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Paramedic (CER-EMP)

Program Locations:  Brookley Field and Fairhope Campus

Nursing and Allied Health Division

Length: Five Semesters


The Paramedic Program prepares individuals, under the remote supervision of physicians, to recognize, assess, and manage medical emergencies in prehospital settings and to supervise Ambulance personnel. Includes instruction in basic, intermediate, and advanced EMT procedures; emergency surgical procedures; medical triage; rescue operations; crisis scene management and personnel supervision; equipment operation and maintenance; patient stabilization, monitoring, and care; drug administration; identification and preliminary diagnosis of diseases and injuries; communication and computer operations; basic anatomy, physiology, pathology, and toxicology; and professional standards and regulations. 

The purpose of the program is as follows: To prepare Paramedics who are competent in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains to enter the profession. 

  1. Have unconditional admission to the College and be an active student in good standing (minimum, cumulative 2.0 GPA). 
  2. Submit transcripts from all colleges/schools attended (including high school) to the registrar or admissions prior to the start of the paramedic courses. 
  3. Submission of current NREMT-Basic EMT certification or Alabama EMT license to the Director of EMS and proof of successful completion of advanced EMT coursework prior to starting paramedic courses (EMS 240, EMS 241, EMS 244, EMS 257). 
  4. Minimum 2.0 GPA in all previous EMS coursework. 
  5. Eligible to take ENG 101 and MTH 100. A grade of C or higher is required for completion of the degree. 
  6. Meet the Essential Eligibility Criteria. 

Upon provisional acceptance into the core Emergency Medical Services courses, students are required to provide the following: Drug screen, background check, physical exam documenting the ability to meet essential eligibility criteria, record of immunizations, proof of medical insurance, and American Heart Association BLS CPR certification for the healthcare provider.  

Clinical agencies reserve the right to deny clinical clearance, which may deem a student ineligible for program participation.  

Paramedic testing/lab fees may be assessed for select courses.  

Note: Students desiring to obtain BLS CPR certification at Coastal may enroll in EMS 100 during the first semester of the Emergency Medical Technician program. American Heart Association BLS CPR may be obtained through an alternate training agency, if preferred. 


All EMS/Paramedic courses must be passed with a minimum of “C” (75%) or higher in order to progress in the program. An Emergency Medical Services Paramedic Certificate will be awarded to students who successfully complete all required core academic and core paramedic courses with a grade of “C” or higher. Students are responsible for meeting all progression and graduation requirements.  

Upon successful completion of the program, students are eligible to take the National Registry Examination as administered by the National Registrar of Emergency Medical Technicians. 

This is a career program designed for students to go directly into the labor market upon completion. Although some of the courses in this program will transfer to four-year institutions, this program is not designed to be a transfer program of study; therefore, it is not subject to the terms and conditions of Alabama Transfers state transfer and articulation reporting system.  


The Coastal Alabama Community College Emergency Medical Services-Paramedic program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs ( upon the recommendation of the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP). 

Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs 
9355 113th St N, #7709 
Seminole, FL 33775 

Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions 
8301 Lakeview Parkway
Suite 111-312
Rowlett, TX 75088

Semester One

EMS 100 is an optional course for students to pursue CPR certification for the healthcare provider. EMS 107 is an optional course for students to pursue Emergency Vehicle Operator Course - Ambulance training. Principles of Biology (BIO 103) is a pre-requisite for Anatomy & Physiology I (BIO 201). In certain instances, BIO 103 may be waived at the discretion of the Biology Division Chairperson. Mathematical Applications, MTH 116, does not meet the minimum requirement for Math. The paramedic program is offered in various semesters. Current, unencumbered NREMT or Alabama EMT license is acceptable credit for EMS 118 and EMS 119. Documents must be presented to Admissions/Registrar to receive credit.  

Item # Title Credits
ENG 101 English Composition I 3
EMS 118 Emergency Medical Technician 9
EMS 119 Emergency Medical Technician Clinical 1
Sub-total Credits 13

Semester Two

Proof of successful completion of advanced EMT coursework is required. If not completed, EMS 155 and EMS 156 must be taken. 

