course you will need to submit your transcripts from that institution to be evaluated for credit. Transient Student Online Request Form >>

Generally speaking, it takes 3-5 Business days upon the receipt of the transcript to be evaluated; however, during times of high volume this time frame may be extended for up to two weeks. Additionally, if you obtained a degree at your previous institution, we will only evaluate credits that are on your current degree plan.

There are a number of reasons why this may be the case:

1) Coastal Alabama may not have had a course equivalent to the one that you took and therefore cannot give you credit for a course we don’t offer,
2) If you made a D on the course and your GPA was below a 2.0 we will not accept the credits, or
3) The courses that you took at your previous institution do not count towards your current degree plan.

The CLEP exam is a test that students can take in order to receive credit for a General Education course, the list of current exams accepted by the college are provided at this link:

No, if you have already attempted a course you must retake the course, you are no longer eligible for the CLEP.

Unfortunately, federal law mandates that we obtain transcripts from all previous institutions no matter how good or bad you feel that you did. However, any course that you failed at your previous institution will not be evaluated and therefore will not affect your GPA at Coastal Alabama.

More information regarding Academic Bankruptcy can be found at the link provided. Please bear in mind that you must meet a certain criterion to qualify.,semester%20credit%20hours%20of%20course

Yes, you may appeal your suspension. Please fill out the form provided and it will be sent to the committee to be voted on. Once the committee has concluded their vote you will be notified of their response.

If you would like to audit a course, please fill out the provided form and submit it to for processing.

You must apply for your VA education benefits online at After submitting the application, it can takes the VA 4-6 weeks to process your request and send you a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) to your mailing address. Once you receive your COE you must provide a copy to the Financial Aid Office on your campus and it will be sent to the VA School Certifying Official in the Financial Aid Office on the Bay Minette Campus. You must also submit a copy of the Request for Certification of Enrollment form (.pdf) so that your enrollment can be processed for payment with the VA.  IF you have any questions concerning your VA education benefits you can email the veteran affairs office at or call 251-580-2292. 

Visit the and refer to the Chapter 33 Transfer of Eligibility or the Chapter 35 Survivor's and Dependent Education Assistance Program.

Contact the Veteran Service Office located in the county that you live and make an appointment with the Veteran Service Officer to have the application completed. To locate the office in your county, utilize the interactive map. It may possibly take 30 to 45 days for your Certificate of Entitlement to be received. 

Yes, you may apply for financial aid by completing the FAFSA at The FAFSA opens every year on October 1 and all students are encouraged to complete the FAFSA as soon as possible. Financial aid eligibility and award amounts will vary from student to student. State VA recipients are required to complete a FAFSA. There may also be other financial aid options available to you. Please visit the Coastal Alabama Financial Aid web page for additional information.

Students utilizing federal VA education benefits must maintain 12 credit hours of enrollment during any semester, fall, spring, and/or summer to be classified as a full-time student. 

Yes, you may.  Please provide the veteran affairs office with a completed ANGEAP application for the current academic year. This benefit pays tuition and is based on financial need. You must have a FAFSA on file. Funds are limited and not all applicants are awarded. 

For veterans of the Air Force, go to to request a copy of your Community College of the Air Force transcript. For veterans from all other branches of service, you can request a copy of your military transcript at

The financial aid eligibility of an independent student is determined solely from a review of his or her own (and spouse's, if applicable) information as reported on the FAFSA. It is important to note that a student cannot simply decide to file as an independent student. He or she must meet one of the criteria for financial aid purposes to be considered independent.

Surgical Technologists work in hospital operating rooms, outpatient centers, outpatient clinics, surgery centers, and private offices.  There is a high demand for surgical technologists in the Mobile, Baldwin, and Pensacola areas.  Graduates have a 100% job placement rate.  Surgical Technology is a great career choice! 

The SAR is the output document created by filing a FAFSA. It contains the student’s expected family contribution (EFC) and let’s a student know if they are eligible for a Pell grant.

Log back into your FAFSA at and click the make corrections link. You will sign and resubmit the FAFSA once the corrections are made.  Allow 3 to 5 days for the corrected FAFSA to reach the Financial Aid Office.

Coastal Alabama encourages all students to complete a FAFSA. Many factors are taken into consideration when determining eligibility for financial aid. Applying just once can help you determine if you want to continue applying.  Regardless of financial need, most every student qualifies for a student loan to assist with paying for college.

001060 is Coastal Alabama Community College’s Federal School Code.

Yes. You must submit a FAFSA every school year you want to be considered for federal student aid.

The FAFSA opens on October 1 every year. Students should complete the FAFSA as early as possible for every year they plan to attend college. Coastal will begin processing new FAFSA applications in late February or early March each year. However, students who complete their FAFSA during October through January will qualify for funds that require first-come first-serve.

No, the Café does not take Starbucks Gift Cards.

Financial Aid opens 10 Days before the 1st Day of class.

Online orders can take 24-48 hours to process.

Students in Public, Private, and Parochial schools who have completed the 9th grade are eligible. For academic courses, students must have a 2.5 unweighted GPA. There are additional testing requirements for English and Math courses. For technical courses, students must have a 2.0 unweighted GPA.

Dual enrollment allows students to obtain both high school and college credit at the same time. Accelerated students receive college credit only. Students receive college credit in both programs upon graduation from high school.

Students must submit an online admissions application as a “dual enrollment student”, but all documentation and course scheduling must go through the high school contact or counselor. Students interested in dual enrollment should see their high school counselor for information. In addition to a dual enrollment admissions application, all dual enrollment students must submit an unofficial high school transcript and valid government-issued ID to their high school contact or counselor. Other documentation may be required.

Dual enrollment students will receive high school credit for their college courses while still in high school. Students may view their unofficial transcripts through their OneACCS account. Upon graduation, students are required to submit their official high school transcripts to the college. You cannot obtain your official college transcript until your final high school transcript has been received and processed.

Dual enrollment students may take most of the courses offered by the college except for developmental courses (those numbered below 100) or Physical Education courses (PED). High schools and school districts may have restrictions on what is eligible for dual credit for their students. Students should see their high school counselors for an accurate list of courses that are applicable.

Coastal Alabama Community College has the lowest tuition in the state. Tuition for academic courses is the responsibility of the student, as well as any textbook or lab fees that may be required. The most up-to-date tuition table can be found on the CACC Tuition page. Scholarship funds are available for technical courses, but limitations apply, and students are still responsible for textbooks / fees. Students are encouraged to see their high school counselors for more information on tuition and fees for dual enrollment courses.

In order for LockDown Browser to effectively work on a Macbook, you need to ensure that your Macbook OS is updated to the latest version. For example, the latest version out right now is Big Sur 11.1.0. It will also work with the previous version, which is Catalina. To check your OS version, click the Apple logo in the upper left hand corner. Click on “About this Mac”. Your OS version will appear. If you do not see any available updates, please contact Apple Support to assist you with pushing the update through.

A: When you changed your password via Canvas, it also changed for your student email. Your Canvas and student email uses the same username and password.

The grant is worth up to $972.

Students complete a short form that is sent to their student e-mail accounts after registering for fall classes to sign up for the grant opportunity.

Students can elect to have the grant funds applied to their student account or to receive the funds directly.

A link with the Coastal Cares Grant Application will be sent to a student's Coastal Alabama e-mail account after they register for fall classes.  Complete the application to sign up for the grant opportunity.  Students can elect to have the grant funds applied to their student account or to receive the funds directly.

The grant is only applicable for the Fall 2021 semester and only as funds remain available.

Students log into their OneACCS account using their student email account and password. Student email accounts are not established until their ID has been received and processed by the admission office staff.

For previous year's catalogs, please email

Unofficial transcripts can be obtained by logging into your OneACCS account. Once logged in, click on the Student tab>Student Records>Transcript options (leave settings as is)>Submit. Transcript will display.

Yes, your application is good for one year. If a year or more has lapsed, you must submit a new application online.

Please email and submit a request for a new acceptance letter. Include your A# in all correspondence.

You can view the holds on your account by logging into the OneACCS account and clicking on Student Profile under the Student tab. Holds will be displayed on the top right of the profile.

Please check the personal email address you provided during the application process. You are sent an email after your application has been processed giving you your student number. If you are unable to locate it, please contact the Helpdesk so they can verify your identity and assist you with your number.

If you know your A number, you can log into the OneACCS account and click the Student email address link under the Student tab to learn your address. If you do not know your A#, please contact the Helpdesk for assistance. Student email addresses are not created for new students until a primary proof of identification has been provided to and processed by the admissions office. The proof of ID can be emailed to Approximately 48 hours later you should have access to your student email account.

You advisor information can be obtained via your OneACCS account. It is held in the student profile link. If there is not an advisor listed, please call or email the admissions office and one will them be assigned to you.

You can verify receipt of required admissions documents via the OneACCS account. Once logged in to the account, choose the student tab, and Admissions. The admissions page will display any applications, and the status, you have submitted. Click on the specific term application (ex: FA2021, SP2022), and on the bottom it will list requirements. If a date is in the received column, documents have been received and processed. If the date is blank, it has not been received yet.

You may email Coastal Alabama Libraries at to ask your question. You must use your Coastal Alabama student email account to email us; be sure to include your student number and campus in your email.

Coastal Alabama offers full-service libraries on the Bay Minette, Brewton, Gilbertown, Monroeville, and Thomasville campuses. Learning resource centers are available at Brookley Field and on the Fairhope and Gulf Shores campuses.

Library hours, as well as further contact information, may be found here.

If you need a Student ID, email using your official Coastal Alabama student e-mail address and provide the following information: (put in list format)Name, Student A #, Home Campus, Program of Study, Mailing Address, Legal Photo ID (Drivers License, Government ID, etc), High-Quality Picture to be used for your Student ID. PLEASE NOTE: The photo should be taken in front of a solid light-colored background such as a blank wall. Car selfies or photos with sunglasses, hats, or masks will not be accepted.

You may access the library databases via the Library Services course page on Canvas. Most of the databases do not require an additional login. If you have questions about using the databases or are unsure of which database(s) to use, please email us at

If you do not get an automatic connection to the Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) databases, go to the Library Services course page on Canvas, click on AVL Access Request Form, and fill out the form. To submit the form, you must be logged in to your Coastal Alabama email account.

This is not an instant access point. When your request is filled, we will email you your temporary username/password to access the AVL. Within 24 hours of your temporary account being activated, you will be emailed instructions to set up your 3-year account.

You must use your Coastal Alabama email account in the form you submit to us, but when you set up your 3-year AVL account, you may use any email address you prefer.

You may start your search for a book or other materials via a search in our online library catalog, Koha. While a book may not be available on your campus, you may place a book on hold from any campus to be sent to the campus library of your choice for pickup. Library staff are happy to assist!

Yes! We have laptops and webcams available in our libraries for in-house loan, and also now offer laptops for month-long checkout. To learn more about borrowing a long-term laptop, please visit our Library Services Canvas page.

Due to the size of our collections, we may sometimes carry a book that is used in your class. However, we do not actively purchase textbooks. If you need to buy your books, please contact the Coastal Alabama Bookstore.

Please visit our webpage on the Coastal Alabama Community College website, to find the link to the Housing Application. The application must be completed online.

Any Coastal Alabama Community College student who will be considered full time during the semesters they live on campus and are 16 years of age or older. During Fall and Spring semesters a Full-time student is defined as taking 12 or more credit hours and in the Summer Semester a Full-time student is defined as taking 6 or more credit hours. Exceptions are made for programs that require less credit hours, such as the Nursing Program.

POLICY OF NON-DISCRIMINATION: The Housing Office accepts applications for Residence Hall assignments regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, or qualified disability. Residence Hall assignments are determined on a first come, first serve basis, after pre-defined scholarship recipients have been assigned.

A non-refundable application fee of $100.00 is required for the Fall/Spring semesters, or $50.00 for the Summer semester. Financial Aid will not cover the costs of the Application Fee. You can log into your OneACCS account to pay your application fee.

Unfortunately, no. All application fees are non-refundable, but if a spot becomes available you will be notified.

You can find options to set up a payment plan in your OneACCS account via Touchnet (the payment portal).

In order to cancel your application or contract, you must complete the online Housing Cancellation form. If you are interested in cancelling your application, you will not be refunded the $100.00 application fee. If you are interested in cancelling your contract once already living on campus, you must meet one of the following requirements:

A. Have gotten or about to be married.

B. Military Orders.

C. Have fulfilled your degree plan criteria and have less than 12 credit hours to complete in order to graduate.

D. Have been directed by your physician to live off campus.

If you are still requesting to live off campus but meet none of the above criteria, you can submit a hardship letter to the Housing office for review at

Housing is offered at the Bay Minette and Brewton Campuses. Be sure to visit the Residence Halls page for details.

Visit the Housing Rates page for details.



Yes! There is room on the application to make a request but if you don’t, we will match you with another resident based on your application answers.

In the case that there are more applicants than available space, the Housing Office will maintain a waiting list for students applying for Housing. Students on the waiting list are advised to periodically check their status with the Housing Office and prepare other Housing arrangements in the case that space is unavailable. For students applying for or entering during the spring semester, the fall waiting list will carry over to the spring semester.

Please see our Suggested Items List on prohibited items.

For more information on each residence hall including services provided, choose one for details:

Resident Assistants, or “RAs,” are full-time students who live with the residents and assist the Housing Office in managing facilities, coordinating activities and programs, communicating with residents, and policy reinforcement. They direct their efforts toward building a community atmosphere.

RA applications are accepted in the spring semester for the upcoming academic year. We are continually looking for candidates who have an interest in making a positive and lasting contributions to Residence Life at Coastal Alabama. For more information, contact the Housing Office at 251-580-2121.

Parking Decals are available for purchase through the Safety page on the Coastal Alabama website. All students and employees are required to have and display the appropriate decal each semester. There are designated parking areas across all campuses for Faculty and Staff, as well as no-parking zones. Violators may be subject to fines for misuse of designated parking. Each Residence Hall has its own designated parking areas either in front, behind, or next to the Residence Hall.

In an effort to have mail delivered to the student as quickly as possible we ask all mail and packages be sent to the student using the following addresses:

1900 S US Highway 31
Sun Chief/Thompson Hall, Room #
Bay Minette, AL 36507

Brewton: Student Name
Lakeview Apartments and Room #
Coastal Alabama Community College
3316 Pea Ridge Road
Brewton, AL 36426

Mail will be delivered to the student’s room every weeknight and if they receive a package too big to deliver they will receive an e-mail notifying them of how to pick up their package.

Student Life is a term referring to the everyday life of the student outside of the classroom. At Coastal, this includes student rights and responsibilities, student organizations, residential life, athletics, and student activities that make up the daily student experience.

Student Activities vary from campus to campus. Check out the information in our Handbook to learn more about our student organizations and athletics.

The Coastal Alabama student experience is as unique as our individual students. Coastal offers a variety of student organizations, a student activities office, an active Student Government Association and competitive athletic programs for our students to connect with their classmates and develop leadership skills.

To find out more about a specific student organization, students should contact the organization’s advisor or the Student Activity Office. Additionally, the Student Activities Office hosts Get on Board Day events at the beginning of each semester to help interested students connect with student organizations.

Get Involved!

  1. Attend the Student Government Association (SGA) meeting to learn more about upcoming activities and project.
  2. Be sure you are following the Student Activities and Coastal Alabama pages on social media,
  3. Be sure to read your Student News updates.
  4. Look for event flyers posted on your campus.

All emergency situations should be reported to campus police or call 911. All student complaints or potential code of conduct violations should be submitted to the Office of Student Conduct as soon as possible.

Payments are made through the TouchNet payment portal. Students can access TouchNet through their OneACCS student account.

If a refund is processed, it will appear on your Account Activity found on TouchNet. Direct Deposit takes 2-5 business days to reflect in your bank account. If a refund is processed and issued in the mail it could take 7-14 business days to arrive.

This a credit on your student account, not a balanced owed.

Your refund account must be set up at least 24 hours before processing, if not, it will be issued to the mailing address on file with Admissions. If you have direct deposit set up, verify that the account information is correct. Failed direct deposits, are issued as paper checks.

First, set up Direct Deposit in TouchNet and/or contact the Admissions Department to update your mailing address. Next, send an email to to put in a Void and Reissue request. All requests must include your A student number and full name.

Contact Technology Services at to reset your credentials.

Payments are not accepted over the phone. Students have the options of submitting payment online through TouchNet, by mail or with a Business Office representative on campus.

First, make sure all Financial Aid requirements have been satisfied and Title IV funds for noninstitutional charges have been authorized. If you have denied the use of Title IV funds for noninstitutional charges, it will not be available to use in the Bookstore.

This information is found on the Coastal Alabama Navigator. The Navigator for each term is posted before the start of the term and available through the Coastal Alabama website.

If payment is made through TouchNet, it will take 24 hours for the system to update. If you make payment and need the hold removed immediately, a Business Office representative can manually remove the hold during regular business hours.  You can reach a Business Office representative at 251.580.2217 or

The Associate Degree Nursing program admits three times a year. In the spring, Coastal admits to the Brewton, Bay Minette, and Thomasville campuses. In the fall, Coastal admits to the Bay Minette, Brewton, Fairhope, and Monroeville campuses. In the Summer, Coastal admits to the Fairhope campus.

The Practical Nursing Program admits three times a year. In the spring, summer, and fall, Coastal admits to the Atmore campus. In the spring, Coastal admits to the Thomasville campus.

No. There is no waiting list. Students not admitted must complete the entire application process each time they wish to be considered for admission.

You will only be awarded 3 extra points for either ONE higher level math or chemistry course that is successfully completed with a grade of a “C” or higher.

In place of the points for a higher-level math or chemistry, 3 extra points may be awarded for current certification in Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), Certified Medical Assistant, Licensed Basic or Advanced EMT, Certified Dental Assistant, Certified Veterinary Technician, or Certified Surgical Technologist. PROOF (COPY OF THE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION) MUST BE ATTACHED to the application in order to receive extra points. Students may not receive extra points for a higher-level math or chemistry AND certification. Extra points are awarded for one or the other.


Courses must be completed and a grade awarded by the deadline date for the admission cycle in which the student is applying.

Students are encouraged to speak with a Nursing and Allied Health advisor to discuss goals/plans: 251-990-0434 or 251-580-2257. Students must submit a complete application again, if applying for a different semester.

It generally takes 4-6 weeks after the close of the application cycle to receive notification of acceptance or denial. Applicants not receiving a letter after 6 weeks from the close of the application cycle should contact the nursing department at 251-580-4890.

The biggest difference between ACT Residual and the National ACT is that scores from ACT Residual taken at Coastal Alabama Community College are only valid for use at Coastal Alabama or another Alabama Community College. 

Yes, all nursing applicants are required to submit proper documentation of an ACT score. No minimum score is required for the practical nursing program application and a minimum composite score of 18 or higher is required for the associate degree program application. There is no expiration on ACT scores for nursing program entry. Acceptable reports for ACT scores include:

1. Student score as listed on the student’s OneACCS account.  Students should check the ACT score listed in OneACCS to determine if it is the score the student wishes to submit. Coastal Alabama Nursing will use that score ONLY if it is posted on the student account by the deadline date for the application cycle in which the student wishes to be admitted.

2. Request an official score report from (a screen shot will not be accepted).

3. Request an official high school transcript (First ensure the ACT score is recorded on the official high school transcript. Unofficial transcripts will not be accepted).

4. ACT Residual Score report emailed to the student’s account from Coastal Alabama Community College.

An ACT score is required for all nursing program applications. TEAS, HESI, and SAT are not accepted in place of ACT.

Refer to the Occupational Outlook Handbook for details regarding the differences in LPNs and RNs:

12 or more credit hours per semester is considered full-time. 6-11 credit hours per semester is considered part-time. Students taking 6-11 credit hours will not receive a full financial aid award. For questions specific to financial aid eligibility, please contact the financial aid office:

Many of the academic core courses required for a nursing certificate or degree are offered in the evening or online. Nursing courses are not offered in the evening or online.

Some credits are accepted from other colleges and universities. Only courses passed with a “C” or higher may transfer.  For questions regarding transfer of classes, please contact the Registrar’s Office.

Nursing courses must be taken in sequence as posted. Nursing courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better in order to progress to the next semester.

Schedules vary based on the semester and clinical site availability. Typically, students must commit 3-5 days per week for class, lab, and/or clinical.

LPNs wishing to enroll in the Nursing Career Mobility program must have a valid, unencumbered Alabama PN license (printed from ABN website) or a valid, unencumbered multistate license allowing them to practice nursing in the state of Alabama.

Coastal Alabama Nursing will accept any of the following:

1. Student score as listed on the student’s OneACCS account.  Students should check the ACT score listed in OneACCS to determine if it is the score the student wishes to submit. Coastal Alabama Nursing will use that score ONLY if it is posted on the student account by the deadline date for the application cycle in which the student wishes to be admitted.

2. Request an official score report from (a screen shot will not be accepted).

3. Request an official high school transcript (First ensure the ACT score is recorded on the official high school transcript. Unofficial transcripts will not be accepted).

4. ACT Residual Score report emailed to the student’s account from Coastal Alabama Community College

Yes. A minimum composite score of 18 on ACT is required for application to the Career Mobility program. Information for ACT prep courses is available through Coastal Alabama’s Workforce Development Office at or 251-990-0445. 

Students desiring to go into a nursing or health-related degree should select the General Studies degree with a concentration in Health Sciences.

Yes. The Practical Nursing Program admits three times a year. In the spring, summer, and fall, Coastal admits to the Atmore campus. In the spring, Coastal admits to the Thomasville campus.

No. The Associate Degree Nursing program is 5 semesters once admitted to the nursing program. Students generally complete 2-3 semesters of general education requirements prior to admittance.

A cumulative GPA of 2.0 is required for nursing program entry. A 2.5 GPA in the 8 academic core courses is required. For practical nursing, a 2.5 GPA in the 6 academic core courses is required.

A flagged background check does not automatically result in denial of admission into Coastal’s nursing programs. Flagged background checks are evaluated on a case-by-case basis by our clinical affiliates. If a clinical facility denies the student admission, then the student is not allowed to admit to or continue in the program.

No experience is required.

Starting pay is often the same for those with either degree. Job functions are typically the same for an entry level RN.

Registered Nurses may work in a variety of settings with a variety of clients. Examples include:

· Hospital nursing
· Office/Clinic nursing
· Community/Public health nursing
· Home health nursing
· Long-term care facility nursing
· Travel nursing
· Nursing supervisor/manager
· Hospice nursing

The job outlook is promising. There are currently more job opportunities than there are nurses to fill the positions. This shortage allows nurses to be more selective in choosing their practice setting.

The competition for admittance to one of Coastal Alabama’s nursing programs is dependent on the campus location and semester. The higher the points toward admittance, the higher the chances of being admitted to a nursing program.

There is no expiration or time limit on core academic courses.

