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Program and Catalog Changes

Policies and Procedures Manual

04.02 Program and Catalog Changes

Original Approval:  04/01/2022
Last Updated: 04/08/2024
Last Reviewed: 04/08/2024


It is the policy of Coastal Alabama Community College that provisions of the College Catalog and Programs, specifically related to academic programs, may be changed annually through a review and approval procedure.


This policy applies to all Coastal Alabama Community College students and employees during any activity involving the College, including the workday. In addition, visitors, vendors, contractors, and all other non-employees are expected to recognize and comply with College policies.


College Catalog: A document that lists the courses taught at a school by discipline complete with a brief description of each course.

Curriculum: For the purpose of this policy, curriculum is a set of courses constituting an area of specialization impacting the College Catalog, which may include any or all of the following:

  • Course descriptions,
  • Degree plans,
  • Rotation guide of courses.


  1. Instructional College Catalog changes may be updated annually; therefore, it is important that instructors within an academic discipline in an instructional department within the College reviews the contents that directly impact program curriculum changes and submit the changes for review and approval, through College Standing Committees.
    NOTE: Some updates are required through regulatory or accreditation agencies that may require immediate implementation.
  2. Non-Instructional College Catalog changes may be updated annually; therefore, it is important that each department within the College reviews the contents that directly impact its area and submit the changes for review and approval, through College Standing Committees. Program changes may be updated annually with the review and approval of Financial Aid and the SACSCOC Liaison.
    NOTE: Some updates are required through regulatory or accreditation agencies that may require immediate implementation.
  3. The College Catalog is archived in the Registrar's Office.  



NOTE: Curriculum and programmatic revisions are made annually, as needed.

Non-Instructional Departments Programmatic Change Procedures

  1. Department supervisors are notified by the College Registrar that catalog changes and edits are due by a designated due date.
  2. Updates on policies and procedures are submitted to the Executive Cabinet for review and approval.
  3. Changes are updated in the College Catalog for the next academic year.

Instructional Departments Curriculum and Programmatic Changes Procedures

  1. Changes to curriculum and programs are presented at the Curriculum and/or Student and Academic Affairs Committee meeting. These committees review and/or approve curriculum and/or program changes.
  2. Upon approval through the Curriculum and/or Student and Academic Affairs Committee, the changes will be implemented in next academic year’s College Catalog.

Additional Provisions / Information:

There are no additional provisions / information appliable to this policy.