Item # Title Credits
BIO 201 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 4
MTH 100 Intermediate College Algebra 3
EMS 155 Advanced Emergency Medical Technician 7
EMS 156 Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Clinical 2
Sub-total Credits 16

Semester Three

Item # Title Credits
EMS 240 Paramedic Operations 2
EMS 241 Paramedic Cardiology 3
EMS 244 Paramedic Clinical I 1
EMS 257 Paramedic Applied Pharmacology 2
Sub-total Credits 8

Semester Four

Item # Title Credits
EMS 245 Paramedic Medical Emergencies 3
EMS 246 Paramedic Trauma Management 3
EMS 247 Paramedic Special Populations 2
EMS 248 Paramedic Clinicals II 3
Sub-total Credits 11

Complete Graduation Application

Semester Five

Item # Title Credits
EMS 253 Paramedic Transition to the Workforce 2
EMS 254 Advanced Competencies for Paramedic 2
EMS 255 Paramedic Field Preceptorship 5
EMS 256 Paramedic Team Leadership 1
Sub-total Credits 10


*Depending on the program or course, a student may also be required to purchase certain necessary tools and supplies.

Program Outcomes

Item Metric
Retention 86.7%
Job Placement 100%
National Registry Written Examination Pass Rate 92.3%
National Registry Psychomotor Examination Pass Rate 100%


Paramedic Files
Name File Type
Paramedic Program Application


Students who successfully complete the paramedic program are eligible to sit for the National Registry of Paramedics (NREMT) examination. This exam is required for any person seeking state licensure. The examination fee is paid to the NREMT. An orientation to the application process and testing mechanisms are provided as part of the paramedic program.

If you have a question not answered, contact a Nursing and Allied Health Advisor: 251-580-2257. Visit We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have!

The Coastal Alabama Paramedic Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) upon the recommendation of the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the EMS Professions (CoAEMSP).

Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs 25400 US Highway 19 North Suite 158 Clearwater, FL 33763 727-210-2350 727-210-2354 (fax)

Committee on Accreditation of Education Programs for the EMS Professions 9355 - 113th St. N, #7709 Seminole, FL 33775,  214-703-8445 214-703-8992 (fax)

All paramedic classes are scheduled during daytime hours, Mondays through Thursdays on the Fairhope campus. There are no distance learning / online paramedic classes.

EMS programs requires commitment. Successful students report studying approximately two hours for each contact hour of lecture classes per week. Sound study skills and time management are critical to achievement in EMS programs. Attendance is required for classes and clinical experiences. However, many of the current students work full-time EMS jobs and attend class.

A physician or nurse practitioner (of your choice) must certify that you meet the EMS Program Essential Eligibility Criteria. Proof must be submitted that you have been immunized or are immune to measles, mumps, and chicken pox and free from tuberculosis. Students will be required to have an influenza vaccine during certain months. Students are encouraged to be immunized against Hepatitis B and must have a current tetanus vaccine.

No, the drug screening & background check must be performed by approved EMS program vendors.

No. None of the above are required to apply to the EMS program. However, all are needed once you are enrolled to comply with the requirements of our clinical facilities. Detailed information regarding background checks and the drug and alcohol screen will be provided at program orientation. If a background check or a confirmed positive drug screen renders a student ineligible to participate in clinical experiences, they will be dismissed from the EMS program.

The only way to know if classes taken at another institution will transfer and apply to the EMS program is to have your transcripts evaluated by the Coastal Alabama Office of Admissions and Records. A minimum of four (4) weeks should be allowed for the evaluation of transfer credit.

At least one month prior to starting the paramedic program, you should apply for general admission to Coastal Alabama and if not currently an AEMT student with Coastal Alabama. Official transcripts from all other colleges attended must be sent to the Coastal Alabama registrar’s office. Admissions and Records will evaluate your previous college work to determine which courses fulfill the paramedic degree requirements or that will transfer into Coastal Alabama. This may take several weeks so it is important to have official transcripts from other colleges forwarded promptly.

An Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) is an educated, skilled, and licensed health care worker trained in non-invasive life support techniques.

EMTs are usually dispatched by 911 operators to medical emergencies such as car crashes, childbirth, violent traumas, heart attacks and accidents. After arriving on scene, EMTs work with other first responders, such as fire fighters and police, to stabilize and transport patients to hospitals best equipped to treat them.