Official transcripts from all institutions, including high school transcripts, must be sent to Coastal Alabama Community College’s registrar’s office directly from the college attended. Applications and all supporting materials (such as ACT score) must be received by the application deadline.

Dental assistants provide patient care, take x rays, keep records, and schedule appointments. Dental hygienists examine patients for signs of oral diseases, such as gingivitis, and provide preventive care, including oral hygiene. Coastal Alabama currently offers a Dental Assisting program.

Fall semester each year (August).

July 15

No, only after acceptance and prior to DAT orientation.

Students receive an email from the program director. You have 7 business days to respond to the email to confirm your acceptance or your space may be forfeited.

If you are a first-time college student, it is recommended that you take English 101, Psychology 200, Math 100 or higher, and Speech 107 prior to entry. The courses to acquire an Associate Degree may be taken up to one year after the successful completion of the certificate.

Community doctors and assistants typically notify program instructors when employment opportunities are open. There are several dental Facebook sites that post jobs as well.

The average hourly entry wage in our area is $15.00 - $17.00 an hour, depending on your level of expertise and recommendations.

Surgical technologists work with the surgical team to assist the surgeon with surgical procedures.  The surgical technologist is responsible for setting up a sterile field; gowning and draping the patient and surgeons; and passing instrumentation, equipment, suture, medications, etc. to the surgeon as needed for the procedure. 

Veterinary technologists and technicians do medical tests that help diagnose animals’ injuries and illnesses.

An Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) is an educated, skilled, and licensed health care worker trained in non-invasive life support techniques.

EMTs are usually dispatched by 911 operators to medical emergencies such as car crashes, childbirth, violent traumas, heart attacks and accidents. After arriving on scene, EMTs work with other first responders, such as fire fighters and police, to stabilize and transport patients to hospitals best equipped to treat them.

EMTs may work for private ambulance services, fire departments, hospitals or other rescue services. Career opportunities may also exist in areas like wilderness EMS, special operations, special events, hazardous materials, industrial safety, quality management and other fields. An EMT must pass a certification examination have a license.

A paramedic (NRP) is a more extensively educated, skilled, and licensed health care professional. Paramedics, knowledgeable in topics such as anatomy and physiology, cardiology, pharmacology, and medical procedures, provide advanced emergency care. Paramedics administer medications, start intravenous lines, provide advanced airway management, and resuscitate and support patients with significant problems such as heart attack and trauma.

The majority of paramedics are employed by a municipal emergency medical service such as an ambulance service or fire department.

A paramedic must possess a certificate or associate degree from an accredited educational program, pass certification examinations, and have a license.

Current information about employment prospects and earnings for EMTs and paramedics can be found in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook. For additional information about the profession, visit the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians.


All EMS providers are licensed. The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) grants licensure to EMS providers with National Registry Certification.

The CA EMS Program has adopted a list of “Essential Eligibility Criteria” which delineates the physical, behavioral, and cognitive abilities deemed necessary to complete the EMT, AEMT, and/or paramedic curriculum and to competently perform as an emergency services provider upon graduation set by The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH)

When choosing a profession, an individual must be willing to assume professional behavior inherent to that profession. The Coastal Alabama EMS program demands academic integrity and moral, ethical, and professional behavior in the classroom and the clinical setting. Professional conduct includes:

  • Behavior and language that demonstrates respect for all persons
  • Treating all persons equally without regard to religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, beliefs, disability, or cultural differences
  • Keeping all patient, clinical facility, and student information confidential
  • Dressing appropriately
  • Refraining from disorderly conduct, horseplay, and/or sexual harassment. Not engaging in illegal or unethical acts
  • Abiding by the Coastal Alabama tobacco-free policy while in uniform
  • Being prompt and prepared for all learning experiences

Classes for an EMT certificate are offered every semester. Students must first apply to Coastal Alabama Community College and be unconditionally accepted. It is recommended all students meet with an advisor before registering for classes.

The following costs are approximations, and your expenses will depend on which classes are needed and other variables:

  • Tuition & Fees = $1620
  • Textbooks & Testing = $130-$280, depending on which EMS class you are enrolled to take
  • Uniforms & Equipment = $35
  • Clinical Requirements (Background Check, Drug Screen, Physical) = $100

Students who successfully complete the EMT program are eligible to sit for the National Registry of EMT’s (NREMT) examination. This exam is required for any person seeking state licensure as an EMT. The examination fee is paid to the NREMT. An orientation to the application process and testing mechanisms are provided as part of the EMT course.

During clinical courses, the student works at agencies with EMS personnel such as an ambulance service, a fire department, or emergency department. The student is assigned to licensed personnel for the opportunity to observe and put into practice the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom and laboratory setting. Clinicals may take place during the day or evening, during the week or on weekends and holidays. Faculty try to arrange experiences at times convenient to the student. Generally, assignments are in the student’s home community.

Prior to attending a clinical facility a student must undergo a medical examination and demonstrate immunity to specified communicable diseases, submit to a background check and drug screening, purchase medical malpractice insurance, and have completed a healthcare provider CPR course.

EMT students are assigned to 48 hours of clinicals. AEMT Students are assigned 96 hours. Paramedic students complete approximately 500 hours and additional as needed to accrue required competencies.


The program is 3 consecutive semesters in length for Paramedic. Some general education courses are sequenced in the curriculum plan if working on an AAS degree. Students may elect to take the general education classes in any order or complete some or all prior to enrollment in the program. Students must have completed their EMT, and AEMT prior to starting Paramedic.

Students who successfully complete the paramedic program are eligible to sit for the National Registry of Paramedics (NREMT) examination. This exam is required for any person seeking state licensure. The examination fee is paid to the NREMT. An orientation to the application process and testing mechanisms are provided as part of the paramedic program.

At least one month prior to starting the paramedic program, you should apply for general admission to Coastal Alabama and if not currently an AEMT student with Coastal Alabama. Official transcripts from all other colleges attended must be sent to the Coastal Alabama registrar’s office. Admissions and Records will evaluate your previous college work to determine which courses fulfill the paramedic degree requirements or that will transfer into Coastal Alabama. This may take several weeks so it is important to have official transcripts from other colleges forwarded promptly.

The only way to know if classes taken at another institution will transfer and apply to the EMS program is to have your transcripts evaluated by the Coastal Alabama Office of Admissions and Records. A minimum of four (4) weeks should be allowed for the evaluation of transfer credit.

No. None of the above are required to apply to the EMS program. However, all are needed once you are enrolled to comply with the requirements of our clinical facilities. Detailed information regarding background checks and the drug and alcohol screen will be provided at program orientation. If a background check or a confirmed positive drug screen renders a student ineligible to participate in clinical experiences, they will be dismissed from the EMS program.

No, the drug screening & background check must be performed by approved EMS program vendors.

A physician or nurse practitioner (of your choice) must certify that you meet the EMS Program Essential Eligibility Criteria. Proof must be submitted that you have been immunized or are immune to measles, mumps, and chicken pox and free from tuberculosis. Students will be required to have an influenza vaccine during certain months. Students are encouraged to be immunized against Hepatitis B and must have a current tetanus vaccine.

EMS programs requires commitment. Successful students report studying approximately two hours for each contact hour of lecture classes per week. Sound study skills and time management are critical to achievement in EMS programs. Attendance is required for classes and clinical experiences. However, many of the current students work full-time EMS jobs and attend class.

All paramedic classes are scheduled during daytime hours, Mondays through Thursdays on the Fairhope campus. There are no distance learning / online paramedic classes.

The Coastal Alabama Paramedic Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) upon the recommendation of the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the EMS Professions (CoAEMSP).

Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs 25400 US Highway 19 North Suite 158 Clearwater, FL 33763 727-210-2350 727-210-2354 (fax)

Committee on Accreditation of Education Programs for the EMS Professions 9355 - 113th St. N, #7709 Seminole, FL 33775,  214-703-8445 214-703-8992 (fax)

If you have a question not answered, contact a Nursing and Allied Health Advisor: 251-580-2257. Visit We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have!

You can go to this link, Select the campus you are closest to or you would like to test at and schedule the date/time you wish to test. If you wish to test virtually, please email the appropriate person for each campus.

All entering students are assessed through a 3-level screening guideline process. Level 1 is ACT Placement: all students who have taken the ACT within the last 5 years must make sure their scores are on file with the Admissions Office (251-580-2111). Level-2 Screening: (a) If students did not take the ACT test, (b) if students’ scores are over 5 years old, or (c) if students’ scores do not meet guidelines, then the students must make sure that the Admissions Office has their official high school transcript. Level 2 screening is based upon high school GPA and course of study. Level 3 Screening: if students do not meet placement requirements pursuant to the new guidelines for Level 1 and Level 2 screenings, then they will need to schedule a date to take the ACCUPLACER test.

You will get them immediately after completion of the test.

The first time is free to all students.

Each class will have a "Register Online" button within the Class Details. There, you can complete the online registration form.

Coastal Alabama Workforce Development offers a wide range of courses from workplace skills to industry-recognized certificates in high-demand job fields.

Click here to see available courses.

Apprenticeships are partnerships between Coastal Alabama where employees participate in related training with the college while gaining on-the-job training with employers.

Contact your local career center. If unsure of which career center you report to, call us at 251-990-0445 for assistance.

Follow the links below for the current semester class schedule.

Workforce Credentials

Adult Education

Community Classes

ACT Prep

Coastal Alabama Community College offers two academic transfer degree programs:  An Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree in Liberal Arts and an Associate of Science (A.S.) degree in General Studies. 

It is recommended that you determine what degree you would like to earn when you transfer to a four-year institution.  If you would like to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree, then you would earn an Associate of Arts degree at Coastal Alabama.  If you would like to earn a Bachelor of Science degree, then you would earn an Associate of Science degree at Coastal Alabama.  If you are uncertain as to what four-year degree you would like to earn, it is recommended that you pursue an Associate of Science degree at Coastal Alabama.

Degree plans are located in the College Catalog. Learn more about an Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree plan and a Associate of Science (A.S.) degree plan.

Degree plans are found on the College’s web site.  These plans show what classes are to  be taken based on the pathway chosen, for example there are pathways for business,  computer sciences, engineering, education, biomedical sciences, etc.  You can use the  advising pathways to determine the order in which classes should be taken.  Pathways  are provided for the A.A. and A.S. degrees.  Learn more about the A.A. pathways and the A.S. pathways.  If you need assistance determining which classes to take, contact  your advisor.

Log into your OneACCS account – Student – Student Profile - Advisors.

Your instructor’s name, email address, and phone number are located in the course  syllabus.  You will find the syllabus on the course site in Canvas.

When you register for classes, you should be mindful of which traditional and hybrid  courses you select because these classes are associated with specific campuses.  When  you log into your OneACCS account, select the Class Schedule option and note how the  different campuses are designated:

AT – Atmore
BF – Brookley Field
BM – Bay Minette
BR – Brewton
FA – Fairhope Academy
FH – Fairhope
GT – Gilbertown
JA - Jackson
MV – Monroeville
TV – Thomasville
WB – Web based online courses

Seated Classes – These courses are traditional, web-enhanced seated courses in which: (1) no more than twenty-five percent (25%) of assignments and course content are completed electronically and (2) web enhanced content may not replace the required on-campus contact hours

Hybrid Classes – These courses are delivered fifty percent (50%) online and fifty percent (50%) on campus.  

Internet or Online Classes – These courses are delivered one hundred percent (100%) electronically. Students are not required to come on campus.

When entering a schedule and an override becomes necessary in order to register for a class, the student must email Instructional Services at to request an override.  When emailing Instructional Services, students should include their Name, A number, and CRN number for the course for which they are requesting an override.

Since attendance is taken beginning with the first day of class and used for attendance verification, it is important that students enrolled in traditional, or hybrid format classes attend class beginning with the first day of class.   For Distance Education/Online classes, attendance will be recorded within the FIRST WEEK of the course by one of the following two methods: (1) Student attendance at an on-site course orientation, or (2) Student submission of a graded course assignment or quiz.

The Alabama Community College System requires all institutions in the System to operate on a semester system. Semester hours of credit are based on the average number of hours of instruction each week during a 15-week period, with an hour of instruction defined as not less than 50 minutes of instructor/student contact. A semester system is defined as a fall semester, spring semester, and a summer term. 

The maximum course load for an entering first semester freshman is 19 semester hours, except by special permission.

The maximum load for a student who has an average of 3.00 or above during the preceding semester is 24 semester hours. However, students wishing to take more than 19 semester hours must have written permission from the appropriate Instructional Officer or Designee.

The minimum load for a regular full-time student is 12 semester hours. A student taking an average of 16 semester hours earns 32 semester hours in 2 semesters.

The maximum course load for a student on academic probation is 16 semester hours for the term, except by special permission.

Students may withdraw from class or the College any time prior to the start of final exams during any semester or term. To withdraw from class or the College, students must complete the online withdrawal form located on the Registrar page of the Coastal Alabama Community College website.

Students who complete the withdrawal process prior to the deadline will be assigned a grade of “W”. However, a grade of “F” will be assigned to students who fail to satisfactorily complete the requirements of a course or who voluntarily discontinue class attendance and fail to follow the College’s official withdrawal procedure.

Students may withdraw from class or the College any time prior to the start of final exams during any semester or term. To withdraw from class or the College, students must complete the online withdrawal form located on the Registrar page of the Coastal Alabama Community College website.

Students who complete the withdrawal process prior to the deadline will be assigned a grade of “W”. However, a grade of “F” will be assigned to students who fail to satisfactorily complete the requirements of a course or who voluntarily discontinue class attendance and fail to follow the College’s official withdrawal procedure.

Course forgiveness occurs when a student repeats a course and the last grade awarded (excluding grades of W) replaces the previous grade in the computation of the cumulative grade point average. The grade point average during the term in which the course was first attempted will not be affected. The official transcript will list the course and grade each time it is attempted. A student must request, by submission of the appropriate form, that the Registrar implement the "Course Forgiveness" policy after a course has been repeated (see Registrar section on the college website for form).

The following procedure for appealing a grade must be followed in the order listed:

The student should first contact the instructor to request verification of the grade and how it was determined.

If resolved satisfactorily, the matter will be considered closed. If the grade is changed by the instructor, the appropriate procedure for changing grades will be adhered to.

However, if the student does not receive satisfaction from the instructor, the student should appeal to the Division Chair. The Division Chair will confer with the student and the faculty member, independently or jointly, in an attempt to reach closure.

If closure is not reached by using the informal approach, the student may file a formal grade appeal to the appropriate Instructional Officer by the midterm of the semester/term following the date the grade is issued. The written appeal must state the name of the course, the reasons for the request, the dates involved, the name of the instructor who assigned the grade, and previous attempts at resolving the situation.

The appropriate Instructional Officer will forward copies of the student’s request letter along with the instructor’s and Division Chair’s grade appeal response form and any supporting documentation from the student and the instructor to the Instructional Affairs Committee for a hearing. Members of the Instructional Affairs Committee will sit as the investigatory body. If the Committee requests additional information for the hearing, the appropriate Instructional Officer will coordinate the collection of information. After the written appeal is received, the Committee will deliberate and make a determination on the request within a reasonable period of time. The decision will be recorded in the Committee’s minutes.

If the Committee’s decision is to alter the grade, the appropriate Instructional Officer will notify the instructor and the student, in writing, of the Committee’s decision as soon as possible. If the Committee’s decision is to deny the grade appeal, the appropriate Instructional Officer will notify the student in writing of the Committee’s decision as soon as possible.

The decision of the Instructional Affairs Committee is final.


Students who are currently attending another accredited college or university and who are in good standing may be admitted to Coastal Alabama Community College as transient students. Transient students in good standing must provide written authorization from the postsecondary institution in which they are currently enrolled stating that courses selected at Coastal Alabama have been approved for transferable credit. The transient form must be submitted at the same time the student applies for admission.

Applicants must complete the online Application for Admission and provide a picture ID (Driver's License or other approved ID). Applicants must request that an official “Letter of Transiency,” properly signed by the Dean or Registrar at the postsecondary institution in which they are currently enrolled, be emailed or mailed directly to the Admissions Office.

Coastal Alabama Community College offers Associate in Applied Science degrees, Certificates, and Short-Term Certificates for a variety of technical programs.  After the completion of a degree or certificate, students are trained to enter the workforce.  The link provided shows each degree and certificate offered including a rotation guide by semester and degree plan with all courses listed to complete the degree or certificate.

Coastal Alabama offers Dental Assisting, Basic EMT, Advanced EMT, Paramedic.

Associate Degree Nurse (RN), Practical Nurse (LPN), an LPN or Paramedic to Associate  Degree Nurse Mobility program, Surgical Technology, and Veterinary Technician.  Also,  a Nursing Assistant course is offered through the Workforce Development Office.

Log into your OneACCS account – Student – Student Profile - Advisors

Your instructor’s name, email address, and phone number are located in the course  syllabus.  You will find the syllabus on the course site in Canvas.

When you register for classes, you should be mindful of which traditional and hybrid  courses you select because these classes are associated with specific campuses.  When  you log into your OneACCS account, select the Class Schedule option and note how the  different campuses are designated:

AT – Atmore
BF – Brookley Field
BM – Bay Minette
BR – Brewton
FA – Fairhope Academy
FH – Fairhope
GT – Gilbertown
JA - Jackson
MV – Monroeville
TV – Thomasville
WB – Web based online courses

Coastal Alabama offers classes in three learning formats consisting of seated, hybrid and online.  The definitions for these learning formats are described below:

Seated Classes – These courses are traditional, web-enhanced seated courses in which: (1) no more than twenty-five percent (25%) of assignments and course content are completed electronically and (2) web enhanced content may not replace the required on-campus contact hours

Hybrid Classes – These courses are delivered fifty percent (50%) online and fifty percent (50%) on campus.  

Internet or Online Classes – These courses are delivered one hundred percent (100%) electronically. Students are not required to come on campus.

When entering a schedule and an override becomes necessary in order to register for a class, the student must email Instructional Services at to request an override.  When emailing Instructional Services, students should include their Name, A number, and CRN number for the course for which they are requesting an override.

Since attendance is taken beginning with the first day of class and used for attendance verification, it is important that students enrolled in traditional, or hybrid format classes attend class beginning with the first day of class.   For Distance Education/Online classes, attendance will be recorded within the FIRST WEEK of the course by one of the following two methods: (1) Student attendance at an on-site course orientation, or (2) Student submission of a graded course assignment or quiz.

The Alabama Community College System requires all institutions in the System to operate on a semester system. Semester hours of credit are based on the average number of hours of instruction each week during a 15-week period, with an hour of instruction defined as not less than 50 minutes of instructor/student contact. A semester system is defined as a fall semester, spring semester, and a summer term. 

The maximum course load for an entering first semester freshman is 19 semester hours, except by special permission.

The maximum load for a student who has an average of 3.00 or above during the preceding semester is 24 semester hours. However, students wishing to take more than 19 semester hours must have written permission from the appropriate Instructional Officer or Designee.

The minimum load for a regular full-time student is 12 semester hours. A student taking an average of 16 semester hours earns 32 semester hours in 2 semesters.

The maximum course load for a student on academic probation is 16 semester hours for the term, except by special permission.

Students may withdraw from class or the College any time prior to the start of final exams during any semester or term. To withdraw from class or the College, students must complete the online withdrawal form located on the Registrar page of the Coastal Alabama Community College website.

Students who complete the withdrawal process prior to the deadline will be assigned a grade of “W”. However, a grade of “F” will be assigned to students who fail to satisfactorily complete the requirements of a course or who voluntarily discontinue class attendance and fail to follow the College’s official withdrawal procedure.

Course forgiveness occurs when a student repeats a course and the last grade awarded (excluding grades of W) replaces the previous grade in the computation of the cumulative grade point average. The grade point average during the term in which the course was first attempted will not be affected. The official transcript will list the course and grade each time it is attempted. A student must request, by submission of the appropriate form, that the Registrar implement the "Course Forgiveness" policy after a course has been repeated (see Registrar section on the college website for form).

The following procedure for appealing a grade must be followed in the order listed:

The student should first contact the instructor to request verification of the grade and how it was determined.

If resolved satisfactorily, the matter will be considered closed. If the grade is changed by the instructor, the appropriate procedure for changing grades will be adhered to.

If closure is not reached by using the informal approach, the student may file a formal grade appeal to the appropriate Instructional Officer by the midterm of the semester/term following the date the grade is issued. The written appeal must state the name of the course, the reasons for the request, the dates involved, the name of the instructor who assigned the grade, and previous attempts at resolving the situation.

The appropriate Instructional Officer will forward copies of the student’s request letter along with the instructor’s and Division Chair’s grade appeal response form and any supporting documentation from the student and the instructor to the Instructional Affairs Committee for a hearing. Members of the Instructional Affairs Committee will sit as the investigatory body. If the Committee requests additional information for the hearing, the appropriate Instructional Officer will coordinate the collection of information. After the written appeal is received, the Committee will deliberate and make a determination on the request within a reasonable period of time. The decision will be recorded in the Committee’s minutes.

If the Committee’s decision is to alter the grade, the appropriate Instructional Officer will notify the instructor and the student, in writing, of the Committee’s decision as soon as possible. If the Committee’s decision is to deny the grade appeal, the appropriate Instructional Officer will notify the student in writing of the Committee’s decision as soon as possible.

The decision of the Instructional Affairs Committee is final.

On the Coastal Alabama Community College website, under STUDENTS drop-down menu, click on the SAFETY tab and click on the “Register for a Decal” tab. Then click on the “Register/Purchase Permits” link and provide the information requested.

You will receive an email to your student email with a link for a temporary parking permit. Print the permit off and place on you dash where the information is visible. You should receive your decal in the mail, at the mailing address you provided in 7-10 days.

On the Coastal Alabama Community College website, under the STUDENTS drop-down menu, click on the SAFETY tab and click on the “Pay Parking Citation” tab and then you can choose to “View,” “Pay,” or “Appeal” the citation.

If it is an emergency call 911. If it is not an emergency, you can call the Coastal Alabama Police Department at (251) 580-2222 (or include cell #) and an officer will assist you or put you in touch with an officer at your local campus to assist you.

Yes, College Police will attempt to unlock your vehicle after you read and sign a consent waiver.

Yes, College Police will attempt to jump off a dead battery with a jump box.

Students with academic potential who may be at some disadvantage because of a disability, low income and /or first generation status (neither parent has a bachelor’s degree) are eligible.

Supportive services provided by the Student Support Services Program are counseling, career information, tutoring, academic advising, financial aid workshops, cultural enrichment, evaluation, transfer assistance and follow-up. Limited financial assistance may be available for students who maintain the required GPA and who have a financial need as determined by the SSS staff and the Financial Aid Office. In order to receive financial assistance in TRiO Student Support Services, contact the Program Director on your campus.

The login for Canvas is your student e-mail for the username and your e-mail password for the password.  If this is not working, please contact the HelpDesk at 251-580-4900 or send an e-mail to from your Coastal Alabama e-mail address.  The 24/7 Canvas support hotline cannot assist with login issues.  

Check your "courses" tab in Canvas, and then look at your "All Courses" list.  Check the "All Courses" list to see if the course is scheduled to start during a different term (for example, some classes are Term 2 classes that do not start until October 19).  If you are still not able to locate the class, send an e-mail to the HelpDesk at from your Coastal Alabama e-mail address. 

Hybrid courses may have on-campus sessions.  Web courses are strictly online.

Students learn principles of asepsis and sterility, microbiology, pharmacology, responsibilities of the surgical team, surgical anatomy, and the role of the surgical technologist.  Students are taught instrumentation, equipment, supplies, suture, and medications commonly used in surgical procedures as well as learning how to set up and perform surgical procedures in a mock surgical suite on the Bay Minette campus. 

Facial coverings/masks are not required for Spring 2022. For certain programs, facial coverings may be encouraged based on policies of the College’s partners (i.e. clinical sites for allied health programs). For athletics, guidelines for facial coverings/masks are issued from the Alabama Community College Conference.

Grant funds are only guaranteed if funds remain available and if eligible students meet the deadlines listed above.  Any funds granted after that date are contingent upon availability. 

The Coastal Cares Grant only covers up to $972.
As long as you are registered for Term II classes before the deadlines above, you may still be eligible to receive the Coastal Cares Grant.
Deadlines for admission vary by high school and may be sooner than the deadlines listed above. Students should contact their local high school for more information.

Vaccination is the leading prevention strategy to protect individuals from the COVID-19 disease and end the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 vaccine significantly reduces the potential of severe illness, hospitalizations, and death. According to the CDC, COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, and everyone 12 years of age and older is now eligible to get a free COVID-19 vaccination. 

Pursuant to state law, the Alabama Community College System and its colleges will not mandate the COVID vaccine as a condition of attendance or employment, but vaccination is strongly encouraged for all students, faculty, and staff.

Yes. Sun Chief Hall and Thompson Hall on the Bay Minette Campus and Lakeview Apartments on the Brewton Campus will be open for students. The College will hold a set number of rooms to be used for quarantine purposes based on trends of the pandemic.

Yes. Food services provided on campus will follow county and state health and safety guidelines.

Persons arriving to campus with signs or symptoms of COVID-19:

Should a faculty/staff or student arrive to campus exhibiting signs or symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g. fever, cough, and shortness of breath), the College will ask the person to leave campus and consult a healthcare provider and/or do a COVID-19 test before returning to campus.

Everyone, regardless of vaccination status, shall:

  • Stay home for 5 days
  • If there are no symptoms or symptoms are resolving after 5 days, the individual may return to campus/work. The individual should test, if practicable, prior to returning to work.
  • Individual shall wear a mask around others for 5 additional days.
  • Note: If the individual has a fever, they should continue to stay home until the fever resolves.

Everyone, regardless of vaccination status, shall:

  • Stay home for 5 days
  • If there are no symptoms or symptoms are resolving after 5 days, the individual may return to campus/work. The individual should test, if practicable, prior to returning to work.
  • Individual shall wear a mask around others for 5 additional days.
  • Note: If the individual has a fever, they should continue to stay home until the fever resolves.

Persons who were exposed to COVID-19 should begin wearing a mask immediately upon
notice of exposure. Masks should be worn for 10 days.
Watch for symptoms, such as fever (100.4 degrees or greater), cough, and shortness of breath.
If you develop symptoms, isolate immediately and get tested. Remain isolated until test results
are complete.

  • Regardless of if you are/aren’t experiencing symptoms, get tested at least 5 full days after your last exposure.
  • If you test negative, continue to wear the mask for the 10 full days from the date of exposure.
  • If you test positive, isolate immediately. Stay home for at least 5 days and isolate from others in your home. You may end isolation after day 5, but continue to wear a mask for the 5 additional days.
  • If you had symptoms and a positive COVID-19 test, you may end isolation after day 5
  • if you are fever-free for 24 hours and if your symptoms are improving, but continue to wear a mask for the 5 additional days. After you have ended isolation, if your COVID-19 symptoms recur or worsen, restart your isolation at day 0.

Day 0 is the day of your last exposure to someone with COVID-19. Day 1 is the first full day
after your last exposure.

Once you complete the Vaccine Incentive Enrollment Form and select a campus, you will need to bring your Vaccination Card and a picture ID to your campus' designated office listed below:

  • Alabama Aviation Center at Brookley Field – Front Office; Alicia Sykes
  • Atmore Campus - Front Office; Shameka Leslie
  • Bay Minette Campus - Admissions Office
  • Brewton Campus – Student Support Services; Jennifer Pollitte
  • Fairhope Campus – Front Office; Cristi Parent or Colleen Gary
  • Gilbertown Campus – Front Office; Markeria Davis
  • Gulf Shores Campus – Front Office; Brandie Simmons or Sandy Reyes
  • Monroeville Campus – Business Office; Toni Kelly
  • Thomasville Campus – Front Office; Ginger Bell or Mary Slade

Once you complete the Vaccine Incentive Enrollment Form and show your Vaccine Card and picture ID to your campus' representative, you will be given a shirt and will be emailed the $100 Amazon gift card to the student or employee email address entered in your form.

Only fully vaccinated students or employees are eligible for the gift card and t-shirt. If you haven’t been vaccinated, we are offering Pop-Up Vaccine Clinics on several campuses. Schedule an appointment here.  You can also visit the Alabama Department of Health website to find the nearest vaccination site to you.

If you have already been vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus, thank you!  You are eligible to receive the gift card and t-shirt, regardless of where you received your full vaccination.

Degree Works is a Web-based tool for students to monitor their academic progress toward degree completion. Degree Works allows students and their advisors to plan future academic coursework.

A Degree Works audit is a review of past, current and “planned” coursework that provides information on completed and outstanding requirements necessary to complete a degree.

Yes. Access to Degree Works is through the Web. Anywhere you can log in to your OneACCS portal will allow you access to Degree Works.

Yes. Like other processes you use through the OneACCS portal, Degree Works is accessed through your secure log in. Remember that your advisor, faculty, and selected staff will be able to view the information contained in Degree Works.

Degree Works is available to all degree-seeking students. Advisors, faculty, and selected staff will also have access for the purpose of supporting your progress through your academic career.

The information in Degree Works is refreshed each night. Any changes made today (e.g., grade changes or classes added/dropped) will be seen in Degree Works tomorrow.

No. Degree Works is a snapshot of courses in-progress, planned, and in academic history. Registration will continue to be handled through your OneACCS portal.

Yes. Degree Works is laid out in block format displaying degree, major, and concentration (if applicable) requirements information. Look for unchecked boxes to identify requirements that you still need to complete.

Degree Works looks at the student’s program holistically and places each course using a “best fit” scenario. We've also programmed priorities so that courses will be used in some areas before they will be used in others. This process will not always be perfect, particularly when multiple possibilities exist, so if the student has taken a course that does not appear in the area in which you wanted to use it, you may create an exception to move the course to the desired area.

Yes. See the Planner section for information.

Yes. Once grades have been processed at the end of the semester, they are viewable in Degree Works following the nightly refresh; however, though grades are viewable in your OneACCS portal once posted by an instructor, final grades are not available in Degree Works until after the final grading period for the College has ended. Courses in-progress are listed with an “IP” grade.

Yes. On the Audit tab, click on the Class History link at the top for a printable list of courses taken at Coastal Alabama Community College as well as transfer courses.

You should consult with your advisor for a review of your audit. Any exception to degree requirements should be discussed with your advisor.

There could be several reasons. One is that Degree Works may not have refreshed since a change was made (the information is refreshed nightly). Second, there could be some paperwork that needs to be completed. For example, if you have completed transfer courses, it is possible that we have not received an official transcript, or the coursework is pending Registrar review. Check with the Registrar’s Office if your transcript or audit does not reflect transfer work you have completed.

Degree Works uses a student’s Catalog Year to determine the set of degree requirements to use when producing a degree audit.

You cannot update course information in Degree Works.

Please contact your advisor or email with any questions about Degree Works.

Your audit will display the courses you have taken or are registered for and will show you any degree requirements that are being met by the courses you have taken or that may be met upon satisfactory completion of courses in progress.

Degree Works uses the information that is current for your transcript. You will be able to view any courses that have been completed/registered for/transferred by the date your audit was last refreshed. (Data is refreshed nightly.) Keep in mind that any transfer work or grade changes that have not been formally submitted and accepted will not appear on your audit.

Your advisor is your primary point of contact. If your advisor determines that your audit is incorrect, he/she will email for assistance.

Your major GPA is a calculated GPA based on coursework used to fulfill degree requirements. This GPA will appear within the major block requirements of your audit.

Your audit will outline for you courses still needed to meet degree requirements within each specific block. You may then use this information to discuss your plan with your advisor.

Your advisor is your primary point of contact. If your advisor determines that your audit is incorrect, he/she will contact Instructional Services for assistance.

Check with the Admissions Office for assistance.

There could be two reasons. First, the course did not meet either the minimum number of credits and/or minimum grade requirement for use in your program of study. Second, all requirements have been met and this course is simply not needed.

Courses from which you have withdrawn will appear in the Insufficient Due to Grades and/or Repeats block on your audit.

You should contact your advisor to resolve any substitution issue. Any waivers, substitutions, or exceptions for degree requirements must be communicated to Instructional Services by the appropriate division chair.

Not necessarily. Once you have applied to graduate, the Registrar’s Office will perform a preliminary audit of your coursework prior to the add/drop period of your final semester and a final audit after all final grades have been submitted to determine if you are eligible to graduate. Missing requirements will be communicated to you by the Registrar’s Office.

The Planner is a tool for you to arrange course requirements into future semester blocks. You and your advisor may find this helpful as you forecast your academic career. It is recommended that you create an active plan and keep it up-to-date, as this information may be used by university administrators to determine the demand for various courses each term.

  • By a split screen, the Planner allows you to drag and drop courses from your audit into future semester blocks. You can also type courses directly into the planner boxes. You must enter the course as it is labeled in the catalog (e.g., ENG 101, not English 101).
  • Alternatively, you may wish to begin your plan with a template, which will lay out a suggested plan of study semester-by-semester. To do this, in the right side “Student Educational Planner” column, click “Load in a pre-defined plan”. Complete the necessary information to search for an appropriate plan. Note the search form is pre-populated with your curriculum data. Select the correct plan by Catalog year and click “Load into my plan”. Once the plan is populated, edit as desired, then click “Save Plan” to retain the plan of study you developed.
  • Note that requirements beginning with a “- ” are labels indicating what type of specific course should be used to fulfill that item in your plan.

No. Nothing entered on the Planner will affect your actual audit. You can, however, see how the courses you have entered in your planner will apply in your audit by checking the boxes next to the semester blocks that you wish to include (check all of the boxes to see how your audit will look if you complete your entire plan) and then clicking on Process New. In the audit on the left-hand side of the screen, you will see how the planned courses applied to the various major requirements.

Yes; however, only one plan at a time may be kept as an active plan. You should mark the plan that you expect to follow as your active plan. This information may be used by college administrators to determine the demand for various courses each term.

Yes. Degree Works will allow you to save all plans you create; however, only one plan may be marked as active.

Yes. Your advisor can see your plan(s) and participate with you in the planning process. There is a Notes feature, as well, for you and your advisor to keep additional information.

Depending upon your major, your advisor may choose to lock your plan after discussing it with you. Once your plan is locked, you will need to return to your advisor to make any additional changes.

No. Your planner is for planning purposes only. You will register through your OneACCS portal.

No. Your planner is for planning purposes only. Final course schedules are available to students online shortly before registration. If you discover that a course you had planned is not being offered, you should identify an alternative course and move the original course, if still needed, to a future term.

Yes. There is a print button at the top of the planner.

The What If function allows you to hypothetically change your degree. The What If audit will show you what coursework is required for the new degree, what courses you have taken that satisfy requirements, and what courses are still left for you to take.

No. The What If function is for information purposes only. You will see the header What If Audit displayed at the top of the audit whenever an audit is run on a What If scenario.

Yes. The What If function will perform an audit based on the hypothetical degree and will show how your completed, current, and planned coursework meets the requirements of the hypothetical degree.

Since What If scenarios are not stored on Degree Works, your advisor can only see your results if the two of you work through a What If procedure together.

No. What If plans are not saved on Degree Works. You would need to run a new What If scenario next time you log in to see it again.

Yes. If you want to share it with your advisor at a later date, you should print your What If scenario.

Always speak with your advisor first. After consulting with your advisor, you may change your degree using the Change of Degree Plan Request Form.

The Term Calculator will show you your estimated cumulative GPA after you fill in hypothetical grade information. By putting in your current earned units and GPA and placing your in-progress courses in the table (this all will default in for you) along with the grade you anticipate receiving for each course; you will see a revised cumulative GPA based on the estimates you provided.

No. This is an estimate only.

CDR stands for Cohort Default Rate which refers to the default rate on federal student loans. Students can search the Official Cohort Default Rates by visiting Federal Student Aid and entering the OPEID – 001060. The CDR is reported annually to the National Center for Education Statistics. The current 2018 CDR is 12.6% in comparison to the 7.3% national average. 

Students utilizing VA Education Benefits are allowed to register on the first day of registration, regardless of freshman/sophomore status, if they have submitted all required paperwork and documentation to the VA School Certifying Official and the College. 

Students utilizing federal VA education benefits will have a hold on their account to prevent them from adding or withdrawing from any classes during the semester, once their hours have been certified for payment with the VA. Students who withdraw from classes may owe a portion of their financial aid back to the school.  In addition, VA students may owe money back to the VA. For this reason, VA students with certified schedules have a hold. 

Yes, for this reason, all transcripts from your military service must be on file in Admissions. Visit the Veterans Resource page for links to order your Joint Services Transcript. In addition, transcripts from any other college or university you have attended, must also be on file in Admissions.  

Individual Advising appointments

Are you looking for a more personalized approach to joining the pack? Students can schedule a one-on-one session with one of our staff avisors. Those one-on-one sessions can also be in person or virtual to meet the needs of busy schedules.

On-site Camp Coyote

The in-person sessions day will start with a short group presentation giving a high-level overview of severeal topics we think students should know as they enter college, once that wraps up students will then head over th group advising sessions to start the registartion process. 

** Parents and guest will attend their own information session while students get advised and registered **

Camp Coyote Sessions

Date Location Start Time
June 18, 2024 Bay Minette 10:00 AM
June 20, 2024 Monroeville 10:00 AM
June 25, 2024 Fairhope 10:00 AM
June 27, 2024 Brewton 10:00 AM
July 16, 2024 Gulf Shores 10:00 AM
July 18, 2024 Bay Minette 10:00 AM
July 23, 2024 Fairhope 10:00 AM
July 25, 2024 Thomasville 10:00 AM
July 30, 2024 Bay Minette

10:00 AM


** Check in will being 1 hour prior to session start time

Yes. All outstanding financial aid requirements must be submitted prior to the end of the semester. Students have 45 days from their last date of attendance to complete any outstanding requirements. Financial aid for previous award years will not be processed after September 1 of the current academic year.

Does the Dental Assisting program meet the licensure requirements for this state?

State Yes Not determined Not determined, but program meets national standard No Comments Confirmation






None required

Click here for state requirements.






None required for routine procedures.  Certificate required for coronal polishing and restorative functions

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  Must pass RHS exam to take X-rays. Certificate required for coronal polishing and restorative functions

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  Completion of the program allows graduates to take X-rays.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  Apply to the board to work as RDA.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  Passing the RHS and CDA exams allows one to take X-rays.

Click here for state requirements






Must pass ICE exam to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  Apply to the Florida Board for approval to take X-rays and for expanded functions

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  Must complete training to provide phlebotomy.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






Must graduate from an accredited program to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures as a dental auxillary.  To work as an RDA, must have CPR, certificates of completion of the Coronal Polishing, Radiation Safety, Radiation Techniques Course, and Starting IV Access Lines courses and the licensee’s statement attesting to the competence of the dental assistant in the procedures delegated the assistant from the Delegated Duty List

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  May perform additional procedures with CDA.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  To perform as RDA must apply to the board, hold current BLS, and pass an ethics and jurisprudence exam.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  To work as RDA, must pass MN DA state exam, pass jurisprudence exam, hold CPR, & apply to the board of dentistry.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  May assist with anesthesia with further training and passing CDA.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. To practice as RDA must hold CDA.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  Must have BLS to assist with anesthesia.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. Need a statement of training in infection control

Click here for state requirements

New Hampshire





None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  Expanded procedures allowed with CDA.

Click here for state requirements

New Jersey





None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  To work as RDA must hold CDA, 2 years experience, pass New Jersey expanded duties exam, and apply for licensure to the New Jersey Board of Dentistry

Click here for state requirements

New Mexico





None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  Further training required for expanded functions.

Click here for state requirements

New York





None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  To work as an RDA, must hold CDA and apply for licensure to the NY state education department.

Click here for state requirements

North Carolina





To practice as a DA 2, must complete the DAT Certification or AAS degree or hold CDA.  Extra training required for coronal polishing and conscious sedation.

Click here for state requirements

North Dakota





None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






Must hold CDA.  Extra training required for coronal polishing and fissure sealants 

Click here for state requirements






Must obtain a permit from the board of dentistry and pass an infection control course and pass a background check

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements

Rhode Island





Must hold a certificate of completion to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements

South Carolina





None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements

South Dakota





None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






Complete Tennessee ethics and jurisdiction exam, BLS, apply to the Tennessee board of Dentistry 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  To perform as a RDA, must complete a course by TSBDE, complete the ethics and jurisprudence, CDA certification, complete course in human trafficking, and apply to TSBDE for registration.  Fingerprinting required.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  May perform as an RDA with CDA, employed by Vermont dentist, apply to the Vermont board of examiners.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  Further requirements to work with anesthesia. Work as Dental II with CDA, complete expanded functions training, and register to the Virginia Board of Dentistry.

Click here for state requirements






Apply to Washington DQAC, and complete 7 hrs of AIDs training, hold BLS.  

Click here for state requirements

West Virginia





None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  Must obtain certification to perform expanded functions.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  BLS required for working with anesthesia.

Click here for state requirements

Coastal Books+ is a course material model that lowers the cost of materials for students and ensures students have access to all of their required course materials on or before the first day of class. Through this new program, physical books will be conveniently packaged and provided to students on a rental basis, and digital materials will be delivered directly within Canvas. Costs will be a $24 per credit hour fee. At the end of the term, students will receive email reminders to return their physical course materials to the bookstore.

The following refund dates (Full Term, Term I and Term II) are for withdrawals from COLLEGE, not class withdrawals.

Full Term Refund Dates (Withdrawal from the College)

Dates Refunds
Prior to First Class (August 19) 100%
August 19 - August 24 70% of tuition & other charges
August 25 - August 31 45% of tuition & other charges
September 1 - September 7 20% of tuition & other charges
After September 7 No refund

Term I Refund Dates (Withdrawal from the College)

Dates Refunds
Prior to First Class (August 19) 100%
August 19 - August 22 70% of tuition & other charges
August 23 - August 25 45% of tuition & other charges
August 26 - August 28 20% of tuition & other charges
After August 28 No refund

Term II Refund Dates (Withdrawal from the College)

Dates Refunds
Prior to First Class (October 14) 100%
October 14 - October 18 70% of tuition & other charges
October 19 - October 21 45% of tuition & other charges
October 22 - October 25 20% of tuition & other charges
After October 25 No refund

Night Term Refund Dates (Withdrawal from the College)

Dates Refunds
Prior to First Class (September 9) 100%
September 9 - September 11 70% of tuition & other charges
September 12 - September 14 45% of tuition & other charges
September 15 - September 18 20% of tuition & other charges
After September 18 No refund

For classes meeting one time per week, refunds are based on each class meeting being counted as one week. 

All College withdrawals must be processed in the Registrar’s Office. The fee refunds are computed according to the date the student actually appears and completes the College withdrawal process and not according to his or her last day of attendance.

Coastal Alabama Community College complies with federal regulations relative to refund of tuition and other institutional charges for Title IV recipients.

Students who are active members of the Alabama National Guard or reservists who are active-duty military and are called to active duty in the time of national crisis shall receive a full tuition refund at the time of withdrawal, if such students are unable to complete the term due to active duty orders or assignment to another.

Yes! All students are encouraged me meet with their advisor multiple times throughout the semester but especially before registering or making schedule changes.

Gabrielle Stopa headshot

Randall Barnett

Who do I advise?
Atmore Campus Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

Collins Brown headshot

Collins Brown

Who do I advise?
Monroeville Campus Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

Darnell Dailey headshot

Darnell Dailey

Who do I advise?
Bay Minette Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

Jasmine Gamble headshot

Jasmine Gamble

Who do I advise?
Gilbertown and Thomasville Campus Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

Theresa McClelland headshot

Theresa McClelland

Who do I advise?
Bay Minette Campus Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

Diana McCullough headshot

Diana McCullough

Who do I advise?
Gulf Shores Campus Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

Anita McCreary headshot

Anita Taylor

Who do I advise?
Brewton Campus Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

Marilyn Nicholson headshot

Dr. Marilyn Nicholson

Who do I advise?
Brewton Campus Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

Jacquie Prestwood headshot

Jacquie Prestwood

Who do I advise?
Fairhope Campus Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

Linda Scruggs headshot

Linda Scruggs

Who do I advise?
Bay Minette Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

Charity White headshot

Charity White

Who do I advise?
Bay Minette Campus Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

Gabrielle Stopa headshot

James-David Williams

Who do I advise?
Fairhope and Gulf Shores Campus Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

The following refund dates (Full Term, Term I and Term II) are for withdrawals from COLLEGE, not class withdrawals.

Full Term Refund Dates (Withdrawal from the College)

Dates Refunds
Prior to First Class (January 6) 100%
January 6 - January 11 70% of tuition & other charges
Janaury 12 - January 17 45% of tuition & other charges
Janaury 18 - Janaury 23 20% of tuition & other charges
After Janaury 23 No refund

Term I Refund Dates (Withdrawal from the College)

Dates Refunds
Prior to First Class (January 6) 100%
January 6 - January 9 70% of tuition & other charges
January 10 - January 13 45% of tuition & other charges
January 14 - January 17 20% of tuition & other charges
After January 17 No refund

Term II Refund Dates (Withdrawal from the College)

Dates Refunds
Prior to First Class (March 5) 100%
March 5 - March 8 70% of tuition & other charges
March 9 - March 12 45% of tuition & other charges
March 13 - March 16 20% of tuition & other charges
After March 16 No refund

Night Term Refund Dates (Withdrawal from the College)

Dates Refunds
Prior to First Class (January 21) 100%
January 21 - January 23 70% of tuition & other charges
January 24 - January 26 45% of tuition & other charges
January 27 - January 29 20% of tuition & other charges
After January 29 No refund

Aviation Term A Refund Dates (Withdrawal from the College)

Dates Refunds
Prior to First Class (January 6) 100%
January 6 - January 7 70% of tuition & other charges
January 8 - January 9 45% of tuition & other charges
January 10 - January 11 20% of tuition & other charges
After January 11 No refund

Aviation Term B Refund Dates (Withdrawal from the College) REVISED

Dates Refunds
Prior to First Class (February 13) 100%
February 13 - February 14 70% of tuition & other charges
February 15 - February 16 45% of tuition & other charges
February 17 February 18 20% of tuition & other charges
After February 18 No refund

Aviation Term C Refund Dates (Withdrawal from the College) REVISED

Dates Refunds
Prior to First Class (March 31) 100%
March 31 - April 1 70% of tuition & other charges
April 2 - April 3 45% of tuition & other charges
April 4 April 5 20% of tuition & other charges
After April 5 No refund

For classes meeting one time per week, refunds are based on each class meeting being counted as one week. 