EMTs may work for private ambulance services, fire departments, hospitals or other rescue services. Career opportunities may also exist in areas like wilderness EMS, special operations, special events, hazardous materials, industrial safety, quality management and other fields. An EMT must pass a certification examination have a license.

The program is 3 consecutive semesters in length for Paramedic. Some general education courses are sequenced in the curriculum plan if working on an AAS degree. Students may elect to take the general education classes in any order or complete some or all prior to enrollment in the program. Students must have completed their EMT, and AEMT prior to starting Paramedic.

During clinical courses, the student works at agencies with EMS personnel such as an ambulance service, a fire department, or emergency department. The student is assigned to licensed personnel for the opportunity to observe and put into practice the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom and laboratory setting. Clinicals may take place during the day or evening, during the week or on weekends and holidays. Faculty try to arrange experiences at times convenient to the student. Generally, assignments are in the student’s home community.

Prior to attending a clinical facility a student must undergo a medical examination and demonstrate immunity to specified communicable diseases, submit to a background check and drug screening, purchase medical malpractice insurance, and have completed a healthcare provider CPR course.

EMT students are assigned to 48 hours of clinicals. AEMT Students are assigned 96 hours. Paramedic students complete approximately 500 hours and additional as needed to accrue required competencies.


Students who successfully complete the EMT program are eligible to sit for the National Registry of EMT’s (NREMT) examination. This exam is required for any person seeking state licensure as an EMT. The examination fee is paid to the NREMT. An orientation to the application process and testing mechanisms are provided as part of the EMT course.

Classes for an EMT certificate are offered every semester. Students must first apply to Coastal Alabama Community College and be unconditionally accepted. It is recommended all students meet with an advisor before registering for classes.

When choosing a profession, an individual must be willing to assume professional behavior inherent to that profession. The Coastal Alabama EMS program demands academic integrity and moral, ethical, and professional behavior in the classroom and the clinical setting. Professional conduct includes:

  • Behavior and language that demonstrates respect for all persons
  • Treating all persons equally without regard to religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, beliefs, disability, or cultural differences
  • Keeping all patient, clinical facility, and student information confidential
  • Dressing appropriately
  • Refraining from disorderly conduct, horseplay, and/or sexual harassment. Not engaging in illegal or unethical acts
  • Abiding by the Coastal Alabama tobacco-free policy while in uniform
  • Being prompt and prepared for all learning experiences

The CA EMS Program has adopted a list of “Essential Eligibility Criteria” which delineates the physical, behavioral, and cognitive abilities deemed necessary to complete the EMT, AEMT, and/or paramedic curriculum and to competently perform as an emergency services provider upon graduation set by The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH)

All EMS providers are licensed. The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) grants licensure to EMS providers with National Registry Certification.

A paramedic (NRP) is a more extensively educated, skilled, and licensed health care professional. Paramedics, knowledgeable in topics such as anatomy and physiology, cardiology, pharmacology, and medical procedures, provide advanced emergency care. Paramedics administer medications, start intravenous lines, provide advanced airway management, and resuscitate and support patients with significant problems such as heart attack and trauma.

The majority of paramedics are employed by a municipal emergency medical service such as an ambulance service or fire department.

A paramedic must possess a certificate or associate degree from an accredited educational program, pass certification examinations, and have a license.

Current information about employment prospects and earnings for EMTs and paramedics can be found in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook. For additional information about the profession, visit the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians.


Paramedic Certificate

Instate Tuition $168/ credit hour (Out of State tuition $295)

Item Cost
Uniforms $50
Liability Insurance (2nd Program Semester) $55
EMS Testing Fees (Throughout Program) $221 (Fees included in Tuition)
Platinum Planner (Throughout Program) $183 (Fees included in Tuition)
Castlebranch (Drug screen and background check) (3rd Program Semester) $88.50
Tuition and Fees ($168/ per credit hour) (54 credit hours) $9072
Books $976
Total $10,645.50


Other Expenses

Item Cost
NREMT Testing Fee $175
Immunizations and Physical (Vary based on individual) (Prior to clinical) $100
Medical Insurance (All students must maintain medical insurance while in program) (throughout program) $500
Graduation Fees (Optional) $25




Financial Aid is Available


Fairhope Campus

440 Fairhope Avenue
Fairhope, AL 36532

Alabama Aviation Center at Brookley Field

1975 Avenue C
Mobile, AL 36615