All College withdrawals must be processed in the Registrar’s Office. The fee refunds are computed according to the date the student actually appears and completes the College withdrawal process and not according to his or her last day of attendance.

Coastal Alabama Community College complies with federal regulations relative to refund of tuition and other institutional charges for Title IV recipients.

Students who are active members of the Alabama National Guard or reservists who are active-duty military and are called to active duty in the time of national crisis shall receive a full tuition refund at the time of withdrawal, if such students are unable to complete the term due to active duty orders or assignment to another.

Uwill is the leading mental health and wellness solution for colleges and students. Uwill provides free  immediate access to teletherapy and mental health crisis support for students.  

  • Register for your classes and the bookstore will start preparing your course materials
  • One month before classes start, you will receive an email instructing you to select your delivery preference (in-store pickup or shipped directly to you)
  • An email notification will be sent when your order is ready for pickup or when it ships
  • Your digital materials will be delivered for your course(s) within Canvas.

Do the EMS, AEMS, and Paramedic programs meet the licensure requirements for this state?

State Yes EMS AEMS Paramedic



NREMT Required for initial & continued Licensure

NREMT Required for initial & continued Licensure

NREMT Required for initial & continued Licensure



NREMT Alternate entry available

NREMT Alternate entry available

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

Not Recognized

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

Not Recognized

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

Not Recognized

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

Not Recognized

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Optional for initial Licensure

NREMT Optional for initial Licensure

NREMT Optional for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for Continued Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

Not Recognized

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Optional for initial Licensure

NREMT Optional for initial Licensure

NREMT Optional for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

New Hampshire


NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

New Jersey


NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

New Mexico


NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

New York


NREMT Alternate Entry Available

Not Recognized

NREMT Alternate Entry Available

North Carolina


NREMT Alternate Entry Available

NREMT Alternate Entry Available

NREMT Alternate Entry Available

North Dakota


NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

Rhode Island


NREMT Required for initial Licensure

Not Recognized

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

South Carolina


NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

South Dakota


NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Alternate Entry Available

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

West Virginia


NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure


Please note that some states do not recognize the advanced emergency medical technician position.  For those states, individuals are employed as basic EMTs or paramedics only; thus, a person employed as an AEMT in Alabama would be employed as a basic EMT in a state that does not recognize AEMT.

While certification indicates an entry level competency standard has been met, state licensure is what gives individuals the right to work in a particular capacity. Nationally Certified EMS providers who are not state licensed cannot practice. After obtaining National EMS Certification, individuals must obtain a license to work from the state EMS office in the state(s) for which the individual plans to practice.  Information for each state EMS office can be found at

Academic Advising requires engagement and participation from students and advisors. Before your appointment, we encourage you to do your PART:

  • P – Prepare talking points for your appointment. What are some questions you want to focus on with your advisor?
  • A – Accountable: Bring paper, pencil, computer, etc. so you can TAKE NOTES during your appointment.
  • R – Respectful: As a courtesy, please be on time for your appointment with your advisor and communicate if you are late or need to cancel. Our advisors will do the same.
  • T – Transparent: Please share as much information as you are comfortable disclosing so your advisor can better understand your questions and identify the best options for you.
Gabrielle Stopa headshot

Randall Barnett

Who do I advise?
Atmore, Brewton, Foley, Fairhope Academy, and Brookley Field Career Technical Students

Jasmine Gamble headshot

Jasmine Gamble

Who do I advise?
Gilbertown, Monroeville, and Thomasville Career Technical Students

Theresa McClelland headshot

Theresa McClelland

Who do I advise?
Bay Minette Career Technical Students

Diana McCullough headshot

Diana McCullough

Who do I advise?
Gulf Shores Career Technical Students

Jacquie Prestwood headshot

Jacquie Prestwood

Who do I advise?
Fairhope Career Technical Students

With Uwill, you have the ability to choose a therapist based on your unique needs and preferences  (focus area, gender, language, ethnicity), at a time that fits your schedule (day, night, weekend  availability), and by the appointment type preferred (video, phone, chat, message). For students facing a  mental health emergency, Uwill offers a crisis connection phone number 833-646-1526.

Coastal Books+ provides all required textbooks, lab manuals, access codes and digital textbook versions to eligible students.

Does the Medical Assisting program meet the licensure requirements for this state?

State Yes Not determined Not determined, but program meets national standard No Comments Confirmation






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






Certification as Medical Assistant is required

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






Certification as Medical Assistant is required

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements

New Hampshire





No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements

New Jersey





Certification as Medical Assistant is required

Click here for state requirements

New Mexico





No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements

New York





No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements

North Carolina





No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements

North Dakota





No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements

Rhode Island





No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements

South Carolina





No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements

South Dakota





No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






Certification as Medical Assistant is required.

Click here for state requirements

West Virginia





No certification required to practice.  Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice.  Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice.  Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements

All communication from your advisor contains a personal appointment scheduling link that takes you straight to their available appointments. You can find this link by logging into your Coyote Hub.

Morgan Watkins headshot

Morgan Watkins

Who do I advise?
Nursing & Allied Health Students

All students have access to Uwill.

Coastal Books+ does not include consumables that cannot be returned and reused such as lab goggles, dissection kits, molecular model kits, engineering kits or nursing kits.

Does the Medical Laboratory Technology program meet the licensure requirements for this state?

State Yes Not determined Not determined, but program meets national standard No Comments Confirmation






Associate degree in MLT, two yrs training as MLT, or successful completion of military lab procedures course

Click here for state requirements






Associate degree, one year clincal lab experience, and national certification

Click here for state requirements






Associate Degree in MLT. Some employers require 1-2 years experience

Click here for state requirements






Associate Degree in MLT and National Certification required

Click here for state requirements






NAACLS accredited Associate Degree in MLT, pass ASCP certification, and online California quiz.

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






Associate Degree from accredited college with one year clinical education, pass national certification exam

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers mayrequire Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






NAACLS accredited Associate Degree in MLT, pass ASCP certification for licensure

Click here for state requirements






NAACLS accredited Associate Degree in MLT, pass ASCP certification for licensure

Click here for state requirements






NAACLS accredited Associate Degree in MLT, pass ASCP certification for licensure

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT from accredited institution

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






An Associate Degree in MLT meets qualifications

Click here for state requirements






NAACLS accredited Associate Degree in MLT, pass ASCP certification for licensure

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and/or national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






NAACLS accredited Associate Degree in MLT, pass ASCP certification for licensure

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






NAACLS accredited Associate Degree in MLT, pass ASCP certification for licensure

Click here for state requirements

New Hampshire





Must be registered under the state of New Hampshire

Click here for state requirements

New Jersey





No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements

New Mexico





No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements

New York





NAACLS accredited Associate Degree in MLT, pass ASCP certification with minimum 75% and 300 hrs clinicals in degree program

Click here for state requirements

North Carolina





No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements

North Dakota





NAACLS accredited Associate Degree in MLT, pass ASCP certification for licensure. If longer than 2 years since licensed, must have 300 hrs practice in past 3 years.

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification


Rhode Island





No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements

South Carolina





Requires Associate Degree in MLT and national certification for licensure to practice

Click here for state requirements

South Dakota





No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






NAACLS accredited Associate Degree in MLT, pass ASCP certification for licensure.

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements

West Virginia





NAACLS accredited Associate Degree in MLT, pass ASCP certification for licensure.

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements

Check your student email for communication from your advisor. You can also look at your student profile in OneACCS or your Coyote Hub.

Gabrielle Stopa headshot

Anita Taylor

Who do I advise?
Brewton Campus SSS Students

Gabrielle Stopa headshot

Kina Burkett

Who do I advise?
Brewton Campus SSS Students

Gabrielle Stopa headshot

Dr. Marilyn Nicholson

Who do I advise?
Brewton Campus SSS Students

Gabrielle Stopa headshot

Taylor Matheson

Who do I advise?
Thomasville Campus SSS Students

Lea-Cameron Beech headshot

Lea-Cameron Beech

Who do I advise?
Monroeville Campus SSS Students

Bri Burrell headshot

Bri Burrell

Who do I advise?
Bay Minette Campus SSS Students

Jeri Servos headshot

Jeri Servos

Who do I advise?
Bay Minette Campus SSS Students

Yes, Uwill is available free of charge.

Liberal Arts (AA)

General Studies (AS)

Applied Sciences


All eligible students will be automatically enrolled in the Coastal Books+ program.

Does the Nursing program meet the licensure requirements for this state?

State Yes Not determined Not determined, but program meets national standard No Comments Confirmation






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements

New Hampshire





Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements

New Jersey





Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements

New Mexico





Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements

New York





Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements

North Carolina





Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements

North Dakota





Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements

Rhode Island





Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements

South Carolina





Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements

South Dakota





Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements

West Virginia





Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements

If you are a Career Tech student, please reach out to your dedicated Career Tech Advisor, Tameka Thomas, via email at

Collins Brown headshot

Collins Brown

Who do I advise?
Monroeville Campus Student Athletes

Nichole Evans headshot

Nichole Evans

Who do I advise?
Bay Minette Campus Student Athletes

Anita McCreary headshot

Anita Taylor

Who do I advise?
Brewton Campus Student Athletes

You can access the Uwill platform by clicking here and completing your profile  using your school email address and current location. After completing your profile, you can  immediately schedule an appointment with a therapist of your choosing. Many students have their first  session within hours of profile completion.

If you are facing a mental health emergency, call 833-646-1526 to reach one of Uwill’s licensed  therapists trained in crisis response. For medical emergencies, please call 911. 

While it is NOT recommended, students have the option to opt-out of this program. Opting out means you will not receive access to your required course materials in a convenient package at a discounted rate. 

Starting 14 Days before classes start, you can the opt-out by going to the Barnes and Noble College (BNC) Opt-Out Page then log in with your OneACCS credentials. The deadline to opt-out is January 29, 2024.

Does the Surgical Technology program meet the licensure requirements for this state?

State Yes Not determined Not determined, but program meets national standard No Comments Confirmation







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements






Must be registered to practice

Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements






Requires CST to practice

Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements






Requires CST to practice

Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements






Requires CST to practice

Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements






Requires CST to practice

Click here for state requirements

New Hampshire






Click here for state requirements

New Jersey





Requires CST to practice

Click here for state requirements

New Mexico






Click here for state requirements

New York





Requires CST to practice

Click here for state requirements

North Carolina






Click here for state requirements

North Dakota





Must be registered to practice

Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements






Requires CST to practice

Click here for state requirements






Requires CST to practice

Click here for state requirements

Rhode Island






Click here for state requirements

South Carolina





Requires CST to practice

Click here for state requirements

South Dakota






Click here for state requirements






Requires CST to practice

Click here for state requirements






Requires CST to practice and must be registered

Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements






Must be registered to practice

Click here for state requirements

West Virginia






Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements


In order to take the certification exam, an individual must have successfully completed an accredited surgical technology program.  Coastal Alabama Community College’s Surgical Technology Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Programs (CAAHEP).  The CST exam is given in Coastal Alabama’s Surgical Technology Program as part of the curriculum.  Students who pass the exam are awarded the title of CST. 

Ask an Advisor! For quick questions or if you are having trouble connecting with your advisor, please email

JD Pruitt headshot

JD Pruitt

Who do I advise?
Transient Students

Uwill therapists have a range of specialties and have extensive experience working with students. Many  students utilize Uwill to help with mood changes, anxiety, stress, relationship difficulties, poor body  image, academic challenges, and loneliness, among many other things. 

In addition, if you are facing a mental health emergency, you can reach one of Uwill’s licensed therapists  trained in crisis response by calling 833-646-1526. For medical emergencies, please call 911.

Does the Veterinary Technology program meet the licensure requirements for this state?

State Yes Not determined Not determined, but program meets national standard No Comments Confirmation






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam and be licensed to practice. 

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam and be licensed to practice. Alternate path is available with two years experience.

Click here for state requirements






Must graduate from accredited program, pass the VTNE exam and pass an Arizona state exam to be certified to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must graduate from accredited program, pass the VTNE exam and be certified to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must be registered to practice. Either graduate from accredited program or meet alternate route requirements.

Click here for state requirements






Must graduate from accredited program, pass the VTNE exam and be certified to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program and pass the VTNE exam.

Click here for state requirements






Must be licensed to practice.  Must complete a two-year accredited program and pass the VTNE exam.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program and pass the VTNE exam to be certified to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program and pass the VTNE exam and must be licensed to practice. 

Click here for state requirements






Education not required but highly suggested as well as passing the VTNE.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, passing score of at least 90% on the Idaho Veterinary Technician Jurisprudence to become certified.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must register for license to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam Registration not required but encouraged.  Must take Iowa written exam to register.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must register for license to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must register for license to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must register for license to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must register for license to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, pass a Maryland state exam and register for license to practice.

Click here for state requirements






No education is required but must be certified to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, pass a Michigan state exam and register for license to practice.

Click here for state requirements






No education is required. Must be certified to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, pass a Mississippi jurisprudence exam and register for license to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, pass a Missouri state exam and register for license to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and be certified to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must register for license to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must register for license to practice.

Click here for state requirements

New Hampshire





Must complete a two-year accredited program. Certification not required, but encouraged

Click here for state requirements

New Jersey





Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must be certified to practice.

Click here for state requirements

New Mexico





Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, pass a state exam, and must be registered to practice.

Click here for state requirements

New York





Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must be licensed to practice. 

Click here for state requirements

North Carolina





Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, pass a state exam, and must be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements

North Dakota





Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must be licensed to practice which requires endorsement of a veterinarian. 

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must be registered to practice

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, pass a state exam, be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program or appropriate on-the-job training, plus 6,000 hours on-the-job, pass the VTNE exam, pass an Oregon jurisprudence exam and regional disease test, and be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements

Rhode Island





Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must be certified to practice.

Click here for state requirements

South Carolina





Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements

South Dakota





Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, oral interview with the board, and licensed veterinarian has to submit request for vet tech to be registered.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, take Texas jurisprudence exam, and must be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements






No licensing or registration requirements 

Click here for state requirements






State licensing not required but certification by passing the VTNE is preferred. 

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, pass a state exam, and must be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements

West Virginia





Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, pass a state exam, and must be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Certification is not required but highly encouraged

Click here for state requirements


Each state has different requirements for credentialing veterinary technicians.  Most state agencies use the Veterinary Technician National Exam (VTNE) to evaluate the competency of entry-level veterinary technicians and require a passing score for a veterinary technician to be credentialed.  Most states and provinces require that VTNE candidates be graduates of a veterinary technology program accredited by the American or Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA-CVTEA or CVMA).  Coastal Alabama’s Veterinary Technician program is accredited by the CVTEA.  Graduates of Coastal Alabama’s program are eligible to sit for the VTNE exam. 

The counselors in the Uwill network are all licensed mental health professionals with extensive clinical  experience.

The counselors in the Uwill network are all licensed mental health professionals with extensive clinical  experience.

Students will be responsible for purchasing their required course materials in the bookstore or through the bookstore's online website by going to and then using the Course Material Finder on the bookstore's website, select "Opt Out Term". Fill out other required fields and then select "retrieve materials"

Counselors available on the Uwill platform take a solutions-oriented, holistic approach to  treatment. Our therapists aim to work collaboratively with you to help you accomplish your goals  through teaching tangible skills. This means that counselors focus on providing specific tools, coping  skills, and resources to address the issues you are facing.

The deadline to return all rental textbooks is the last day of finals. Students will receive email reminders about the rental deadline to their email address.

Detailed instructions for changing your status to opt back into Coastal Books+ will be provided closer to the start of classes. Please be aware you must make your final selection by the last day to add a class in each semester. Feel free to reach out to or 251-580-2211 with any further questions.

Yes, you work with your counselor and select the format that best suits you. The first session must be  video or phone and then you can choose the modality based on your schedule and needs.  

Uwill’s crisis connection is available only by phone at 833-646-1526. For medical emergencies, please  call 911.

Yes, the program provides you with the option to purchase textbooks at a reduced rate during the return period.

Yes, Uwill is HIPAA and FERPA compliant which means we follow the strictest privacy guidelines. We  never share your data – even on anonymized basis – to any third party – without consent.

Yes, you will still be required to return continuation course textbooks. You will be issued the same title for the next semester of the continuation course.

For best performance, we recommend you use Chrome browser to access Uwill.

Students will receive emails and phone calls from the bookstore to remind them to verify their order. If the student does not opt-out, their materials will be held at the bookstore and their student account will be charged.

If you are having a mental health emergency, you can call Uwill’s crisis connection at 833-646-1526. If  you are having a medical emergency, you should call 911 or visit your local emergency room. Other  emergency resources:  

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988 
  • Crisis Text Line: Text "Home" TO 741-741

Yes, if the student does not opt-out, their materials will be held at the bookstore and their student account will be charged.

Yes, you can change your counselor at any time.

You may return the book to the bookstore on the same terms and timelines currently in place. If you drop a class and enroll in a different class, the bookstore will “swap” the required textbooks/codes so that you have what you need.

Uwill provides 24x7 technical support by email or phone 833-998-9455.

Yes, you will have 48 hours to return your textbooks. If you do not return the textbooks, the charges for the bundle will go back onto your student account.

Academic Transfer

When entering a schedule and an override becomes necessary in order to register for a class, the student must email Instructional Services at to request an override.  When emailing Instructional Services, students should include their Name, A number, and CRN number for the course for which they are requesting an override.

Students who are currently attending another accredited college or university and who are in good standing may be admitted to Coastal Alabama Community College as transient students. Transient students in good standing must provide written authorization from the postsecondary institution in which they are currently enrolled stating that courses selected at Coastal Alabama have been approved for transferable credit. The transient form must be submitted at the same time the student applies for admission.

Applicants must complete the online Application for Admission and provide a picture ID (Driver's License or other approved ID). Applicants must request that an official “Letter of Transiency,” properly signed by the Dean or Registrar at the postsecondary institution in which they are currently enrolled, be emailed or mailed directly to the Admissions Office.

The following procedure for appealing a grade must be followed in the order listed:

The student should first contact the instructor to request verification of the grade and how it was determined.

If resolved satisfactorily, the matter will be considered closed. If the grade is changed by the instructor, the appropriate procedure for changing grades will be adhered to.

However, if the student does not receive satisfaction from the instructor, the student should appeal to the Division Chair. The Division Chair will confer with the student and the faculty member, independently or jointly, in an attempt to reach closure.

If closure is not reached by using the informal approach, the student may file a formal grade appeal to the appropriate Instructional Officer by the midterm of the semester/term following the date the grade is issued. The written appeal must state the name of the course, the reasons for the request, the dates involved, the name of the instructor who assigned the grade, and previous attempts at resolving the situation.

The appropriate Instructional Officer will forward copies of the student’s request letter along with the instructor’s and Division Chair’s grade appeal response form and any supporting documentation from the student and the instructor to the Instructional Affairs Committee for a hearing. Members of the Instructional Affairs Committee will sit as the investigatory body. If the Committee requests additional information for the hearing, the appropriate Instructional Officer will coordinate the collection of information. After the written appeal is received, the Committee will deliberate and make a determination on the request within a reasonable period of time. The decision will be recorded in the Committee’s minutes.

If the Committee’s decision is to alter the grade, the appropriate Instructional Officer will notify the instructor and the student, in writing, of the Committee’s decision as soon as possible. If the Committee’s decision is to deny the grade appeal, the appropriate Instructional Officer will notify the student in writing of the Committee’s decision as soon as possible.

The decision of the Instructional Affairs Committee is final.


Course forgiveness occurs when a student repeats a course and the last grade awarded (excluding grades of W) replaces the previous grade in the computation of the cumulative grade point average. The grade point average during the term in which the course was first attempted will not be affected. The official transcript will list the course and grade each time it is attempted. A student must request, by submission of the appropriate form, that the Registrar implement the "Course Forgiveness" policy after a course has been repeated (see Registrar section on the college website for form).

Students may withdraw from class or the College any time prior to the start of final exams during any semester or term. To withdraw from class or the College, students must complete the online withdrawal form located on the Registrar page of the Coastal Alabama Community College website.

Students who complete the withdrawal process prior to the deadline will be assigned a grade of “W”. However, a grade of “F” will be assigned to students who fail to satisfactorily complete the requirements of a course or who voluntarily discontinue class attendance and fail to follow the College’s official withdrawal procedure.

Students may withdraw from class or the College any time prior to the start of final exams during any semester or term. To withdraw from class or the College, students must complete the online withdrawal form located on the Registrar page of the Coastal Alabama Community College website.

Students who complete the withdrawal process prior to the deadline will be assigned a grade of “W”. However, a grade of “F” will be assigned to students who fail to satisfactorily complete the requirements of a course or who voluntarily discontinue class attendance and fail to follow the College’s official withdrawal procedure.

The maximum course load for an entering first semester freshman is 19 semester hours, except by special permission.

The maximum load for a student who has an average of 3.00 or above during the preceding semester is 24 semester hours. However, students wishing to take more than 19 semester hours must have written permission from the appropriate Instructional Officer or Designee.

The minimum load for a regular full-time student is 12 semester hours. A student taking an average of 16 semester hours earns 32 semester hours in 2 semesters.

The maximum course load for a student on academic probation is 16 semester hours for the term, except by special permission.

The Alabama Community College System requires all institutions in the System to operate on a semester system. Semester hours of credit are based on the average number of hours of instruction each week during a 15-week period, with an hour of instruction defined as not less than 50 minutes of instructor/student contact. A semester system is defined as a fall semester, spring semester, and a summer term. 

Since attendance is taken beginning with the first day of class and used for attendance verification, it is important that students enrolled in traditional, or hybrid format classes attend class beginning with the first day of class.   For Distance Education/Online classes, attendance will be recorded within the FIRST WEEK of the course by one of the following two methods: (1) Student attendance at an on-site course orientation, or (2) Student submission of a graded course assignment or quiz.

Coastal Alabama Community College offers two academic transfer degree programs:  An Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree in Liberal Arts and an Associate of Science (A.S.) degree in General Studies. 

Seated Classes – These courses are traditional, web-enhanced seated courses in which: (1) no more than twenty-five percent (25%) of assignments and course content are completed electronically and (2) web enhanced content may not replace the required on-campus contact hours

Hybrid Classes – These courses are delivered fifty percent (50%) online and fifty percent (50%) on campus.  

Internet or Online Classes – These courses are delivered one hundred percent (100%) electronically. Students are not required to come on campus.

When you register for classes, you should be mindful of which traditional and hybrid  courses you select because these classes are associated with specific campuses.  When  you log into your OneACCS account, select the Class Schedule option and note how the  different campuses are designated:

AT – Atmore
BF – Brookley Field
BM – Bay Minette
BR – Brewton
FA – Fairhope Academy
FH – Fairhope
GT – Gilbertown
JA - Jackson
MV – Monroeville
TV – Thomasville
WB – Web based online courses

Your instructor’s name, email address, and phone number are located in the course  syllabus.  You will find the syllabus on the course site in Canvas.

Log into your OneACCS account – Student – Student Profile - Advisors.

Degree plans are found on the College’s web site.  These plans show what classes are to  be taken based on the pathway chosen, for example there are pathways for business,  computer sciences, engineering, education, biomedical sciences, etc.  You can use the  advising pathways to determine the order in which classes should be taken.  Pathways  are provided for the A.A. and A.S. degrees.  Learn more about the A.A. pathways and the A.S. pathways.  If you need assistance determining which classes to take, contact  your advisor.

Degree plans are located in the College Catalog. Learn more about an Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree plan and a Associate of Science (A.S.) degree plan.

It is recommended that you determine what degree you would like to earn when you transfer to a four-year institution.  If you would like to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree, then you would earn an Associate of Arts degree at Coastal Alabama.  If you would like to earn a Bachelor of Science degree, then you would earn an Associate of Science degree at Coastal Alabama.  If you are uncertain as to what four-year degree you would like to earn, it is recommended that you pursue an Associate of Science degree at Coastal Alabama.


No, you can take classes on any campus where your program is available - including online courses. 

In general, a residency form showing which state you live in and a photo ID.  We also require your official high school transcript, GED documentation, and/or official transcripts from all other colleges you have attended. You can see which documents you are missing by logging into your OneACCS account.  If you have questions, e-mail

The residency form is for tuition verification and is located on the Admissions page.

Your student number is also known as your A-Number.  This number was sent to you when you applied and were accepted for admission.  As a reminder, check your student e-mail account even before you start classes.  This is the way the College will communicate with you on matters such as Financial Aid. If you do not know your A number or student e-mail address, contact

Students log into their OneACCS account using their student email account and password. Student email accounts are not established until their ID has been received and processed by the admission office staff.

Unofficial transcripts can be obtained by logging into your OneACCS account. Once logged in, click on the Student tab>Student Records>Transcript options (leave settings as is)>Submit. Transcript will display.

Yes, your application is good for one year. If a year or more has lapsed, you must submit a new application online.

Please email and submit a request for a new acceptance letter. Include your A# in all correspondence.

You can view the holds on your account by logging into the OneACCS account and clicking on Student Profile under the Student tab. Holds will be displayed on the top right of the profile.

Please check the personal email address you provided during the application process. You are sent an email after your application has been processed giving you your student number. If you are unable to locate it, please contact the Helpdesk so they can verify your identity and assist you with your number.

If you know your A number, you can log into the OneACCS account and click the Student email address link under the Student tab to learn your address. If you do not know your A#, please contact the Helpdesk for assistance. Student email addresses are not created for new students until a primary proof of identification has been provided to and processed by the admissions office. The proof of ID can be emailed to Approximately 48 hours later you should have access to your student email account.

You advisor information can be obtained via your OneACCS account. It is held in the student profile link. If there is not an advisor listed, please call or email the admissions office and one will them be assigned to you.

You can verify receipt of required admissions documents via the OneACCS account. Once logged in to the account, choose the student tab, and Admissions. The admissions page will display any applications, and the status, you have submitted. Click on the specific term application (ex: FA2021, SP2022), and on the bottom it will list requirements. If a date is in the received column, documents have been received and processed. If the date is blank, it has not been received yet.

Adult Education

We encourage you to continue your studies in your current high school, but if you believe you must leave, you will be eligible to enroll in adult education only if you meet the following conditions:

A. You are at least 17 years of age or older, and you are not enrolled in any public, private or home school.

B. If you are 17 years of age, you must show proof that your parent or guardian has approved your withdrawal from such school. This is normally done in writing on an official withdrawal form.

A. Option 1 Eligibility Requirements:

  • Participant must have earned all required credits to graduate from an Alabama public high school
  • Participant will have failed one or more parts of the Alabama High School Graduation Exam
  • Participant must be at least 19 years of age

B. Option 2 Eligibility Requirements:

  • Participant must have earned at least 10 graduation credits from the last Alabama public high school attended
  • Participant must be at least 19 years of age
  • Participant must assess on the TABE (Test for Adult Basic Education), scoring in the High Intermediate Level (grade equivalency of 6.0 or higher; or for TABE 11 & 12 – scale scores of at least 536 in Reading, 537 in Math, and 547 in Language.)

What grade did you complete in school? How long ago? How committed are you to attend classes regularly? How quickly do you learn? Appraisal and assessment tests will be administered to determine your starting level. • If your scores on the assessment test are at the GED level, then you will be able to take a Practice GED test covering the five subjects. Staff will examine those results to see if you are ready to take the test, or need reinforcement in a subject.

Advising FAQs

Yes! All students are encouraged me meet with their advisor multiple times throughout the semester but especially before registering or making schedule changes.

Academic Advising requires engagement and participation from students and advisors. Before your appointment, we encourage you to do your PART:

  • P – Prepare talking points for your appointment. What are some questions you want to focus on with your advisor?
  • A – Accountable: Bring paper, pencil, computer, etc. so you can TAKE NOTES during your appointment.
  • R – Respectful: As a courtesy, please be on time for your appointment with your advisor and communicate if you are late or need to cancel. Our advisors will do the same.
  • T – Transparent: Please share as much information as you are comfortable disclosing so your advisor can better understand your questions and identify the best options for you.

All communication from your advisor contains a personal appointment scheduling link that takes you straight to their available appointments. You can find this link by logging into your Coyote Hub.

Check your student email for communication from your advisor. You can also look at your student profile in OneACCS or your Coyote Hub.

If you are a Career Tech student, please reach out to your dedicated Career Tech Advisor, Tameka Thomas, via email at

Ask an Advisor! For quick questions or if you are having trouble connecting with your advisor, please email


Gabrielle Stopa headshot

Randall Barnett

Who do I advise?
Atmore Campus Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

Collins Brown headshot

Collins Brown

Who do I advise?
Monroeville Campus Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

Darnell Dailey headshot

Darnell Dailey

Who do I advise?
Bay Minette Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

Jasmine Gamble headshot

Jasmine Gamble

Who do I advise?
Gilbertown and Thomasville Campus Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

Theresa McClelland headshot

Theresa McClelland

Who do I advise?
Bay Minette Campus Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

Diana McCullough headshot

Diana McCullough

Who do I advise?
Gulf Shores Campus Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

Anita McCreary headshot

Anita Taylor

Who do I advise?
Brewton Campus Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

Marilyn Nicholson headshot

Dr. Marilyn Nicholson

Who do I advise?
Brewton Campus Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

Jacquie Prestwood headshot

Jacquie Prestwood

Who do I advise?
Fairhope Campus Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

Linda Scruggs headshot

Linda Scruggs

Who do I advise?
Bay Minette Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

Charity White headshot

Charity White

Who do I advise?
Bay Minette Campus Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

Gabrielle Stopa headshot

James-David Williams

Who do I advise?
Fairhope and Gulf Shores Campus Academic Transfer & Health Sciences Students

Gabrielle Stopa headshot

Randall Barnett

Who do I advise?
Atmore, Brewton, Foley, Fairhope Academy, and Brookley Field Career Technical Students

Jasmine Gamble headshot

Jasmine Gamble

Who do I advise?
Gilbertown, Monroeville, and Thomasville Career Technical Students

Theresa McClelland headshot

Theresa McClelland

Who do I advise?
Bay Minette Career Technical Students

Diana McCullough headshot

Diana McCullough

Who do I advise?
Gulf Shores Career Technical Students

Jacquie Prestwood headshot

Jacquie Prestwood

Who do I advise?
Fairhope Career Technical Students

Morgan Watkins headshot

Morgan Watkins

Who do I advise?
Nursing & Allied Health Students

Gabrielle Stopa headshot

Anita Taylor

Who do I advise?
Brewton Campus SSS Students

Gabrielle Stopa headshot

Kina Burkett

Who do I advise?
Brewton Campus SSS Students

Gabrielle Stopa headshot

Dr. Marilyn Nicholson

Who do I advise?
Brewton Campus SSS Students

Gabrielle Stopa headshot

Taylor Matheson

Who do I advise?
Thomasville Campus SSS Students

Lea-Cameron Beech headshot

Lea-Cameron Beech

Who do I advise?
Monroeville Campus SSS Students

Bri Burrell headshot

Bri Burrell

Who do I advise?
Bay Minette Campus SSS Students

Jeri Servos headshot

Jeri Servos

Who do I advise?
Bay Minette Campus SSS Students

Collins Brown headshot

Collins Brown

Who do I advise?
Monroeville Campus Student Athletes

Nichole Evans headshot

Nichole Evans

Who do I advise?
Bay Minette Campus Student Athletes

Anita McCreary headshot

Anita Taylor

Who do I advise?
Brewton Campus Student Athletes

JD Pruitt headshot

JD Pruitt

Who do I advise?
Transient Students

Allied Health

No. None of the above are required to apply to the EMS program. However, all are needed once you are enrolled to comply with the requirements of our clinical facilities. Detailed information regarding background checks and the drug and alcohol screen will be provided at program orientation. If a background check or a confirmed positive drug screen renders a student ineligible to participate in clinical experiences, they will be dismissed from the EMS program.

Classes for an EMT certificate are offered every semester. Students must first apply to Coastal Alabama Community College and be unconditionally accepted. It is recommended all students meet with an advisor before registering for classes.

The following costs are approximations, and your expenses will depend on which classes are needed and other variables:

  • Tuition & Fees = $1620
  • Textbooks & Testing = $130-$280, depending on which EMS class you are enrolled to take
  • Uniforms & Equipment = $35
  • Clinical Requirements (Background Check, Drug Screen, Physical) = $100

Students who successfully complete the EMT program are eligible to sit for the National Registry of EMT’s (NREMT) examination. This exam is required for any person seeking state licensure as an EMT. The examination fee is paid to the NREMT. An orientation to the application process and testing mechanisms are provided as part of the EMT course.

During clinical courses, the student works at agencies with EMS personnel such as an ambulance service, a fire department, or emergency department. The student is assigned to licensed personnel for the opportunity to observe and put into practice the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom and laboratory setting. Clinicals may take place during the day or evening, during the week or on weekends and holidays. Faculty try to arrange experiences at times convenient to the student. Generally, assignments are in the student’s home community.

Prior to attending a clinical facility a student must undergo a medical examination and demonstrate immunity to specified communicable diseases, submit to a background check and drug screening, purchase medical malpractice insurance, and have completed a healthcare provider CPR course.

EMT students are assigned to 48 hours of clinicals. AEMT Students are assigned 96 hours. Paramedic students complete approximately 500 hours and additional as needed to accrue required competencies.


The program is 3 consecutive semesters in length for Paramedic. Some general education courses are sequenced in the curriculum plan if working on an AAS degree. Students may elect to take the general education classes in any order or complete some or all prior to enrollment in the program. Students must have completed their EMT, and AEMT prior to starting Paramedic.

Students who successfully complete the paramedic program are eligible to sit for the National Registry of Paramedics (NREMT) examination. This exam is required for any person seeking state licensure. The examination fee is paid to the NREMT. An orientation to the application process and testing mechanisms are provided as part of the paramedic program.

At least one month prior to starting the paramedic program, you should apply for general admission to Coastal Alabama and if not currently an AEMT student with Coastal Alabama. Official transcripts from all other colleges attended must be sent to the Coastal Alabama registrar’s office. Admissions and Records will evaluate your previous college work to determine which courses fulfill the paramedic degree requirements or that will transfer into Coastal Alabama. This may take several weeks so it is important to have official transcripts from other colleges forwarded promptly.

The only way to know if classes taken at another institution will transfer and apply to the EMS program is to have your transcripts evaluated by the Coastal Alabama Office of Admissions and Records. A minimum of four (4) weeks should be allowed for the evaluation of transfer credit.

When choosing a profession, an individual must be willing to assume professional behavior inherent to that profession. The Coastal Alabama EMS program demands academic integrity and moral, ethical, and professional behavior in the classroom and the clinical setting. Professional conduct includes:

  • Behavior and language that demonstrates respect for all persons
  • Treating all persons equally without regard to religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, beliefs, disability, or cultural differences
  • Keeping all patient, clinical facility, and student information confidential
  • Dressing appropriately
  • Refraining from disorderly conduct, horseplay, and/or sexual harassment. Not engaging in illegal or unethical acts
  • Abiding by the Coastal Alabama tobacco-free policy while in uniform
  • Being prompt and prepared for all learning experiences

No, the drug screening & background check must be performed by approved EMS program vendors.

A physician or nurse practitioner (of your choice) must certify that you meet the EMS Program Essential Eligibility Criteria. Proof must be submitted that you have been immunized or are immune to measles, mumps, and chicken pox and free from tuberculosis. Students will be required to have an influenza vaccine during certain months. Students are encouraged to be immunized against Hepatitis B and must have a current tetanus vaccine.

EMS programs requires commitment. Successful students report studying approximately two hours for each contact hour of lecture classes per week. Sound study skills and time management are critical to achievement in EMS programs. Attendance is required for classes and clinical experiences. However, many of the current students work full-time EMS jobs and attend class.

All paramedic classes are scheduled during daytime hours, Mondays through Thursdays on the Fairhope campus. There are no distance learning / online paramedic classes.

The Coastal Alabama Paramedic Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) upon the recommendation of the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the EMS Professions (CoAEMSP).

Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs 25400 US Highway 19 North Suite 158 Clearwater, FL 33763 727-210-2350 727-210-2354 (fax)

Committee on Accreditation of Education Programs for the EMS Professions 9355 - 113th St. N, #7709 Seminole, FL 33775,  214-703-8445 214-703-8992 (fax)

If you have a question not answered, contact a Nursing and Allied Health Advisor: 251-580-2257. Visit We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have!

Students learn principles of asepsis and sterility, microbiology, pharmacology, responsibilities of the surgical team, surgical anatomy, and the role of the surgical technologist.  Students are taught instrumentation, equipment, supplies, suture, and medications commonly used in surgical procedures as well as learning how to set up and perform surgical procedures in a mock surgical suite on the Bay Minette campus. 

Surgical Technologists work in hospital operating rooms, outpatient centers, outpatient clinics, surgery centers, and private offices.  There is a high demand for surgical technologists in the Mobile, Baldwin, and Pensacola areas.  Graduates have a 100% job placement rate.  Surgical Technology is a great career choice! 

The CA EMS Program has adopted a list of “Essential Eligibility Criteria” which delineates the physical, behavioral, and cognitive abilities deemed necessary to complete the EMT, AEMT, and/or paramedic curriculum and to competently perform as an emergency services provider upon graduation set by The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH)

All EMS providers are licensed. The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) grants licensure to EMS providers with National Registry Certification.

A paramedic (NRP) is a more extensively educated, skilled, and licensed health care professional. Paramedics, knowledgeable in topics such as anatomy and physiology, cardiology, pharmacology, and medical procedures, provide advanced emergency care. Paramedics administer medications, start intravenous lines, provide advanced airway management, and resuscitate and support patients with significant problems such as heart attack and trauma.

The majority of paramedics are employed by a municipal emergency medical service such as an ambulance service or fire department.

A paramedic must possess a certificate or associate degree from an accredited educational program, pass certification examinations, and have a license.

Current information about employment prospects and earnings for EMTs and paramedics can be found in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook. For additional information about the profession, visit the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians.


An Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) is an educated, skilled, and licensed health care worker trained in non-invasive life support techniques.

EMTs are usually dispatched by 911 operators to medical emergencies such as car crashes, childbirth, violent traumas, heart attacks and accidents. After arriving on scene, EMTs work with other first responders, such as fire fighters and police, to stabilize and transport patients to hospitals best equipped to treat them.

EMTs may work for private ambulance services, fire departments, hospitals or other rescue services. Career opportunities may also exist in areas like wilderness EMS, special operations, special events, hazardous materials, industrial safety, quality management and other fields. An EMT must pass a certification examination have a license.

Veterinary technologists and technicians do medical tests that help diagnose animals’ injuries and illnesses.

Surgical technologists work with the surgical team to assist the surgeon with surgical procedures.  The surgical technologist is responsible for setting up a sterile field; gowning and draping the patient and surgeons; and passing instrumentation, equipment, suture, medications, etc. to the surgeon as needed for the procedure. 

The average hourly entry wage in our area is $15.00 - $17.00 an hour, depending on your level of expertise and recommendations.

Community doctors and assistants typically notify program instructors when employment opportunities are open. There are several dental Facebook sites that post jobs as well.

If you are a first-time college student, it is recommended that you take English 101, Psychology 200, Math 100 or higher, and Speech 107 prior to entry. The courses to acquire an Associate Degree may be taken up to one year after the successful completion of the certificate.

Students receive an email from the program director. You have 7 business days to respond to the email to confirm your acceptance or your space may be forfeited.

No, only after acceptance and prior to DAT orientation.

July 15

Fall semester each year (August).

Dental assistants provide patient care, take x rays, keep records, and schedule appointments. Dental hygienists examine patients for signs of oral diseases, such as gingivitis, and provide preventive care, including oral hygiene. Coastal Alabama currently offers a Dental Assisting program.

Students are encouraged to speak with a Nursing and Allied Health advisor to discuss goals/plans: 251-990-0434 or 251-580-2257. Students must submit a complete application again, if applying for a different semester.


The Barnes & Noble on the Bay Minette Campus is open Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Go to the Barnes & Noble website, click on Textbooks, and select your class section.  You can choose rent or payment options.  You must use your A number when purchasing textbooks in the checkout.  If you are using financial aid of any kind (scholarship, financial aid, pell grant, etc.), select that payment option at checkout. 

Check our website for current hours, as they may change due to current circumstances. Our Café is open the same hours as the bookstore. 

We are in Memorial Hall on the Bay Minette campus.

No, the Café does not take Starbucks Gift Cards.

Financial Aid opens 10 Days before the 1st Day of class.

Online orders can take 24-48 hours to process.

Business Office

The system processes overnight to update available financial aid.  When the Business Office removes any student who has not paid or does not have financial aid loaded, the system may not have recognized your pending financial aid.  For assistance, call the Business Office at 251-580-2217.
Yes, we have a tuition deferment plan available for full term classes.  Contact the Business Office at 251-580-2217 for more information.
Refunds will be made no later than September 17 for full term and term 1 courses for Fall 2020. 

If payment is made through TouchNet, it will take 24 hours for the system to update. If you make payment and need the hold removed immediately, a Business Office representative can manually remove the hold during regular business hours.  You can reach a Business Office representative at 251.580.2217 or

Yes, you can view the tuition costs on the Tuition page.  While we are a public school, we operate differently than a K-12 school.  All colleges in Alabama charge some type of tuition and fees.  Our tuition is set by the Alabama Community College System Board of Trustees.

This information is found on the Coastal Alabama Navigator. The Navigator for each term is posted before the start of the term and available through the Coastal Alabama website.

First, make sure all Financial Aid requirements have been satisfied and Title IV funds for noninstitutional charges have been authorized. If you have denied the use of Title IV funds for noninstitutional charges, it will not be available to use in the Bookstore.

Payments are not accepted over the phone. Students have the options of submitting payment online through TouchNet, by mail or with a Business Office representative on campus.

Contact Technology Services at to reset your credentials.

First, set up Direct Deposit in TouchNet and/or contact the Admissions Department to update your mailing address. Next, send an email to to put in a Void and Reissue request. All requests must include your A student number and full name.

Your refund account must be set up at least 24 hours before processing, if not, it will be issued to the mailing address on file with Admissions. If you have direct deposit set up, verify that the account information is correct. Failed direct deposits, are issued as paper checks.

This a credit on your student account, not a balanced owed.

If a refund is processed, it will appear on your Account Activity found on TouchNet. Direct Deposit takes 2-5 business days to reflect in your bank account. If a refund is processed and issued in the mail it could take 7-14 business days to arrive.

Payments are made through the TouchNet payment portal. Students can access TouchNet through their OneACCS student account.

Refunds are sent as a direct deposit if you paid for your classes with a bank account in TouchNet, which is found in your OneACCS account.  If you did not pay with a bank account, you will be issued a paper check.  If you would prefer the direct deposit, you will need to add a bank account in TouchNet before Friday, September 4.  Or, if you would like to have your refund as a direct deposit for future semesters, you can set up your account in TouchNet.  The directions to set up a direct deposit for refunds is below: Login to your OneACCS account with your student e-mail and password.  There are two options to login, but one of them uses your student e-mail and password.  Click on "Student Account" Click on "TouchNet Bills + Payments" Click "Refunds" in the top toolbar Select the option to "Setup a new account"

College students, regardless of age, are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).  FERPA waivers may be different for various offices, such as Records, Financial Aid and Student Services.  Students may grant their parents to have access to their financial screen in TouchNet, which is found in the student's OneACCS account under the Finance tab. 

When you log in to your OneACCS account, you will have a $0 balance in your TouchNet account.

You can log in to your OneACCS account to pay for your classes.  We use TouchNet for this service. 

Camp Coyote

Individual Advising appointments

Are you looking for a more personalized approach to joining the pack? Students can schedule a one-on-one session with one of our staff avisors. Those one-on-one sessions can also be in person or virtual to meet the needs of busy schedules.

On-site Camp Coyote

The in-person sessions day will start with a short group presentation giving a high-level overview of severeal topics we think students should know as they enter college, once that wraps up students will then head over th group advising sessions to start the registartion process. 

** Parents and guest will attend their own information session while students get advised and registered **

Camp Coyote Sessions

Date Location Start Time
June 18, 2024 Bay Minette 10:00 AM
June 20, 2024 Monroeville 10:00 AM
June 25, 2024 Fairhope 10:00 AM
June 27, 2024 Brewton 10:00 AM
July 16, 2024 Gulf Shores 10:00 AM
July 18, 2024 Bay Minette 10:00 AM
July 23, 2024 Fairhope 10:00 AM
July 25, 2024 Thomasville 10:00 AM
July 30, 2024 Bay Minette

10:00 AM


** Check in will being 1 hour prior to session start time

Career Tech

Coastal Alabama Community College offers Associate in Applied Science degrees, Certificates, and Short-Term Certificates for a variety of technical programs.  After the completion of a degree or certificate, students are trained to enter the workforce.  The link provided shows each degree and certificate offered including a rotation guide by semester and degree plan with all courses listed to complete the degree or certificate.

Coastal Alabama offers Dental Assisting, Basic EMT, Advanced EMT, Paramedic.

Associate Degree Nurse (RN), Practical Nurse (LPN), an LPN or Paramedic to Associate  Degree Nurse Mobility program, Surgical Technology, and Veterinary Technician.  Also,  a Nursing Assistant course is offered through the Workforce Development Office.

Log into your OneACCS account – Student – Student Profile - Advisors

Your instructor’s name, email address, and phone number are located in the course  syllabus.  You will find the syllabus on the course site in Canvas.

When you register for classes, you should be mindful of which traditional and hybrid  courses you select because these classes are associated with specific campuses.  When  you log into your OneACCS account, select the Class Schedule option and note how the  different campuses are designated:

AT – Atmore
BF – Brookley Field
BM – Bay Minette
BR – Brewton
FA – Fairhope Academy
FH – Fairhope
GT – Gilbertown
JA - Jackson
MV – Monroeville
TV – Thomasville
WB – Web based online courses

Coastal Alabama offers classes in three learning formats consisting of seated, hybrid and online.  The definitions for these learning formats are described below:

Seated Classes – These courses are traditional, web-enhanced seated courses in which: (1) no more than twenty-five percent (25%) of assignments and course content are completed electronically and (2) web enhanced content may not replace the required on-campus contact hours

Hybrid Classes – These courses are delivered fifty percent (50%) online and fifty percent (50%) on campus.  

Internet or Online Classes – These courses are delivered one hundred percent (100%) electronically. Students are not required to come on campus.

When entering a schedule and an override becomes necessary in order to register for a class, the student must email Instructional Services at to request an override.  When emailing Instructional Services, students should include their Name, A number, and CRN number for the course for which they are requesting an override.

Since attendance is taken beginning with the first day of class and used for attendance verification, it is important that students enrolled in traditional, or hybrid format classes attend class beginning with the first day of class.   For Distance Education/Online classes, attendance will be recorded within the FIRST WEEK of the course by one of the following two methods: (1) Student attendance at an on-site course orientation, or (2) Student submission of a graded course assignment or quiz.

The Alabama Community College System requires all institutions in the System to operate on a semester system. Semester hours of credit are based on the average number of hours of instruction each week during a 15-week period, with an hour of instruction defined as not less than 50 minutes of instructor/student contact. A semester system is defined as a fall semester, spring semester, and a summer term. 

The maximum course load for an entering first semester freshman is 19 semester hours, except by special permission.

The maximum load for a student who has an average of 3.00 or above during the preceding semester is 24 semester hours. However, students wishing to take more than 19 semester hours must have written permission from the appropriate Instructional Officer or Designee.

The minimum load for a regular full-time student is 12 semester hours. A student taking an average of 16 semester hours earns 32 semester hours in 2 semesters.

The maximum course load for a student on academic probation is 16 semester hours for the term, except by special permission.

Students may withdraw from class or the College any time prior to the start of final exams during any semester or term. To withdraw from class or the College, students must complete the online withdrawal form located on the Registrar page of the Coastal Alabama Community College website.

Students who complete the withdrawal process prior to the deadline will be assigned a grade of “W”. However, a grade of “F” will be assigned to students who fail to satisfactorily complete the requirements of a course or who voluntarily discontinue class attendance and fail to follow the College’s official withdrawal procedure.

Course forgiveness occurs when a student repeats a course and the last grade awarded (excluding grades of W) replaces the previous grade in the computation of the cumulative grade point average. The grade point average during the term in which the course was first attempted will not be affected. The official transcript will list the course and grade each time it is attempted. A student must request, by submission of the appropriate form, that the Registrar implement the "Course Forgiveness" policy after a course has been repeated (see Registrar section on the college website for form).

The following procedure for appealing a grade must be followed in the order listed:

The student should first contact the instructor to request verification of the grade and how it was determined.

If resolved satisfactorily, the matter will be considered closed. If the grade is changed by the instructor, the appropriate procedure for changing grades will be adhered to.

If closure is not reached by using the informal approach, the student may file a formal grade appeal to the appropriate Instructional Officer by the midterm of the semester/term following the date the grade is issued. The written appeal must state the name of the course, the reasons for the request, the dates involved, the name of the instructor who assigned the grade, and previous attempts at resolving the situation.

The appropriate Instructional Officer will forward copies of the student’s request letter along with the instructor’s and Division Chair’s grade appeal response form and any supporting documentation from the student and the instructor to the Instructional Affairs Committee for a hearing. Members of the Instructional Affairs Committee will sit as the investigatory body. If the Committee requests additional information for the hearing, the appropriate Instructional Officer will coordinate the collection of information. After the written appeal is received, the Committee will deliberate and make a determination on the request within a reasonable period of time. The decision will be recorded in the Committee’s minutes.

If the Committee’s decision is to alter the grade, the appropriate Instructional Officer will notify the instructor and the student, in writing, of the Committee’s decision as soon as possible. If the Committee’s decision is to deny the grade appeal, the appropriate Instructional Officer will notify the student in writing of the Committee’s decision as soon as possible.

The decision of the Instructional Affairs Committee is final.


TBA means To Be Announced.  This is often seen on hybrid courses where the instructors will communicate directly with the student for any sessions that may meet on campus. 
T stands for Tuesday and R stands for Thursday.  So this class would meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 
R stands for Thursday.
Hybrid courses may have on-campus sessions.  Web courses are strictly online. 

The login for Canvas is your student e-mail for the username and your e-mail password for the password.  If this is not working, please contact the HelpDesk at 251-580-4900 or send an e-mail to from your Coastal Alabama e-mail address.  The 24/7 Canvas support hotline cannot assist with login issues.   

You may have an unpaid balance.  If you do not have financial aid, you must pay your bill or make payment arrangements with the Business Office.  Check your balance by logging into your OneACCS account.

Check your "courses" tab in Canvas, and then look at your "All Courses" list.  Check the "All Courses" list to see if the course is scheduled to start during a different term (for example, some classes are Term 2 classes that do not start until October 19).  If you are still not able to locate the class, send an e-mail to the HelpDesk at from your Coastal Alabama e-mail address.  

Login to your OneACCS account.  Click on Registration.  Click Add or Drop Classes. 

Coastal Books+ FAQs

Coastal Books+ is a course material model that lowers the cost of materials for students and ensures students have access to all of their required course materials on or before the first day of class. Through this new program, physical books will be conveniently packaged and provided to students on a rental basis, and digital materials will be delivered directly within Canvas. Costs will be a $24 per credit hour fee. At the end of the term, students will receive email reminders to return their physical course materials to the bookstore.

  • Register for your classes and the bookstore will start preparing your course materials
  • One month before classes start, you will receive an email instructing you to select your delivery preference (in-store pickup or shipped directly to you)
  • An email notification will be sent when your order is ready for pickup or when it ships
  • Your digital materials will be delivered for your course(s) within Canvas.

Coastal Books+ provides all required textbooks, lab manuals, access codes and digital textbook versions to eligible students.

Coastal Books+ does not include consumables that cannot be returned and reused such as lab goggles, dissection kits, molecular model kits, engineering kits or nursing kits.

Liberal Arts (AA)

General Studies (AS)

Applied Sciences


All eligible students will be automatically enrolled in the Coastal Books+ program.

While it is NOT recommended, students have the option to opt-out of this program. Opting out means you will not receive access to your required course materials in a convenient package at a discounted rate. 

Starting 14 Days before classes start, you can the opt-out by going to the Barnes and Noble College (BNC) Opt-Out Page then log in with your OneACCS credentials. The deadline to opt-out is January 29, 2024.

Students will be responsible for purchasing their required course materials in the bookstore or through the bookstore's online website by going to and then using the Course Material Finder on the bookstore's website, select "Opt Out Term". Fill out other required fields and then select "retrieve materials"

The deadline to return all rental textbooks is the last day of finals. Students will receive email reminders about the rental deadline to their email address.

Detailed instructions for changing your status to opt back into Coastal Books+ will be provided closer to the start of classes. Please be aware you must make your final selection by the last day to add a class in each semester. Feel free to reach out to or 251-580-2211 with any further questions.

Yes, the program provides you with the option to purchase textbooks at a reduced rate during the return period.

Yes, you will still be required to return continuation course textbooks. You will be issued the same title for the next semester of the continuation course.

Students will receive emails and phone calls from the bookstore to remind them to verify their order. If the student does not opt-out, their materials will be held at the bookstore and their student account will be charged.

Yes, if the student does not opt-out, their materials will be held at the bookstore and their student account will be charged.

You may return the book to the bookstore on the same terms and timelines currently in place. If you drop a class and enroll in a different class, the bookstore will “swap” the required textbooks/codes so that you have what you need.

Yes, you will have 48 hours to return your textbooks. If you do not return the textbooks, the charges for the bundle will go back onto your student account.

Coastal Cares Grant

The Coastal Cares Grant pays any remaining balance after all other funds have been applied to student accounts.  If a student has a scholarship or another form of financial aid paying for the classes, the student will receive a refund check totaling up to $972 4-6 weeks after the semester begins. 

The grant is worth up to $972.

Students complete a short form that is sent to their student e-mail accounts after registering for fall classes to sign up for the grant opportunity.

Students can elect to have the grant funds applied to their student account or to receive the funds directly.

A link with the Coastal Cares Grant Application will be sent to a student's Coastal Alabama e-mail account after they register for fall classes.  Complete the application to sign up for the grant opportunity.  Students can elect to have the grant funds applied to their student account or to receive the funds directly.

The grant is only applicable for the Fall 2021 semester and only as funds remain available.

Grant funds are only guaranteed if funds remain available and if eligible students meet the deadlines listed above.  Any funds granted after that date are contingent upon availability. 

The Coastal Cares Grant only covers up to $972.
As long as you are registered for Term II classes before the deadlines above, you may still be eligible to receive the Coastal Cares Grant.
Deadlines for admission vary by high school and may be sooner than the deadlines listed above. Students should contact their local high school for more information.

COVID-19 Guidance FAQs

Facial coverings/masks are not required for Spring 2022. For certain programs, facial coverings may be encouraged based on policies of the College’s partners (i.e. clinical sites for allied health programs). For athletics, guidelines for facial coverings/masks are issued from the Alabama Community College Conference.

Vaccination is the leading prevention strategy to protect individuals from the COVID-19 disease and end the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 vaccine significantly reduces the potential of severe illness, hospitalizations, and death. According to the CDC, COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, and everyone 12 years of age and older is now eligible to get a free COVID-19 vaccination. 

Pursuant to state law, the Alabama Community College System and its colleges will not mandate the COVID vaccine as a condition of attendance or employment, but vaccination is strongly encouraged for all students, faculty, and staff.

Yes. Sun Chief Hall and Thompson Hall on the Bay Minette Campus and Lakeview Apartments on the Brewton Campus will be open for students. The College will hold a set number of rooms to be used for quarantine purposes based on trends of the pandemic.

Yes. Food services provided on campus will follow county and state health and safety guidelines.

Persons arriving to campus with signs or symptoms of COVID-19:

Should a faculty/staff or student arrive to campus exhibiting signs or symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g. fever, cough, and shortness of breath), the College will ask the person to leave campus and consult a healthcare provider and/or do a COVID-19 test before returning to campus.

Everyone, regardless of vaccination status, shall:

  • Stay home for 5 days
  • If there are no symptoms or symptoms are resolving after 5 days, the individual may return to campus/work. The individual should test, if practicable, prior to returning to work.
  • Individual shall wear a mask around others for 5 additional days.
  • Note: If the individual has a fever, they should continue to stay home until the fever resolves.

Everyone, regardless of vaccination status, shall:

  • Stay home for 5 days
  • If there are no symptoms or symptoms are resolving after 5 days, the individual may return to campus/work. The individual should test, if practicable, prior to returning to work.
  • Individual shall wear a mask around others for 5 additional days.
  • Note: If the individual has a fever, they should continue to stay home until the fever resolves.

Persons who were exposed to COVID-19 should begin wearing a mask immediately upon
notice of exposure. Masks should be worn for 10 days.
Watch for symptoms, such as fever (100.4 degrees or greater), cough, and shortness of breath.
If you develop symptoms, isolate immediately and get tested. Remain isolated until test results
are complete.

  • Regardless of if you are/aren’t experiencing symptoms, get tested at least 5 full days after your last exposure.
  • If you test negative, continue to wear the mask for the 10 full days from the date of exposure.
  • If you test positive, isolate immediately. Stay home for at least 5 days and isolate from others in your home. You may end isolation after day 5, but continue to wear a mask for the 5 additional days.
  • If you had symptoms and a positive COVID-19 test, you may end isolation after day 5
  • if you are fever-free for 24 hours and if your symptoms are improving, but continue to wear a mask for the 5 additional days. After you have ended isolation, if your COVID-19 symptoms recur or worsen, restart your isolation at day 0.

Day 0 is the day of your last exposure to someone with COVID-19. Day 1 is the first full day
after your last exposure.

Degree Works

No. Your planner is for planning purposes only. Final course schedules are available to students online shortly before registration. If you discover that a course you had planned is not being offered, you should identify an alternative course and move the original course, if still needed, to a future term.

There could be two reasons. First, the course did not meet either the minimum number of credits and/or minimum grade requirement for use in your program of study. Second, all requirements have been met and this course is simply not needed.

Courses from which you have withdrawn will appear in the Insufficient Due to Grades and/or Repeats block on your audit.

You should contact your advisor to resolve any substitution issue. Any waivers, substitutions, or exceptions for degree requirements must be communicated to Instructional Services by the appropriate division chair.

Not necessarily. Once you have applied to graduate, the Registrar’s Office will perform a preliminary audit of your coursework prior to the add/drop period of your final semester and a final audit after all final grades have been submitted to determine if you are eligible to graduate. Missing requirements will be communicated to you by the Registrar’s Office.

The Planner is a tool for you to arrange course requirements into future semester blocks. You and your advisor may find this helpful as you forecast your academic career. It is recommended that you create an active plan and keep it up-to-date, as this information may be used by university administrators to determine the demand for various courses each term.

  • By a split screen, the Planner allows you to drag and drop courses from your audit into future semester blocks. You can also type courses directly into the planner boxes. You must enter the course as it is labeled in the catalog (e.g., ENG 101, not English 101).
  • Alternatively, you may wish to begin your plan with a template, which will lay out a suggested plan of study semester-by-semester. To do this, in the right side “Student Educational Planner” column, click “Load in a pre-defined plan”. Complete the necessary information to search for an appropriate plan. Note the search form is pre-populated with your curriculum data. Select the correct plan by Catalog year and click “Load into my plan”. Once the plan is populated, edit as desired, then click “Save Plan” to retain the plan of study you developed.
  • Note that requirements beginning with a “- ” are labels indicating what type of specific course should be used to fulfill that item in your plan.

No. Nothing entered on the Planner will affect your actual audit. You can, however, see how the courses you have entered in your planner will apply in your audit by checking the boxes next to the semester blocks that you wish to include (check all of the boxes to see how your audit will look if you complete your entire plan) and then clicking on Process New. In the audit on the left-hand side of the screen, you will see how the planned courses applied to the various major requirements.

Yes; however, only one plan at a time may be kept as an active plan. You should mark the plan that you expect to follow as your active plan. This information may be used by college administrators to determine the demand for various courses each term.

Yes. Degree Works will allow you to save all plans you create; however, only one plan may be marked as active.

Yes. Your advisor can see your plan(s) and participate with you in the planning process. There is a Notes feature, as well, for you and your advisor to keep additional information.

Depending upon your major, your advisor may choose to lock your plan after discussing it with you. Once your plan is locked, you will need to return to your advisor to make any additional changes.

No. Your planner is for planning purposes only. You will register through your OneACCS portal.

Check with the Admissions Office for assistance.

Yes. There is a print button at the top of the planner.

The What If function allows you to hypothetically change your degree. The What If audit will show you what coursework is required for the new degree, what courses you have taken that satisfy requirements, and what courses are still left for you to take.

No. The What If function is for information purposes only. You will see the header What If Audit displayed at the top of the audit whenever an audit is run on a What If scenario.

Yes. The What If function will perform an audit based on the hypothetical degree and will show how your completed, current, and planned coursework meets the requirements of the hypothetical degree.

Since What If scenarios are not stored on Degree Works, your advisor can only see your results if the two of you work through a What If procedure together.

No. What If plans are not saved on Degree Works. You would need to run a new What If scenario next time you log in to see it again.

Yes. If you want to share it with your advisor at a later date, you should print your What If scenario.

Always speak with your advisor first. After consulting with your advisor, you may change your degree using the Change of Degree Plan Request Form.

The Term Calculator will show you your estimated cumulative GPA after you fill in hypothetical grade information. By putting in your current earned units and GPA and placing your in-progress courses in the table (this all will default in for you) along with the grade you anticipate receiving for each course; you will see a revised cumulative GPA based on the estimates you provided.

No. This is an estimate only.

You should consult with your advisor for a review of your audit. Any exception to degree requirements should be discussed with your advisor.

A Degree Works audit is a review of past, current and “planned” coursework that provides information on completed and outstanding requirements necessary to complete a degree.

Yes. Access to Degree Works is through the Web. Anywhere you can log in to your OneACCS portal will allow you access to Degree Works.

Yes. Like other processes you use through the OneACCS portal, Degree Works is accessed through your secure log in. Remember that your advisor, faculty, and selected staff will be able to view the information contained in Degree Works.

Degree Works is available to all degree-seeking students. Advisors, faculty, and selected staff will also have access for the purpose of supporting your progress through your academic career.

The information in Degree Works is refreshed each night. Any changes made today (e.g., grade changes or classes added/dropped) will be seen in Degree Works tomorrow.

No. Degree Works is a snapshot of courses in-progress, planned, and in academic history. Registration will continue to be handled through your OneACCS portal.

Yes. Degree Works is laid out in block format displaying degree, major, and concentration (if applicable) requirements information. Look for unchecked boxes to identify requirements that you still need to complete.

Degree Works looks at the student’s program holistically and places each course using a “best fit” scenario. We've also programmed priorities so that courses will be used in some areas before they will be used in others. This process will not always be perfect, particularly when multiple possibilities exist, so if the student has taken a course that does not appear in the area in which you wanted to use it, you may create an exception to move the course to the desired area.

Yes. See the Planner section for information.

Yes. Once grades have been processed at the end of the semester, they are viewable in Degree Works following the nightly refresh; however, though grades are viewable in your OneACCS portal once posted by an instructor, final grades are not available in Degree Works until after the final grading period for the College has ended. Courses in-progress are listed with an “IP” grade.

Yes. On the Audit tab, click on the Class History link at the top for a printable list of courses taken at Coastal Alabama Community College as well as transfer courses.

Degree Works is a Web-based tool for students to monitor their academic progress toward degree completion. Degree Works allows students and their advisors to plan future academic coursework.

There could be several reasons. One is that Degree Works may not have refreshed since a change was made (the information is refreshed nightly). Second, there could be some paperwork that needs to be completed. For example, if you have completed transfer courses, it is possible that we have not received an official transcript, or the coursework is pending Registrar review. Check with the Registrar’s Office if your transcript or audit does not reflect transfer work you have completed.

Degree Works uses a student’s Catalog Year to determine the set of degree requirements to use when producing a degree audit.

You cannot update course information in Degree Works.

Please contact your advisor or email with any questions about Degree Works.

Your audit will display the courses you have taken or are registered for and will show you any degree requirements that are being met by the courses you have taken or that may be met upon satisfactory completion of courses in progress.

Degree Works uses the information that is current for your transcript. You will be able to view any courses that have been completed/registered for/transferred by the date your audit was last refreshed. (Data is refreshed nightly.) Keep in mind that any transfer work or grade changes that have not been formally submitted and accepted will not appear on your audit.

Your advisor is your primary point of contact. If your advisor determines that your audit is incorrect, he/she will email for assistance.

Your major GPA is a calculated GPA based on coursework used to fulfill degree requirements. This GPA will appear within the major block requirements of your audit.

Your audit will outline for you courses still needed to meet degree requirements within each specific block. You may then use this information to discuss your plan with your advisor.

Your advisor is your primary point of contact. If your advisor determines that your audit is incorrect, he/she will contact Instructional Services for assistance.

Dual Enrollment

Students in Public, Private, and Parochial schools who have completed the 9th grade are eligible. For academic courses, students must have a 2.5 unweighted GPA. There are additional testing requirements for English and Math courses. For technical courses, students must have a 2.0 unweighted GPA.

Dual enrollment allows students to obtain both high school and college credit at the same time. Accelerated students receive college credit only. Students receive college credit in both programs upon graduation from high school.

Students must submit an online admissions application as a “dual enrollment student”, but all documentation and course scheduling must go through the high school contact or counselor. Students interested in dual enrollment should see their high school counselor for information. In addition to a dual enrollment admissions application, all dual enrollment students must submit an unofficial high school transcript and valid government-issued ID to their high school contact or counselor. Other documentation may be required.

Dual enrollment students will receive high school credit for their college courses while still in high school. Students may view their unofficial transcripts through their OneACCS account. Upon graduation, students are required to submit their official high school transcripts to the college. You cannot obtain your official college transcript until your final high school transcript has been received and processed.

Dual enrollment students may take most of the courses offered by the college except for developmental courses (those numbered below 100) or Physical Education courses (PED). High schools and school districts may have restrictions on what is eligible for dual credit for their students. Students should see their high school counselors for an accurate list of courses that are applicable.

Coastal Alabama Community College has the lowest tuition in the state. Tuition for academic courses is the responsibility of the student, as well as any textbook or lab fees that may be required. The most up-to-date tuition table can be found on the CACC Tuition page. Scholarship funds are available for technical courses, but limitations apply, and students are still responsible for textbooks / fees. Students are encouraged to see their high school counselors for more information on tuition and fees for dual enrollment courses.

Financial Aid

The Department of Education requests that the Financial Aid Office verify the information provided on the FAFSA.  If selected for verification, you will need to provide additional information to the Financial Aid Office. You will need to monitor your OneACCS student portal for information.

Yes. All outstanding financial aid requirements must be submitted prior to the end of the semester. Students have 45 days from their last date of attendance to complete any outstanding requirements. Financial aid for previous award years will not be processed after September 1 of the current academic year.

The FAFSA opens on October 1 every year. Students should complete the FAFSA as early as possible for every year they plan to attend college. Coastal will begin processing new FAFSA applications in late February or early March each year. However, students who complete their FAFSA during October through January will qualify for funds that require first-come first-serve.

Yes. You must submit a FAFSA every school year you want to be considered for federal student aid.

001060 is Coastal Alabama Community College’s Federal School Code.

Coastal Alabama encourages all students to complete a FAFSA. Many factors are taken into consideration when determining eligibility for financial aid. Applying just once can help you determine if you want to continue applying.  Regardless of financial need, most every student qualifies for a student loan to assist with paying for college.

Log back into your FAFSA at and click the make corrections link. You will sign and resubmit the FAFSA once the corrections are made.  Allow 3 to 5 days for the corrected FAFSA to reach the Financial Aid Office.

The SAR is the output document created by filing a FAFSA. It contains the student’s expected family contribution (EFC) and let’s a student know if they are eligible for a Pell grant.

The financial aid eligibility of an independent student is determined solely from a review of his or her own (and spouse's, if applicable) information as reported on the FAFSA. It is important to note that a student cannot simply decide to file as an independent student. He or she must meet one of the criteria for financial aid purposes to be considered independent.

The FSA ID is created at It is a unique username and password used to log into the Federal Student Aid website and used to sign a FAFSA. The FSA ID identifies you as someone who has the right to access your own personal information on the Federal Student Aid website. Each person may have only one FSA ID. It is attached to the social security number, birthdate, email, and phone number of the owner. Each FSA ID user must have a unique e-mail address.

Subsidized loans are need-based loans available to students enrolled at least half-time in an eligible program. The government pays the interest on behalf of the student as long as students are enrolled at least half-time in a degree-seeking program and for six months after enrollment ceases. Once payments begin, interest must begin. Payment is deferred if the student returns to school.

Unsubsidized loans are non-need-based loans available to students enrolled at least half-time in an eligible program. The government does not pay the interest to lenders on behalf of the borrowers. Repayment of the interest is the student’s responsibility from the date the loan is disbursed and may be paid or capitalized (added) to the principal balance of the loan. Repayment of principal does not begin until six months after the student drops below half-time or withdrawals completely from school. Payment is deferred if the student returns to school.

You can view your financial aid offer at any time via your OneACCS student portal. An email will be sent to your college email account and will provide instructions on accessing the financial aid package through the student portal.

Yes, we can.  Please visit the Professional Judgement information on the website for detailed information or contact the Financial Aid Office at 251-580-2151.

Coastal Alabama participates in all federal financial aid programs including, Pell grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Federal Work Study and the Direct Federal Student Loan Program. In addition, there is state funding from the Alabama Student Assistance Program, as well as WIOA, Veteran’s Educational Benefits, and the College’s local scholarships and tuition waivers. 

You can log into your OneACCS student portal. You will also receive an email to check the portal when your FAFSA is received.

SAP is the minimum GPA and completion rates required to remain eligible for financial aid.  Please see Maintaining Eligibility for detailed information.

You can view your entire financial aid history by logging into your FSA (Federal Student Aid) account. This is where you completed the FAFSA.

Yes. Student and parent borrowers may reduce or cancel their approved loans by completing the student and/or parent right to cancel loan form at this link.

Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) are for dependent students. These loans are the parents’ responsibility to repay not the student. Students who are eligible may borrow up to the cost of attendance minus any financial aid. Repayment period begins within 60 days of full receipt of the loan. A student must complete the FAFSA. Parents apply for the Plus loan at A parent will have to have a credit check and should click on the “Complete Plus Request” link.

Financial aid is packaged based on a student being enrolled full-time (12 or more credit hours required for your degree program). If you enroll in less than 12 hours, your cost-of-attendance and financial aid package must be adjusted accordingly.

You can check your OneACCS student portal for all financial aid requirements.

You need to check your OneACCS student portal and make sure you are unconditionally admitted to the College.  Financial Aid will not show up unless you are unconditionally admitted and meeting SAP requirements.

Refund disbursement begins 2 weeks after attendance verification is completed for each term within a semester. First-time, first year undergraduate borrowers will not receive a loan disbursement until 30 calendar days after the student’s program of study begins.

Yes, your financial aid may be refunded if all eligibility requirements are met.

Disbursement means that all eligible financial aid funds have been applied to your account as a payment for student charges (tuition, fees, books, and on-campus housing). A refund is created when the aid disbursed is more than the charges on your account.

To apply for both federal, state and institutional financial aid programs, students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at Learn more here

Help Desk

In order for LockDown Browser to effectively work on a Macbook, you need to ensure that your Macbook OS is updated to the latest version. For example, the latest version out right now is Big Sur 11.1.0. It will also work with the previous version, which is Catalina. To check your OS version, click the Apple logo in the upper left hand corner. Click on “About this Mac”. Your OS version will appear. If you do not see any available updates, please contact Apple Support to assist you with pushing the update through.

A: When you changed your password via Canvas, it also changed for your student email. Your Canvas and student email uses the same username and password.


We have two residence halls on the Bay Minette Campus and one on the Brewton Campus.

Housing applications for fall open in the spring each year.  Students must apply early as we generally have a waiting list.  Read more frequently asked questions pertaining to housing on the Housing page!

Please visit our webpage on the Coastal Alabama Community College website, to find the link to the Housing Application. The application must be completed online.

Any Coastal Alabama Community College student who will be considered full time during the semesters they live on campus and are 16 years of age or older. During Fall and Spring semesters a Full-time student is defined as taking 12 or more credit hours and in the Summer Semester a Full-time student is defined as taking 6 or more credit hours. Exceptions are made for programs that require less credit hours, such as the Nursing Program.

POLICY OF NON-DISCRIMINATION: The Housing Office accepts applications for Residence Hall assignments regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, or qualified disability. Residence Hall assignments are determined on a first come, first serve basis, after pre-defined scholarship recipients have been assigned.

A non-refundable application fee of $100.00 is required for the Fall/Spring semesters, or $50.00 for the Summer semester. Financial Aid will not cover the costs of the Application Fee. You can log into your OneACCS account to pay your application fee.

Unfortunately, no. All application fees are non-refundable, but if a spot becomes available you will be notified.

You can find options to set up a payment plan in your OneACCS account via Touchnet (the payment portal).

In order to cancel your application or contract, you must complete the online Housing Cancellation form. If you are interested in cancelling your application, you will not be refunded the $100.00 application fee. If you are interested in cancelling your contract once already living on campus, you must meet one of the following requirements:

A. Have gotten or about to be married.

B. Military Orders.

C. Have fulfilled your degree plan criteria and have less than 12 credit hours to complete in order to graduate.

D. Have been directed by your physician to live off campus.

If you are still requesting to live off campus but meet none of the above criteria, you can submit a hardship letter to the Housing office for review at

Housing is offered at the Bay Minette and Brewton Campuses. Be sure to visit the Residence Halls page for details.

Visit the Housing Rates page for details.



Yes! There is room on the application to make a request but if you don’t, we will match you with another resident based on your application answers.

In the case that there are more applicants than available space, the Housing Office will maintain a waiting list for students applying for Housing. Students on the waiting list are advised to periodically check their status with the Housing Office and prepare other Housing arrangements in the case that space is unavailable. For students applying for or entering during the spring semester, the fall waiting list will carry over to the spring semester.

Please see our Suggested Items List on prohibited items.

For more information on each residence hall including services provided, choose one for details:

Resident Assistants, or “RAs,” are full-time students who live with the residents and assist the Housing Office in managing facilities, coordinating activities and programs, communicating with residents, and policy reinforcement. They direct their efforts toward building a community atmosphere.

RA applications are accepted in the spring semester for the upcoming academic year. We are continually looking for candidates who have an interest in making a positive and lasting contributions to Residence Life at Coastal Alabama. For more information, contact the Housing Office at 251-580-2121.

Parking Decals are available for purchase through the Safety page on the Coastal Alabama website. All students and employees are required to have and display the appropriate decal each semester. There are designated parking areas across all campuses for Faculty and Staff, as well as no-parking zones. Violators may be subject to fines for misuse of designated parking. Each Residence Hall has its own designated parking areas either in front, behind, or next to the Residence Hall.

In an effort to have mail delivered to the student as quickly as possible we ask all mail and packages be sent to the student using the following addresses:

1900 S US Highway 31
Sun Chief/Thompson Hall, Room #
Bay Minette, AL 36507

Brewton: Student Name
Lakeview Apartments and Room #
Coastal Alabama Community College
3316 Pea Ridge Road
Brewton, AL 36426

Mail will be delivered to the student’s room every weeknight and if they receive a package too big to deliver they will receive an e-mail notifying them of how to pick up their package.


Textbooks must be ordered from the Bookstore.  The Library does not sell textbooks.  Go to the Barnes & Noble website, click on Textbooks, and select your class section.  You can choose rent or payment options.  You must use your A number when purchasing textbooks in the checkout.  If you are using financial aid of any kind (scholarship, financial aid, pell grant, etc.), select that payment option at checkout.

You may email Coastal Alabama Libraries at to ask your question. You must use your Coastal Alabama student email account to email us; be sure to include your student number and campus in your email.

Coastal Alabama offers full-service libraries on the Bay Minette, Brewton, Gilbertown, Monroeville, and Thomasville campuses. Learning resource centers are available at Brookley Field and on the Fairhope and Gulf Shores campuses.

Library hours, as well as further contact information, may be found here.

If you need a Student ID, email using your official Coastal Alabama student e-mail address and provide the following information: (put in list format)Name, Student A #, Home Campus, Program of Study, Mailing Address, Legal Photo ID (Drivers License, Government ID, etc), High-Quality Picture to be used for your Student ID. PLEASE NOTE: The photo should be taken in front of a solid light-colored background such as a blank wall. Car selfies or photos with sunglasses, hats, or masks will not be accepted.

You may access the library databases via the Library Services course page on Canvas. Most of the databases do not require an additional login. If you have questions about using the databases or are unsure of which database(s) to use, please email us at

If you do not get an automatic connection to the Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) databases, go to the Library Services course page on Canvas, click on AVL Access Request Form, and fill out the form. To submit the form, you must be logged in to your Coastal Alabama email account.

This is not an instant access point. When your request is filled, we will email you your temporary username/password to access the AVL. Within 24 hours of your temporary account being activated, you will be emailed instructions to set up your 3-year account.

You must use your Coastal Alabama email account in the form you submit to us, but when you set up your 3-year AVL account, you may use any email address you prefer.

You may start your search for a book or other materials via a search in our online library catalog, Koha. While a book may not be available on your campus, you may place a book on hold from any campus to be sent to the campus library of your choice for pickup. Library staff are happy to assist!

Yes! We have laptops and webcams available in our libraries for in-house loan, and also now offer laptops for month-long checkout. To learn more about borrowing a long-term laptop, please visit our Library Services Canvas page.

Due to the size of our collections, we may sometimes carry a book that is used in your class. However, we do not actively purchase textbooks. If you need to buy your books, please contact the Coastal Alabama Bookstore.


LPNs wishing to enroll in the Nursing Career Mobility program must have a valid, unencumbered Alabama PN license (printed from ABN website) or a valid, unencumbered multistate license allowing them to practice nursing in the state of Alabama.

Official transcripts from all institutions, including high school transcripts, must be sent to Coastal Alabama Community College’s registrar’s office directly from the college attended. Applications and all supporting materials (such as ACT score) must be received by the application deadline.

There is no expiration or time limit on core academic courses.

The competition for admittance to one of Coastal Alabama’s nursing programs is dependent on the campus location and semester. The higher the points toward admittance, the higher the chances of being admitted to a nursing program.

The job outlook is promising. There are currently more job opportunities than there are nurses to fill the positions. This shortage allows nurses to be more selective in choosing their practice setting.

Registered Nurses may work in a variety of settings with a variety of clients. Examples include:

· Hospital nursing
· Office/Clinic nursing
· Community/Public health nursing
· Home health nursing
· Long-term care facility nursing
· Travel nursing
· Nursing supervisor/manager
· Hospice nursing

Starting pay is often the same for those with either degree. Job functions are typically the same for an entry level RN.

No experience is required.

A flagged background check does not automatically result in denial of admission into Coastal’s nursing programs. Flagged background checks are evaluated on a case-by-case basis by our clinical affiliates. If a clinical facility denies the student admission, then the student is not allowed to admit to or continue in the program.

A cumulative GPA of 2.0 is required for nursing program entry. A 2.5 GPA in the 8 academic core courses is required. For practical nursing, a 2.5 GPA in the 6 academic core courses is required.

No. The Associate Degree Nursing program is 5 semesters once admitted to the nursing program. Students generally complete 2-3 semesters of general education requirements prior to admittance.

Yes. The Practical Nursing Program admits three times a year. In the spring, summer, and fall, Coastal admits to the Atmore campus. In the spring, Coastal admits to the Thomasville campus.

Students desiring to go into a nursing or health-related degree should select the General Studies degree with a concentration in Health Sciences.

Yes. A minimum composite score of 18 on ACT is required for application to the Career Mobility program. Information for ACT prep courses is available through Coastal Alabama’s Workforce Development Office at or 251-990-0445. 

Coastal Alabama Nursing will accept any of the following:

1. Student score as listed on the student’s OneACCS account.  Students should check the ACT score listed in OneACCS to determine if it is the score the student wishes to submit. Coastal Alabama Nursing will use that score ONLY if it is posted on the student account by the deadline date for the application cycle in which the student wishes to be admitted.

2. Request an official score report from (a screen shot will not be accepted).

3. Request an official high school transcript (First ensure the ACT score is recorded on the official high school transcript. Unofficial transcripts will not be accepted).

4. ACT Residual Score report emailed to the student’s account from Coastal Alabama Community College

The Associate Degree Nursing program admits three times a year. In the spring, Coastal admits to the Brewton, Bay Minette, and Thomasville campuses. In the fall, Coastal admits to the Bay Minette, Brewton, Fairhope, and Monroeville campuses. In the Summer, Coastal admits to the Fairhope campus.

The Practical Nursing Program admits three times a year. In the spring, summer, and fall, Coastal admits to the Atmore campus. In the spring, Coastal admits to the Thomasville campus.

Schedules vary based on the semester and clinical site availability. Typically, students must commit 3-5 days per week for class, lab, and/or clinical.

Nursing courses must be taken in sequence as posted. Nursing courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better in order to progress to the next semester.

Some credits are accepted from other colleges and universities. Only courses passed with a “C” or higher may transfer.  For questions regarding transfer of classes, please contact the Registrar’s Office.

Many of the academic core courses required for a nursing certificate or degree are offered in the evening or online. Nursing courses are not offered in the evening or online.

12 or more credit hours per semester is considered full-time. 6-11 credit hours per semester is considered part-time. Students taking 6-11 credit hours will not receive a full financial aid award. For questions specific to financial aid eligibility, please contact the financial aid office:

Refer to the Occupational Outlook Handbook for details regarding the differences in LPNs and RNs:

An ACT score is required for all nursing program applications. TEAS, HESI, and SAT are not accepted in place of ACT.

Yes, all nursing applicants are required to submit proper documentation of an ACT score. No minimum score is required for the practical nursing program application and a minimum composite score of 18 or higher is required for the associate degree program application. There is no expiration on ACT scores for nursing program entry. Acceptable reports for ACT scores include:

1. Student score as listed on the student’s OneACCS account.  Students should check the ACT score listed in OneACCS to determine if it is the score the student wishes to submit. Coastal Alabama Nursing will use that score ONLY if it is posted on the student account by the deadline date for the application cycle in which the student wishes to be admitted.

2. Request an official score report from (a screen shot will not be accepted).

3. Request an official high school transcript (First ensure the ACT score is recorded on the official high school transcript. Unofficial transcripts will not be accepted).

4. ACT Residual Score report emailed to the student’s account from Coastal Alabama Community College.

The biggest difference between ACT Residual and the National ACT is that scores from ACT Residual taken at Coastal Alabama Community College are only valid for use at Coastal Alabama or another Alabama Community College. 

It generally takes 4-6 weeks after the close of the application cycle to receive notification of acceptance or denial. Applicants not receiving a letter after 6 weeks from the close of the application cycle should contact the nursing department at 251-580-4890.

Students are encouraged to speak with a Nursing and Allied Health advisor to discuss goals/plans: 251-990-0434 or 251-580-2257. Students must submit a complete application again, if applying for a different semester.

Courses must be completed and a grade awarded by the deadline date for the admission cycle in which the student is applying.

You will only be awarded 3 extra points for either ONE higher level math or chemistry course that is successfully completed with a grade of a “C” or higher.

In place of the points for a higher-level math or chemistry, 3 extra points may be awarded for current certification in Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), Certified Medical Assistant, Licensed Basic or Advanced EMT, Certified Dental Assistant, Certified Veterinary Technician, or Certified Surgical Technologist. PROOF (COPY OF THE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION) MUST BE ATTACHED to the application in order to receive extra points. Students may not receive extra points for a higher-level math or chemistry AND certification. Extra points are awarded for one or the other.


No. There is no waiting list. Students not admitted must complete the entire application process each time they wish to be considered for admission.

Online Learning

Check your "courses" tab in Canvas, and then look at your "All Courses" list.  Check the "All Courses" list to see if the course is scheduled to start during a different term (for example, some classes are Term 2 classes that do not start until October 19).  If you are still not able to locate the class, send an e-mail to the HelpDesk at from your Coastal Alabama e-mail address. 

Hybrid courses may have on-campus sessions.  Web courses are strictly online.

Police Department

Yes, our officers are APOST certified and can make arrests.
Yes, you will sign a liability waiver, and an officer will attempt to unlock your vehicle.

Yes, all employees and students should have a current parking decal clearly displayed.

The link to get your decal is on the Safety page.

If it is an emergency, dial 911 first.  College Police can be contacted at 251-580-2222.  Find other office's contact information on the Contact page

Public Disclosure of Licensure Programs

Does the Dental Assisting program meet the licensure requirements for this state?

State Yes Not determined Not determined, but program meets national standard No Comments Confirmation






None required

Click here for state requirements.






None required for routine procedures.  Certificate required for coronal polishing and restorative functions

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  Must pass RHS exam to take X-rays. Certificate required for coronal polishing and restorative functions

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  Completion of the program allows graduates to take X-rays.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  Apply to the board to work as RDA.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  Passing the RHS and CDA exams allows one to take X-rays.

Click here for state requirements






Must pass ICE exam to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  Apply to the Florida Board for approval to take X-rays and for expanded functions

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  Must complete training to provide phlebotomy.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






Must graduate from an accredited program to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures as a dental auxillary.  To work as an RDA, must have CPR, certificates of completion of the Coronal Polishing, Radiation Safety, Radiation Techniques Course, and Starting IV Access Lines courses and the licensee’s statement attesting to the competence of the dental assistant in the procedures delegated the assistant from the Delegated Duty List

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  May perform additional procedures with CDA.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  To perform as RDA must apply to the board, hold current BLS, and pass an ethics and jurisprudence exam.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  To work as RDA, must pass MN DA state exam, pass jurisprudence exam, hold CPR, & apply to the board of dentistry.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  May assist with anesthesia with further training and passing CDA.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. To practice as RDA must hold CDA.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  Must have BLS to assist with anesthesia.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. Need a statement of training in infection control

Click here for state requirements

New Hampshire





None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  Expanded procedures allowed with CDA.

Click here for state requirements

New Jersey





None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  To work as RDA must hold CDA, 2 years experience, pass New Jersey expanded duties exam, and apply for licensure to the New Jersey Board of Dentistry

Click here for state requirements

New Mexico





None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  Further training required for expanded functions.

Click here for state requirements

New York





None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  To work as an RDA, must hold CDA and apply for licensure to the NY state education department.

Click here for state requirements

North Carolina





To practice as a DA 2, must complete the DAT Certification or AAS degree or hold CDA.  Extra training required for coronal polishing and conscious sedation.

Click here for state requirements

North Dakota





None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






Must hold CDA.  Extra training required for coronal polishing and fissure sealants 

Click here for state requirements






Must obtain a permit from the board of dentistry and pass an infection control course and pass a background check

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements

Rhode Island





Must hold a certificate of completion to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements

South Carolina





None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements

South Dakota





None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






Complete Tennessee ethics and jurisdiction exam, BLS, apply to the Tennessee board of Dentistry 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  To perform as a RDA, must complete a course by TSBDE, complete the ethics and jurisprudence, CDA certification, complete course in human trafficking, and apply to TSBDE for registration.  Fingerprinting required.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  May perform as an RDA with CDA, employed by Vermont dentist, apply to the Vermont board of examiners.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  Further requirements to work with anesthesia. Work as Dental II with CDA, complete expanded functions training, and register to the Virginia Board of Dentistry.

Click here for state requirements






Apply to Washington DQAC, and complete 7 hrs of AIDs training, hold BLS.  

Click here for state requirements

West Virginia





None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures. 

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  Must obtain certification to perform expanded functions.

Click here for state requirements






None required to perform basic supportive dental procedures.  BLS required for working with anesthesia.

Click here for state requirements

Do the EMS, AEMS, and Paramedic programs meet the licensure requirements for this state?

State Yes EMS AEMS Paramedic



NREMT Required for initial & continued Licensure

NREMT Required for initial & continued Licensure

NREMT Required for initial & continued Licensure



NREMT Alternate entry available

NREMT Alternate entry available

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

Not Recognized

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

Not Recognized

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

Not Recognized

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

Not Recognized

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Optional for initial Licensure

NREMT Optional for initial Licensure

NREMT Optional for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for Continued Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

Not Recognized

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Optional for initial Licensure

NREMT Optional for initial Licensure

NREMT Optional for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

New Hampshire


NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

New Jersey


NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

New Mexico


NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

New York


NREMT Alternate Entry Available

Not Recognized

NREMT Alternate Entry Available

North Carolina


NREMT Alternate Entry Available

NREMT Alternate Entry Available

NREMT Alternate Entry Available

North Dakota


NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

Rhode Island


NREMT Required for initial Licensure

Not Recognized

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

South Carolina


NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

South Dakota


NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Alternate Entry Available

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

West Virginia


NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure



NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure

NREMT Required for initial Licensure


Please note that some states do not recognize the advanced emergency medical technician position.  For those states, individuals are employed as basic EMTs or paramedics only; thus, a person employed as an AEMT in Alabama would be employed as a basic EMT in a state that does not recognize AEMT.

While certification indicates an entry level competency standard has been met, state licensure is what gives individuals the right to work in a particular capacity. Nationally Certified EMS providers who are not state licensed cannot practice. After obtaining National EMS Certification, individuals must obtain a license to work from the state EMS office in the state(s) for which the individual plans to practice.  Information for each state EMS office can be found at

Does the Medical Assisting program meet the licensure requirements for this state?

State Yes Not determined Not determined, but program meets national standard No Comments Confirmation






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






Certification as Medical Assistant is required

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






Certification as Medical Assistant is required

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements

New Hampshire





No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements

New Jersey





Certification as Medical Assistant is required

Click here for state requirements

New Mexico





No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements

New York





No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements

North Carolina





No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements

North Dakota





No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements

Rhode Island





No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements

South Carolina





No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements

South Dakota





No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice. Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






Certification as Medical Assistant is required.

Click here for state requirements

West Virginia





No certification required to practice.  Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice.  Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements






No certification required to practice.  Certification may be required by employer.

Click here for state requirements

Does the Medical Laboratory Technology program meet the licensure requirements for this state?

State Yes Not determined Not determined, but program meets national standard No Comments Confirmation






Associate degree in MLT, two yrs training as MLT, or successful completion of military lab procedures course

Click here for state requirements






Associate degree, one year clincal lab experience, and national certification

Click here for state requirements






Associate Degree in MLT. Some employers require 1-2 years experience

Click here for state requirements






Associate Degree in MLT and National Certification required

Click here for state requirements






NAACLS accredited Associate Degree in MLT, pass ASCP certification, and online California quiz.

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






Associate Degree from accredited college with one year clinical education, pass national certification exam

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers mayrequire Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






NAACLS accredited Associate Degree in MLT, pass ASCP certification for licensure

Click here for state requirements






NAACLS accredited Associate Degree in MLT, pass ASCP certification for licensure

Click here for state requirements






NAACLS accredited Associate Degree in MLT, pass ASCP certification for licensure

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT from accredited institution

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






An Associate Degree in MLT meets qualifications

Click here for state requirements






NAACLS accredited Associate Degree in MLT, pass ASCP certification for licensure

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and/or national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






NAACLS accredited Associate Degree in MLT, pass ASCP certification for licensure

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






NAACLS accredited Associate Degree in MLT, pass ASCP certification for licensure

Click here for state requirements

New Hampshire





Must be registered under the state of New Hampshire

Click here for state requirements

New Jersey





No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements

New Mexico





No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements

New York





NAACLS accredited Associate Degree in MLT, pass ASCP certification with minimum 75% and 300 hrs clinicals in degree program

Click here for state requirements

North Carolina





No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements

North Dakota





NAACLS accredited Associate Degree in MLT, pass ASCP certification for licensure. If longer than 2 years since licensed, must have 300 hrs practice in past 3 years.

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification


Rhode Island





No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements

South Carolina





Requires Associate Degree in MLT and national certification for licensure to practice

Click here for state requirements

South Dakota





No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






NAACLS accredited Associate Degree in MLT, pass ASCP certification for licensure.

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements

West Virginia





NAACLS accredited Associate Degree in MLT, pass ASCP certification for licensure.

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements






No specifications but employers may require Associate Degree in MLT and national certification

Click here for state requirements

Does the Nursing program meet the licensure requirements for this state?

State Yes Not determined Not determined, but program meets national standard No Comments Confirmation






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements

New Hampshire





Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements

New Jersey





Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements

New Mexico





Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements

New York





Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements

North Carolina





Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements

North Dakota





Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements

Rhode Island





Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements

South Carolina





Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements

South Dakota





Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements

West Virginia





Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements






Must apply for licensure with the state board of nursing

Click here for state requirements

Does the Surgical Technology program meet the licensure requirements for this state?

State Yes Not determined Not determined, but program meets national standard No Comments Confirmation







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements






Must be registered to practice

Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements






Requires CST to practice

Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements






Requires CST to practice

Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements






Requires CST to practice

Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements






Requires CST to practice

Click here for state requirements

New Hampshire






Click here for state requirements

New Jersey





Requires CST to practice

Click here for state requirements

New Mexico






Click here for state requirements

New York





Requires CST to practice

Click here for state requirements

North Carolina






Click here for state requirements

North Dakota





Must be registered to practice

Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements






Requires CST to practice

Click here for state requirements






Requires CST to practice

Click here for state requirements

Rhode Island






Click here for state requirements

South Carolina





Requires CST to practice

Click here for state requirements

South Dakota






Click here for state requirements






Requires CST to practice

Click here for state requirements






Requires CST to practice and must be registered

Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements






Must be registered to practice

Click here for state requirements

West Virginia






Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements







Click here for state requirements


In order to take the certification exam, an individual must have successfully completed an accredited surgical technology program.  Coastal Alabama Community College’s Surgical Technology Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Programs (CAAHEP).  The CST exam is given in Coastal Alabama’s Surgical Technology Program as part of the curriculum.  Students who pass the exam are awarded the title of CST. 

Does the Veterinary Technology program meet the licensure requirements for this state?

State Yes Not determined Not determined, but program meets national standard No Comments Confirmation






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam and be licensed to practice. 

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam and be licensed to practice. Alternate path is available with two years experience.

Click here for state requirements






Must graduate from accredited program, pass the VTNE exam and pass an Arizona state exam to be certified to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must graduate from accredited program, pass the VTNE exam and be certified to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must be registered to practice. Either graduate from accredited program or meet alternate route requirements.

Click here for state requirements






Must graduate from accredited program, pass the VTNE exam and be certified to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program and pass the VTNE exam.

Click here for state requirements






Must be licensed to practice.  Must complete a two-year accredited program and pass the VTNE exam.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program and pass the VTNE exam to be certified to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program and pass the VTNE exam and must be licensed to practice. 

Click here for state requirements






Education not required but highly suggested as well as passing the VTNE.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, passing score of at least 90% on the Idaho Veterinary Technician Jurisprudence to become certified.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must register for license to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam Registration not required but encouraged.  Must take Iowa written exam to register.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must register for license to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must register for license to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must register for license to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must register for license to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, pass a Maryland state exam and register for license to practice.

Click here for state requirements






No education is required but must be certified to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, pass a Michigan state exam and register for license to practice.

Click here for state requirements






No education is required. Must be certified to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, pass a Mississippi jurisprudence exam and register for license to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, pass a Missouri state exam and register for license to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and be certified to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must register for license to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must register for license to practice.

Click here for state requirements

New Hampshire





Must complete a two-year accredited program. Certification not required, but encouraged

Click here for state requirements

New Jersey





Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must be certified to practice.

Click here for state requirements

New Mexico





Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, pass a state exam, and must be registered to practice.

Click here for state requirements

New York





Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must be licensed to practice. 

Click here for state requirements

North Carolina





Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, pass a state exam, and must be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements

North Dakota





Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must be licensed to practice which requires endorsement of a veterinarian. 

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must be registered to practice

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, pass a state exam, be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program or appropriate on-the-job training, plus 6,000 hours on-the-job, pass the VTNE exam, pass an Oregon jurisprudence exam and regional disease test, and be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements

Rhode Island





Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must be certified to practice.

Click here for state requirements

South Carolina





Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements

South Dakota





Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, oral interview with the board, and licensed veterinarian has to submit request for vet tech to be registered.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, take Texas jurisprudence exam, and must be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements






No licensing or registration requirements 

Click here for state requirements






State licensing not required but certification by passing the VTNE is preferred. 

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, pass a state exam, and must be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements

West Virginia





Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, and must be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Must complete a two-year accredited program, pass the VTNE exam, pass a state exam, and must be licensed to practice.

Click here for state requirements






Certification is not required but highly encouraged

Click here for state requirements


Each state has different requirements for credentialing veterinary technicians.  Most state agencies use the Veterinary Technician National Exam (VTNE) to evaluate the competency of entry-level veterinary technicians and require a passing score for a veterinary technician to be credentialed.  Most states and provinces require that VTNE candidates be graduates of a veterinary technology program accredited by the American or Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA-CVTEA or CVMA).  Coastal Alabama’s Veterinary Technician program is accredited by the CVTEA.  Graduates of Coastal Alabama’s program are eligible to sit for the VTNE exam. 


Monday, August 31 is the last day to drop/add classes for full term and term I courses for Fall 2020.  If you missed this deadline, we still have term II courses available, which begin October 19, 2020.
Refer to the Area of Concentration (i.e. Music or Culinary Arts) to see the classes you need to take.  All Areas of Concentration can be found in the Catalog by clicking "Degrees" at the top toolbar. 

E-mail and provide the following information: Name, Student A-Number, Home Campus, Area of Concentration/Degree, Mailing Address, legal photo ID (i.e. Driver's License) and a photo to be used for your ID.  The photo must be on a plain, light-colored background.  No sunglasses, hats, masks, etc.

You can read the Navigator to learn all about registering for classes!  This manual is meant to help students each semester with deadlines, requirements, etc.  Also, the DIVE New Student Orientation is required of all new students understand what's ahead for them and what services the College provides. To complete a DIVE course: Log into Canvas, and complete the DIVE New Student Orientation Course.  If you are having problems accessing your Canvas account, contact the HelpDesk at or at 251-580-4900.  You must use your student e-mail account when contacting the HelpDesk via e-mail. Canvas uses the same username and password as your Coastal Alabama student email. You MUST complete the quiz at the end and score at least 80% to register for classes.


On the Coastal Alabama Community College website, under STUDENTS drop-down menu, click on the SAFETY tab and click on the “Register for a Decal” tab. Then click on the “Register/Purchase Permits” link and provide the information requested.

You will receive an email to your student email with a link for a temporary parking permit. Print the permit off and place on you dash where the information is visible. You should receive your decal in the mail, at the mailing address you provided in 7-10 days.

On the Coastal Alabama Community College website, under the STUDENTS drop-down menu, click on the SAFETY tab and click on the “Pay Parking Citation” tab and then you can choose to “View,” “Pay,” or “Appeal” the citation.

If it is an emergency call 911. If it is not an emergency, you can call the Coastal Alabama Police Department at (251) 580-2222 (or include cell #) and an officer will assist you or put you in touch with an officer at your local campus to assist you.

Yes, College Police will attempt to unlock your vehicle after you read and sign a consent waiver.

Yes, College Police will attempt to jump off a dead battery with a jump box.

Student Life

Student Life is a term referring to the everyday life of the student outside of the classroom. At Coastal, this includes student rights and responsibilities, student organizations, residential life, athletics, and student activities that make up the daily student experience.

Student Activities vary from campus to campus. Check out the information in our Handbook to learn more about our student organizations and athletics.

The Coastal Alabama student experience is as unique as our individual students. Coastal offers a variety of student organizations, a student activities office, an active Student Government Association and competitive athletic programs for our students to connect with their classmates and develop leadership skills.

To find out more about a specific student organization, students should contact the organization’s advisor or the Student Activity Office. Additionally, the Student Activities Office hosts Get on Board Day events at the beginning of each semester to help interested students connect with student organizations.

Get Involved!

  1. Attend the Student Government Association (SGA) meeting to learn more about upcoming activities and project.
  2. Be sure you are following the Student Activities and Coastal Alabama pages on social media,
  3. Be sure to read your Student News updates.
  4. Look for event flyers posted on your campus.

All emergency situations should be reported to campus police or call 911. All student complaints or potential code of conduct violations should be submitted to the Office of Student Conduct as soon as possible.

Student Records / Registrar

Generally speaking, it takes 3-5 Business days upon the receipt of the transcript to be evaluated; however, during times of high volume this time frame may be extended for up to two weeks. Additionally, if you obtained a degree at your previous institution, we will only evaluate credits that are on your current degree plan.

For previous year's catalogs, please email

If you would like to audit a course, please fill out the provided form and submit it to for processing.

Yes, you may appeal your suspension. Please fill out the form provided and it will be sent to the committee to be voted on. Once the committee has concluded their vote you will be notified of their response.

More information regarding Academic Bankruptcy can be found at the link provided. Please bear in mind that you must meet a certain criterion to qualify.,semester%20credit%20hours%20of%20course

Unfortunately, federal law mandates that we obtain transcripts from all previous institutions no matter how good or bad you feel that you did. However, any course that you failed at your previous institution will not be evaluated and therefore will not affect your GPA at Coastal Alabama.

No, if you have already attempted a course you must retake the course, you are no longer eligible for the CLEP.

The CLEP exam is a test that students can take in order to receive credit for a General Education course, the list of current exams accepted by the college are provided at this link:

There are a number of reasons why this may be the case:

1) Coastal Alabama may not have had a course equivalent to the one that you took and therefore cannot give you credit for a course we don’t offer,
2) If you made a D on the course and your GPA was below a 2.0 we will not accept the credits, or
3) The courses that you took at your previous institution do not count towards your current degree plan.

You can locate numbers for each office on the Contact page.

Yes, this is called transient status. You will need to get with your advisor and discuss which courses to take then submit the provided form to the registrar’s office for approval. Once you have completed the course you will need to submit your transcripts from that institution to be evaluated for credit. Transient Student Online Request Form >>

If we are still in the reinstatement period of the course, you will need to speak with your instructor who will contact the Instructional Services department on your behalf.

If the course(s) has not started yet, you can just go back into your OneACCS account and reregister for the class. If classes have already begun, please reach out to the Instructional Services department at

Applying for graduation is easy! Simply click on the link below to complete the Online Graduation Application.


Graduation Files
Name File Type
Graduation Application
BEFORE accessing the Coastal Alabama 2024-2025 Graduation Application, please note:
  • You will be REQUIRED to upload a copy of your Degree Works plan that reflects your current progress towards the degree for which you are seeking. If you are not familiar with using Degree Works, please schedule an appointment with your advisor.
  • For students who attended Coastal before 2020 and/or for those students who do not have a Degree Works account, you are inactive and will need to request your transcript and order your transcript to have it sent directly to you. 
  • If you are not a current student and do not have a Dynamic Forms account, you MUST create one using your name and email address.

Please fill out the online Enrollment Verification form.

If you are taking more than one course, you can drop all but one through your OneACCS account. If you are only taking one course, or wish to withdraw from all courses, then you will need to fill out the withdrawal form. More information regarding withdrawals can be found at

Transcripts can be order through the link provided:

Student Support Services

Student Support Services is funded by the U.S. Department of Education. It is designed to provide supportive services to educationally disadvantaged and disabled participants to enhance their skills and increase their retention and graduation rates from college. Participants in the Student Support Services Program should have educational potential and be willing to attend counseling and tutoring sessions.

All participants must be currently enrolled at the College. Prospective participants in the Student Support Services Program must complete an application. Verification of low-income status is mandatory. This may be done through the Financial Aid Office or by submission of the family’s most recent income tax return form.

The purpose of the Student Support Services Program is to increase the retention and graduation rates of the Student Support Services’ participants who require supportive services in order to complete their education at the College. In order to fulfill this purpose, the following requirements must be met: 1. Each student must attend counseling sessions bi-monthly. 2. Each student (who needs tutoring) must attend at least one one-hour tutoring session per week. 3. Each student must attend the seminars and workshops sponsored by the Student Support Services Program.

Students with academic potential who may be at some disadvantage because of a disability, low income and /or first generation status (neither parent has a bachelor’s degree) are eligible.

Supportive services provided by the Student Support Services Program are counseling, career information, tutoring, academic advising, financial aid workshops, cultural enrichment, evaluation, transfer assistance and follow-up. Limited financial assistance may be available for students who maintain the required GPA and who have a financial need as determined by the SSS staff and the Financial Aid Office. In order to receive financial assistance in TRiO Student Support Services, contact the Program Director on your campus.


You can go to this link, Select the campus you are closest to or you would like to test at and schedule the date/time you wish to test. If you wish to test virtually, please email the appropriate person for each campus.

All entering students are assessed through a 3-level screening guideline process. Level 1 is ACT Placement: all students who have taken the ACT within the last 5 years must make sure their scores are on file with the Admissions Office (251-580-2111). Level-2 Screening: (a) If students did not take the ACT test, (b) if students’ scores are over 5 years old, or (c) if students’ scores do not meet guidelines, then the students must make sure that the Admissions Office has their official high school transcript. Level 2 screening is based upon high school GPA and course of study. Level 3 Screening: if students do not meet placement requirements pursuant to the new guidelines for Level 1 and Level 2 screenings, then they will need to schedule a date to take the ACCUPLACER test.

You will get them immediately after completion of the test.

The first time is free to all students.

Uwill FAQs

Uwill is the leading mental health and wellness solution for colleges and students. Uwill provides free  immediate access to teletherapy and mental health crisis support for students.  

With Uwill, you have the ability to choose a therapist based on your unique needs and preferences  (focus area, gender, language, ethnicity), at a time that fits your schedule (day, night, weekend  availability), and by the appointment type preferred (video, phone, chat, message). For students facing a  mental health emergency, Uwill offers a crisis connection phone number 833-646-1526.

All students have access to Uwill.

Yes, Uwill is available free of charge.

You can access the Uwill platform by clicking here and completing your profile  using your school email address and current location. After completing your profile, you can  immediately schedule an appointment with a therapist of your choosing. Many students have their first  session within hours of profile completion.

If you are facing a mental health emergency, call 833-646-1526 to reach one of Uwill’s licensed  therapists trained in crisis response. For medical emergencies, please call 911. 

Uwill therapists have a range of specialties and have extensive experience working with students. Many  students utilize Uwill to help with mood changes, anxiety, stress, relationship difficulties, poor body  image, academic challenges, and loneliness, among many other things. 

In addition, if you are facing a mental health emergency, you can reach one of Uwill’s licensed therapists  trained in crisis response by calling 833-646-1526. For medical emergencies, please call 911.

The counselors in the Uwill network are all licensed mental health professionals with extensive clinical  experience.

The counselors in the Uwill network are all licensed mental health professionals with extensive clinical  experience.

Counselors available on the Uwill platform take a solutions-oriented, holistic approach to  treatment. Our therapists aim to work collaboratively with you to help you accomplish your goals  through teaching tangible skills. This means that counselors focus on providing specific tools, coping  skills, and resources to address the issues you are facing.

Yes, you work with your counselor and select the format that best suits you. The first session must be  video or phone and then you can choose the modality based on your schedule and needs.  

Uwill’s crisis connection is available only by phone at 833-646-1526. For medical emergencies, please  call 911.

Yes, Uwill is HIPAA and FERPA compliant which means we follow the strictest privacy guidelines. We  never share your data – even on anonymized basis – to any third party – without consent.

For best performance, we recommend you use Chrome browser to access Uwill.

If you are having a mental health emergency, you can call Uwill’s crisis connection at 833-646-1526. If  you are having a medical emergency, you should call 911 or visit your local emergency room. Other  emergency resources:  

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988 
  • Crisis Text Line: Text "Home" TO 741-741

Yes, you can change your counselor at any time.

Uwill provides 24x7 technical support by email or phone 833-998-9455.

Vaccine Incentive FAQs

Once you complete the Vaccine Incentive Enrollment Form and select a campus, you will need to bring your Vaccination Card and a picture ID to your campus' designated office listed below:

  • Alabama Aviation Center at Brookley Field – Front Office; Alicia Sykes
  • Atmore Campus - Front Office; Shameka Leslie
  • Bay Minette Campus - Admissions Office
  • Brewton Campus – Student Support Services; Jennifer Pollitte
  • Fairhope Campus – Front Office; Cristi Parent or Colleen Gary
  • Gilbertown Campus – Front Office; Markeria Davis
  • Gulf Shores Campus – Front Office; Brandie Simmons or Sandy Reyes
  • Monroeville Campus – Business Office; Toni Kelly
  • Thomasville Campus – Front Office; Ginger Bell or Mary Slade

Once you complete the Vaccine Incentive Enrollment Form and show your Vaccine Card and picture ID to your campus' representative, you will be given a shirt and will be emailed the $100 Amazon gift card to the student or employee email address entered in your form.

Only fully vaccinated students or employees are eligible for the gift card and t-shirt. If you haven’t been vaccinated, we are offering Pop-Up Vaccine Clinics on several campuses. Schedule an appointment here.  You can also visit the Alabama Department of Health website to find the nearest vaccination site to you.

If you have already been vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus, thank you!  You are eligible to receive the gift card and t-shirt, regardless of where you received your full vaccination.

Veterans Affairs

To apply for State VA benefits, contact the Veterans Service Office in the county where you live. Contact information is available via an interactive map.  To apply for Federal VA benefits, go to to apply. For additional help contact the VA SCO.

Ms. Michelle Webb is the VA SCO for Coastal Alabama.  You can reach her at 251-580-2292 or by email at

You must apply for your VA education benefits online at After submitting the application, it can takes the VA 4-6 weeks to process your request and send you a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) to your mailing address. Once you receive your COE you must provide a copy to the Financial Aid Office on your campus and it will be sent to the VA School Certifying Official in the Financial Aid Office on the Bay Minette Campus. You must also submit a copy of the Request for Certification of Enrollment form (.pdf) so that your enrollment can be processed for payment with the VA.  IF you have any questions concerning your VA education benefits you can email the veteran affairs office at or call 251-580-2292. 

Visit the and refer to the Chapter 33 Transfer of Eligibility or the Chapter 35 Survivor's and Dependent Education Assistance Program.

Contact the Veteran Service Office located in the county that you live and make an appointment with the Veteran Service Officer to have the application completed. To locate the office in your county, utilize the interactive map. It may possibly take 30 to 45 days for your Certificate of Entitlement to be received. 

Yes, you may apply for financial aid by completing the FAFSA at The FAFSA opens every year on October 1 and all students are encouraged to complete the FAFSA as soon as possible. Financial aid eligibility and award amounts will vary from student to student. State VA recipients are required to complete a FAFSA. There may also be other financial aid options available to you. Please visit the Coastal Alabama Financial Aid web page for additional information.

Students utilizing federal VA education benefits must maintain 12 credit hours of enrollment during any semester, fall, spring, and/or summer to be classified as a full-time student. 

Yes, you may.  Please provide the veteran affairs office with a completed ANGEAP application for the current academic year. This benefit pays tuition and is based on financial need. You must have a FAFSA on file. Funds are limited and not all applicants are awarded. 

For veterans of the Air Force, go to to request a copy of your Community College of the Air Force transcript. For veterans from all other branches of service, you can request a copy of your military transcript at

CDR stands for Cohort Default Rate which refers to the default rate on federal student loans. Students can search the Official Cohort Default Rates by visiting Federal Student Aid and entering the OPEID – 001060. The CDR is reported annually to the National Center for Education Statistics. The current 2018 CDR is 12.6% in comparison to the 7.3% national average. 

Students utilizing VA Education Benefits are allowed to register on the first day of registration, regardless of freshman/sophomore status, if they have submitted all required paperwork and documentation to the VA School Certifying Official and the College. 

Students utilizing federal VA education benefits will have a hold on their account to prevent them from adding or withdrawing from any classes during the semester, once their hours have been certified for payment with the VA. Students who withdraw from classes may owe a portion of their financial aid back to the school.  In addition, VA students may owe money back to the VA. For this reason, VA students with certified schedules have a hold. 

Yes, for this reason, all transcripts from your military service must be on file in Admissions. Visit the Veterans Resource page for links to order your Joint Services Transcript. In addition, transcripts from any other college or university you have attended, must also be on file in Admissions.  

Workforce Development

Each class will have a "Register Online" button within the Class Details. There, you can complete the online registration form.

Coastal Alabama Workforce Development offers a wide range of courses from workplace skills to industry-recognized certificates in high-demand job fields.

Click here to see available courses.

Apprenticeships are partnerships between Coastal Alabama where employees participate in related training with the college while gaining on-the-job training with employers.

Contact your local career center. If unsure of which career center you report to, call us at 251-990-0445 for assistance.

Follow the links below for the current semester class schedule.

Workforce Credentials

Adult Education

Community Classes

ACT Prep